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The Lamentation of Lolth - Chapter IV


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OoC: Chastity is able to find a length of fine quality silk rope (50 feet of course) at the standard price. Everyone elses preparations go on without a hitch as well. Now, back down the well or to Mother Grundy first for the rest of those ID's? ;)

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OOC: teleri would vote for the magic i.d's. she has a pretty good idea that that scream/blood was a trick on Tyrinth's part, but she wants to make sure that the well and underground area is relatively secure. No sense in going off half-cocked and wind up in a demonically prepared trap.... :confused: . darn.. there i go givin da dm idears.....


As the last chord resonated in the simple inn, Ayden's mind felt clear once again and he felt his offering to Finder, as well as the patrons of the inn, had been welcomed.

Returning the violin to its case, Ayden saw Lady Chasity retiring to her room for the night, Dunstand and Calenthang deeply involved in their chess battles which had raged most of the evening, claiming a full bottle of brandy if his eyes were not playing tricks on him, and no sign of Teleri all evening.

~You are jumping at shadows again...if when dawn passes you have not seen her, then be concerned...you are not their father...~

Picking up the enchanted bag, Ayden returned to his room and fell asleep quickly, his sleep full of the celestial melodies in his Uncle's heavenly lands.

* * * *

Ayden's eyes opened on their own, and he knew that dawn was fast approaching. Stretching his fatigued muscles, Ayden wondered if his other companions felt the cramps and aches that he had been since coming to Orchard Meadows. However, he knew that he would gladly do it all over again to have had the chance to help others, as well as spreading Finder's teachings to those around him.

Crossing the room, Ayden pushed aside the curtain in the room and raised his window to allow the morning air to fill his room. Sitting in front of the window, Ayden closed his eyes and felt the comforting presence of Finder's presence all around him. Keeping in mind the task they had before them today, Ayden asked his uncle to give him the wisdom and foresight to use the blessings wisely to better serve his companions.

When his eyes reopened, the sun had chased away almost all of the lingering shadows of the night, and Ayden knew his companions would be up soon and ready to return to the well.

~Let us hope it is just a trip of caution, and not of need, as this town has been through enough already...~

Walking back to the common room, Ayden pulled a chair out for himself and began pulling the items from within the bag. Setting them on the table in front of him, he hoped his companions would not mind postponing their morning meal a few moments to discuss who should carry these items.

ooc: Items on the table are the bow, cloak, warhammer, two CMW potions, and the periapt


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As Ayden finishes his performance, Calenthang views his lonely king and singularly unmoved pawn with disdain; a wall of opposing black forces having trapped him in a cul-de-sac.
"I thought stalemate was after eight moves?" he asks the suddenly suspicious-looking rogue in front of him angrily; the frustration of the apparent loss making the usually mirthful elf a different character indeed.
I swear I had that knight taken... he thinks to himself while eyeing his empty brandy glass glumly.
In the morning he joins Ayden with a look of contention; last night not seeming to have affected him so much.


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ooc: hope this doesn't turn out to be a double post. On the peirapt: i figure it might be good to designate it as a party item as from the rules, it seems that it will work for anyone at any given time. Whoever needs it most at the time can wear it etc.... Also, Majin, can StormArmour experience the world through Teleri's senses: touch, taste, sight, hearing etc?

Teleri dresses and goes down to the common room. She moves towards Ayden and Calenthang, her new as yet unidentified sword swinging comfortably at her hip and her ever-present bow/arrow quiver slung across her back.

She props the arrows/bow against a wall next to her seat and smiles at the two men. She looks indeed, a great deal better, more relaxed and genuinely cheerful now that she had a hot meal, proper 'sleep' and a full prayer meditation ceremony. "Good morning," she says cheerfully.


As Calenthang took a seat across from him, Ayden looked up and smiled at the elvish warrior, resisting the urge to ask how the game ended as when he had passed by the table, the odds had not looked in Calenthang's favor.

"While Finder still has not granted me the ability to ask him for divine insight on the well, he did grant me access to many spells that I think will help our cause. I trust that Master Dunstand was correct when he spoke of there being no passage we did not take, but we can't be too careful with the town's safety. However, I do hope that our journey below is uneventful and we can question Applebottom today and see where he gathered such an impressive amount of magical items."

As he mentioned the items, Ayden looked down towards the necklace on the table.

"I can't speak for the others, but if you don't mind a suggestion, I think to be safe you should take one of the healing potions, as well as this amulet. Mother Grundy spoke of it having the ability to close wounds as soon as they were made. However, the amulet does not protect your body from the wounds, it merely keeps you from bleeding to death when you are wounded. I know that thus far, our wounds have been luckily few and quickly tended to, but in case you get seperated from myself or any others with healing spells the potion will restore much of your lost strength."


Looking up as Teleri joins them, Ayden looked to see if their is anything amiss about the elvish priestess, but thankfully she seemed herself, or the self Ayden had began to know for two days.

"Good morning Teleri, we did not see much of you last night, and to be honest, I was a bit worried that something might have been amiss. Is everything alright?"

Ayden hoped the priestess did not mind the question, but he felt he had to ask before potentially placing her in more danger with the return trip to the well.


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"I'm sure there is nothing to fear, friend Ayden," he offers in response to the priest's hopes and fears.
He listens intently as Ayden describes the powers of the marvelously crafted pendant and takes the potion with a wink before replying.
"I do not renounce your offering me such a fine item, friend Ayden; but let us wait for the opinion of everyone else before I put it around my neck," he says with a smile.
He greets Teleri with a wave and smiles at her obvious replenished look.
"You are looking well this morning," he says happily.


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"I fear that I had little time to truly rest or offer my own prayers to Sehahin, simply for the sake of honoring her and as last night was a full moon, I spent much of it in a meditation ceremony. The rest of the night, I spent sleeping." she replied with a grin at both Ayden and Calenthang. "So, I am feeling a great deal better,"
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