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The Kontinuum wants You!!

Robbert Raets

So, I've been kicking an idea around...
Know that Star Trek: the Next Generation episode called "Hide and Q"?

What if that happens in a D&D world? Suppose a group of minor gods who call themselves the Kueweh Kontinuum went looking for prospective members. What and who would they look for? Let's design characters who are recruted and hold a smackdown in Fight Club.

I'm open to suggestions for level limits and possible Divine Rank and ideas about k3wl arena's/locations or situations.

"Think fast, Commander Riker."

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Actually, while I got the Idea from somewhere else, that's the basic idea behind my ARENA game.. heroes selected to compete in an arena tournament thingey, and every year there is a tournament for the top 10-ranked beings, and the winner becomes a 'greater being' of mucho power.

Robbert Raets

Mr. Jemal, I liked the Arena thing and would've liked to compete if I had caught up with it earlier, but now I'm looking for fights between people who actually are already ascended; That's why I mentioned Divine Rank. As for Mr. Audron's requiest for details; I want as much Player Input as possible, so nothing is set in stone yet. Perhaps you have a few suggestions?


first off, Pls don't call me 'MR Jemal', it's a first name and just doesn't sound right.. it'd be like calling you mr bob. (*L* actually I've called people that before..) :)
Jemal is good enough for me.. of course, if u really wanna call me "MR", then you can use 'Mr. Priscus'.
Pls note that I'm not mad or anything, it just sounds strange to me.

Anyways, your idea sounds cool. I don't have the dieties and Demigods book, but I have read it through a few times, so sure I've got some ideas.

Were you thinking the 'recruits' would fight each other, or complete challenges or fights against other (DM-made) beings? I'ld personally like the second version, b/c the first would need a LOT of people, if someone is dieing every fight. Are these the kind of details you want, or is there something you had in mind allready?

As for Divine Ranks/Lvl... I think they should be connected somehow... Maybe 1 rank for every 5 or 6 lvls or whatever of the characters? That makes some sense, as there aren't very many low-lvl 'gods' who are moer powerful than high-lvl ones, so you'ld expect that at higher lvl they'd have more 'divine power'

Also, I've never been to Fight Club, but if you're planning on running it like a game, wouldn't the IC forum be better for that?

Robbert Raets

Actually, mr Priscus, I was indeed looking to pit PC's against each other. But we can easily adapt that to the Kueweh Kontinuum throwing challenges at the Qandidates.

...And it's probably not likely that a god dies after a single fight, especially if we use the Gladiator rules from Dungeon & Dragon Magazines. Could be k3wl if everybody has at least 29 Charisma and the Alter Reality salient divine ability :)

And I like the level/divine rank link you propose.


Robbert Raets said:
Could be k3wl if everybody has at least 29 Charisma and the Alter Reality salient divine ability :)

SHHH!!!! Stop giving away my secrets. ;)

And I like the level/divine rank link you propose.


What lvl you thinking of? Stat point system? Books allowed? ETc?

Robbert Raets

Jemal said:

SHHH!!!! Stop giving away my secrets. ;)

The first thing I thought when I read the entry for Alter Reality was >FINGERSNAP< "Q!"

What lvl you thinking of? Stat point system? Books allowed? ETc?

Level probably 15+, maybe even Epic. Any books by Lizards are okay, since I have all those :)

OGL or D20 products maybe, send me a copy of the rules you'd like to use or ask if I have a particualr book.


Dragon magazines?
Mongoose publishings "Quintessential" series? (Quintessential Elf, Quintessential Wizard, Quintessential Fighter, etc, etc)
My brain? (MUAHAHAHA!!!!)

Voidrunner's Codex

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