The Last Potato Salad at the Outdoor BBQ- Thoughts on Spoilers

No. German potato salad. Often served warm, but is in no way "fries".
I was exposed to German potato salad when we were stationed in Stuttgart when I was a kid. Young me did NOT like it.

Older me will eat it on occasion, but it’s just not something I seek out.🤷🏾‍♂️

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Just to give a little more explanation of meow posts: one of the Harvard students in the group that started the attack on the Beavis and Butthead group had initials CAT, so he would sometimes make posts randomly replacing words with "meow" like Henrietta Pussycat from Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. The Beavis and Butthead fans retaliated by spamming similar messages to make fun of him. Other people joined the bandwagon and it became a meme (although we didn't really call them that back then). Whereas nowadays most memes become dated after a week or two, memes back then had a longer shelf life. This one lasted around 2 years before finally dieing down.

So, what you are telling is is that "The Great Meow Wars" were just a bunch of college kids smurfing around.

I said "at least one". :p
Oh no, I ACCEPT German potato salad as a perfectly valid alternative for American style, and dish enjoyed by millions. It just doesn’t really appeal to me! My Mom loves the stuff, so if I’m ever near one of the places that makes a good one, I’ll pop in and pick some up.

I can’t even tell you why it doesn’t appeal. I like all of the ingredients, but all of them combined that way is just not making the ol’ taste buds happy.

For all the jokes about those of us who are not blessed with an abundance of melanin, I have never, ever seen someone put raisins in potato salad, mac 'n cheese, greens, etc., etc. I would be beyond perplexed if someone gave me collared greens with raisins in it. Now let me tell you about my authentic Louisiana gumbo with turkey and quinoa....

Now let me tell you about my authentic Louisiana gumbo with turkey and quinoa....
Kidding aside, there’s LOTS of different ways to do gumbo, at LEAST as many variants as there are cooks. I personally cook no fewer than 6 different ones, and all of mine are filé versions, with no okra. (I also don’t use bell pepper. 😱 )

It originated as poor folk’s food before it got gussied up, fancied up and sanctified. So what goes into a gumbo can vary greatly depending on location and seasonal availability. My Mom occasionally used lobster when no shrimp or crab was available. Leah Chase’s version is one of the most complex variants I’ve seen, and includes venison.

So I can guarantee you someone has made theirs with turkey.

Quinoa, though?😬

Might be good, but I’ve never had it in gumbo. There ARE recipes that use it, though.🤷🏾‍♂️

It originated as poor folk’s food before it got gussied up, fancied up and sanctified. So what goes into a gumbo can vary greatly depending on location and seasonal availability. My Mom occasionally used lobster when no shrimp or crab was available. Leah Chase’s version is one of the most complex variants I’ve seen, and includes venison.
It's amazing to me how many foods that were for poor people when I was a kid are really expensive now. Skirt steak, ribs, and even shrimp weren't exactly fancy food when I was a kid and they were generally pretty cheap. Anything BBQ used to be pretty cheap. I don't really consider myself a food purist, but I can't help but think back to 2016, when Disney posted Princess Tiana's Healthy Gumbo recipe which didn't use turkey but instead used kale, quinoa, and maybe most importantly no roux. I don't think it really caused any genuine outrage, but a lot of people took Disney to task over it.

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