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The Long Arm of Lauto:Broken Wards (DM:Ukingsken)


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Breathing a sigh of relief when Slardizal finally falls, Vixo then moves to finish the phantom.

Minor: shift SE
Move: shift NE into flanking
Standard: usual riposte strike1d20+12=23, 1d4+5+2d8+3=20

if that hits then if it attacks vixo - Imm Int riposte: +9 vs. AC, 1d4+4 damage.[/sblock]

[sblock=Stat Block]
Vixo - Male Kobold Rogue 2
Passive Perception:17, Passive Insight:12, Senses: Normal
AC:17, Fortitude:14, Reflex:17, Will:12 -- Speed:6, Size: Small
HP: 18/33, Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges left 8/9
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: not used
Current status effects: none
Powers -
Shifty (Minor action shift 1) [Kobold Racial]
Deft Strike [Rogue 1]
Riposte Strike [Rogue 1]

Dazing Strike[Rogue 1]
Multiclass Fighter Power [Student of the Sword Feat]

Blinding Barrage [Rogue 1]
Sneak in the Attack [Rogue 2]

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First Post
As Kamotz calls down the fury of Lauto, holy light smashes into the remaining phantom and with a shudder it evaporates. Clattering to the floor where it stood is a suit of plate mail.

[sblock=actions] Kamotz 1d20+6=25, 2d4+4=9
Kamotz - Standard action to attack Phantom (Hit AC) 9 damage[/sblock]


Looking around the room, the silence is deafening. When no more threats appear you each take a moment to evaluate the situation. Vixo is the first to notice when the pulsing radiance changes.

During the fight negative energy had been creeping ever onward, passing beyond your sight some time ago. However at some point it stopped the steady creep and in fact seems to now be moving backwards.

With chilling certainty Morvannon realises what is happening. The energy had been spreading, infecting enough of the latent wards to power Slardazials spell. Having collected enough mystic energy the scepter will draw it back unto itself, expunging the energy in what can only be a disastrous wave of negative energy.

You need to get that scepter down, and fast!


So we are immediately jumping into the skill challenge. The objective, obviously is to somehow stop the Scepter from expunging it's negative energy wave and raising several miles worth of corpses.

I'm a fan of the open book for Skill Challenges, so that being said I'll tell you what the "Major" skills I anticipate being used here are, and feel free to go off book. If you can RP why that skill would help, I can RP a success or failure out of it depending on the dice.

8 successes before 4 failures
Major skills are Arcana, Religion, Nature. Like I said beyond that feel free to improvise. Be creative. I have already thought up what a lot of different skills could do so don't be afraid to try them.

I'd like it if we could still act in turn, as that way everyone gets a chance to RP a bit here. Also don't forget that you can help by aiding another, giving ye olde skill bonuses. Beyond that I will only say that this skill challenge also has a time limit, which will be reflected in the flavor text.

Good Luck![/sblock]

[sblock=Turn Order]

As you all rush to the east end of the hall, clambering over rubble and past the dessicated undead, you form a tight semi circle around the Scepter.

It hangs suspended in mid air over an altar stained red with what must be blood. Inscribed in the blood are runes of fell purpose, pulsing in time with the contracting radiance. The negative energy arcs from the runes to the scepter and from there it mushrooms out and down through the altar.

The altar itself has had new carvings cut into it, overtop of the original Lauton designs. These new carvings are runes of similar origin to those up top, depicting ideas more then words, deeds more then thoughts. You all know that if something doesn't happen quickly, you could all be doomed. As if on cue Grakk gesticulates wildly at the door, and you all turn to see the radiance pull up to the doorway.


First Post
Morvannon quickly sizes up the situation. "Oh, this is not good," he shouts as the mind-numbing radiance spreads further. "We need to break the connection somehow! Or at least keep it from hitting those wards!"

He tries to remember what Kamotz has told him about Lauto and his priests.

[sblock=OOC]Religion check (+8): 18[/sblock]


First Post
As Vixo examines the Scepter and Altar he realizes that the altar itself is routing some of the energy. Poking and prodding at it he realizes that if he could cover the newly cut runes, or deflect the energy flowing through them he could weaken the enchantment. Scrabbling around on the floor, he gathers up some dust and stone. Jamming it into the newly cut runes, Vixo manages to hold it in place with a few drops of water from his waterskin. Before your eyes the stone reforms over one of the runes and the energy falters momentarily, stymied.

Racking his brain for any knowledge of the Lauton faith, Morvannon realises that many of their faithful abhor the undead. Knowing this is a tomb of Lauton priests he searches like a madman for artifacts of the faith that could help counteract this energy.

He spots a pile of artifacts behind and to the left of the altar, discarded by Slardazial in his search for the scepter but what his eyes catch on is a gleaming disk lying on the floor against the eastern wall. Dashing over he grabs the disk, a holy symbol of Lauto, and lacking any other ideas presses it into the altar directly underneath the scepter. The holy symbol flares a brilliant golden color, pushing back against the radiance, and reaching out until it grabs the base of the scepter.

With a deafening crack, the symbol shatters, fragments flying in all directions. As you look back, the radiance pouring from the scepter is dimmer, and the base still holds a golden hue.

That's a success for Vixo and a success for Morvannon! 2 down, 6 to go![/sblock]


First Post
Magnus shuffled around the alter as though catastrophe was not imminent, examining it from this angle and that.

Twist it...just a little...yes, yes...change the pattern...bend it...don't break it...

Coming in so close that his sharp nose nearly touched the stone, he inspected the runes made in blood. After a moment he cocked his head as if listening to something, then nodded. He pulled a battered, chipped, and not particularly clean dagger from his rope belt, which he drew across the palm of his left hand drawing a line of fresh blood. Setting down the dagger he dipped a stubby, rough finger in the pooling crimson. With swirling, curling marks he began to alter the bloody sigils on the alter, attempting to rewrite their purpose and direct the fell energy...elsewhere.


Arcana (1d20+9=19)

Attempting to redirect the energy Hekates to help refuel her resurgence, every little bit helps. I guess Magnus found his purpose for being here. While purely fluff at this point, I suppose it's possible someone else might recognize what he's trying to do.



First Post
Coming in so close that his sharp nose nearly touched the stone, he inspected the runes made in blood. After a moment he cocked his head as if listening to something, then nodded. He pulled a battered, chipped, and not particularly clean dagger from his rope belt, which he drew across the palm of his left hand drawing a line of fresh blood. Setting down the dagger he dipped a stubby, rough finger in the pooling crimson. With swirling, curling marks he began to alter the bloody sigils on the alter, attempting to rewrite their purpose and direct the fell energy...elsewhere.

Grakk had intended to grab a large piece of rubble and smash it against one of the runes of the alter. After watching Magnus, he changes his mind. Throwing the rubble down he moves towards the dwarf. Grakk waits patiently as to not to disrupt the magic users concentration. As the dwarf completes his sigil alterations, Grakk states to Magnus while holding out his finger "Cut me as well Magnus. I'll try to do the same with these sigils over here (pointing to the other side of the alter)." After receiving the slice on the tip of his large finger, blood oozes slowly out of the wound. Grakk looks at his finger and then proceeds with his altercations...

skill check = arcana 1d20 (no bonuses) = 13

Guys...I know I should have chosen a different skill, but I thought it would be funny watching a huge goliath trying to mimic the same movements as the more adept dwaven magic user.

Ikingsken: Do ability score bonuses count or work for skill challenges? Example: Let say Grakk wants to move a big stone on top or to the side of the alter, with the intent of covering one or more radiating sigils.

As Grakk finishes is alterations, he looks sheepishly at Magnus waiting to see if the dwarf approves his art work.


First Post
As Magnus carefully scribes the new lines atop old, a portion of the negative energy spirals out towards him and is seemingly absorbed by his holy symbol. The small thread remains connected, slowly channeling the energy elsewhere through his holy symbol.

Attempting to imitate the dwarf, Grakk begins drawing on the stone, but his large fingers merely obscure some of the work Magnus had already done.

[sblock=OOC]That makes 3 successes, 1 failure!

Glad you found some fluff for Magnus to be here Oni!! I just submitted my next adventure for approval, which is going to have a fairly strong tie in to this adventure. I'd offer any and all of you a spot in that adventure, before advertising it publicly. I've planned it for 6 PC's in order to accomadate a party this size, and I'd like to see all of you continue, although I understand if some of you want to go in other directions.

As to your question dimsdale if you want to try a strength check to cover/damage one or more of the runes go for it. If you beat the DC I'll allow you to gain 1 success that way.[/sblock]


First Post
Grakk sees Magnus look at him and move his head from side to side in a statement of disapproval. Grakk sighs and lowers his head in shame. Frustrated, Grakk curses in his native language and then states to the party: "I'm sorry friends...I've failed at my attempt to redirect the sigil." This is short lived as he quickly thinks of a new plan of action. He gives a confident smile to the party and strides over to the large pile of rubble in order to prepare his next move.

Count Grakk in for your next adventure Ikingsken. Thanks


formerly roadtoad
Vrrsk't watches Grakk's attempt to redirect the dark energy and decides his own attempt would be about as effective. He looks to Kamotz for guidance, offering advice where needed.

Aid Another on Kamotz's (hopeful) Religion check: 1d20+4=12

And I'm down for your next adventure, ukingsken!

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