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D&D 5E The Lichway - IC Thread


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Captain Blackpearl whispers "Let's not kill anyone until we know what is going on."

He then slides into the room, stalking the men as they focus on the door.


OOC: I'll wait to see if this is enough to get him fairly close so he can yell and startle them and attack the archer if he tries to attack him.
You know, like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING BREAKING THAT DOOR!" maybe "Police! Drop your weapons!", "BOO!" or simply screaming his throat out in a high girlish scream :) That is, shake them to drop their weapons :) Lets see how party functions without killing innocents
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Steve Gorak

Captain Blackpearl whispers "Let's not kill anyone until we know what is going on."

Ethian leaves the door slightly open with the illusory veil hiding what can be seen of him, and turns to the group, whispering a few words. In his hand, a small illusion appears showing the outlines of the room, with the position of the humans and exaggerated versions of the weapons they are holding. He then whispers to the group: "Agreed. No bloodshed since we don't know who they are. We outnumber them, so they would be fools to attack us. Perhaps we can talk this out and convince them to leave." He looks at the group for approval and suggestions.

OCC: Casting of prestidigitation with hand-sized illusion.


Chew, chew.

Javier seemed content to leave the far door, still chewing that same bit of leather between his teeth. Gripping his shield, he walked over towards the others, who seemed to be mustering up some sort of plan. He squinted at Ethian's conjuration, then watched as Captain Blackpearl slipped into the room.

"I won't kill one unless they give me a damn good reason to," he muttered. He slowly eased his short sword out of its rough scabbard.

Brother Dave

First Post
Ren nods to Ethian and speaks quietly. "Don't worry about me. You know I don't go seeking fights." He looks at the captain. "Sir, if you can resolve this peacefully, please do so. But I won't let them harm my friends."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: @Dr Simon, just to be clear, I will yield the advantage of surprise to be able to talk to the men, but the archer has to be within my sword reach (and ideally with the sword on his neck) before I start talking. Idea is to resolve this peacefully if possible. Blackpearl will present himself as whatever he deems most appropriate for this type of men (persuasion +5, deception +5). This is for your intro post into this encounter, we will RP from there :)

Dr Simon

Blackpearl steps into the room. The men are so intent on the door that they don't notice him until he moves into the circle of his torchlight, at which point the one with the torch cries out and the other two turn around and ready their weapons. Blackpearl isn't quite in sword range of the archer as he would have liked; he might be able to reach him if he's fast, but if the archer reacts first there could be an arrow heading his way.

"Who the **** are you?" says the man with the mace. Zanword sees confusion, a touch of fear, masked by belligerence but he's confident that these men won't attack immediately.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.

"I'm sorry I startled you, I wanted to be sure you're not newly risen cursed ones. We are Grimmward and you're lucky we found you. Didn't you hear in the city that that black witch activated the curse of the ancients. It already struck down one party before we could get to them. One we took out safely. You have to have a protection of one of these..."
- Zanword Sealeaf, captain-ad hoc minstrel touches the tip of his sword to black pearl prominent on his armband - "...or you'll become one of the undead guardians of this place. The ancient wards against undead were removed by the witch."

He motions toward the door.
"If anything or anyone remains here anywhere from couple of hours to a day, he or she will fall under a curse and die horribly. Please come with us to safety. I will return for your comrade promptly."

Persuasion; Deception (1d20+5=10, 1d20+5=7)

EDIT: For some reason, this wasn't in the post. I commented on the rolls in OOC thread.
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Dr Simon

"I don't want to turn into no undead, Veneman," says the man with the torch in a whiny voice.

"Shut it you," says the man with the mace, evidently Veneman. He looks at Zanword. "Ent never 'eard of no Grimmward."

"No, neither have I," says a smooth voice. From the corner behind the double doors, an elf steps out of the shadows, longbow drawn and aimed at Zanword. "Something about your tale doesn't quite ring true, good sir, but my compatriots and I have no wish for trouble." The elf steps gently and quietly around until he is able to see past Zanword to the doors.

OOC: I'm assuming at the moment that only Zanword has entered, but that the others who expressed readiness are just outside the door waiting to follow or see what happens.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: What is Zanwords impression of the men? Also, does Zanword recognizes any of them even vaguely? I'll post an answer later today.

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