The kindness of friends...


First Post
Is this a typical Australian slang term?

It sort of sounds like it could be maybe a...good thing.

No, he's Canadian-born but lives here. He's with the 501st and was sculpting a Vader suit. Whether we play Star Wars or D&D next week depends if Lord Vader is finished.

I did see undermountain on ebay, but none of them were on that site Mark mentioned.

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Staff member
One of my friends dropped by gaming the other night, couldn't stop to play as he was up to his eyeballs in silicone...

Is this a typical Australian slang term?

It sort of sounds like it could be maybe a...good thing.

No, he's Canadian-born but lives here. He's with the 501st and was sculpting a Vader suit. Whether we play Star Wars or D&D next week depends if Lord Vader is finished.

So many dreams shattered so quickly.:(

Voidrunner's Codex

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