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The Lord of Light Offers an Open Challenge


Bane of the Hells
Dagger Master
Master of the Thunderous Jaguar

Lord of Light 8 41-24 Yen 6

Apprentice of Light: Pure Spirit, Holy Warrior, Holy Day, Signature Style(Thunder)
Warrior of Light: Master of Emotions, Mastery(Thunder), Chi Strike
Knight of the Light: Signature Style(Dagger), Purity of Focus, Redeeming Light
Master of Light: Mastery(Dagger), Right of Domain(Hells)
Lord of Light: Signature Style(Jaguar), Mastery(Jaguar),Purity of Focus

Aura of Light: Holy Day, Signature Location (Heavens)

"Come face me if you dare!" (No RL if so requested)

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First Post
"I see we meet again, Lord of Light. I will not let you achieve the greatest rank so easily... not just yet, at least. You must truly fight for it."

Gray accepts Kalanyr's challenge!

"As fits such an epic match as this, this match shall be a ten flag speed strategy match."

Gray of the Cherry Blossom Caves and Tiger Valleys
Diamond Sash 3
Signature Style (Cherry Blossom), Signature Style (Tiger), Signature Location (Caves), Signature Location (Valley), Hard Hitter, Master of Wealth, Arena Fighter, Mastery (Tiger), Poison Blade, Bribe Judges (x2), Crowd Pleaser (x2)
Yen Ring (Fist of Fury (x2), Poison Blade (x2))
61 Yen


First Post
We had to stop for a bit. Here's the log of events up to now.

[18:45] <DW-AFK> Kalanyr
[18:45] <DW-AFK> <MeowthBot> 1: The tree withers the wastelands; redirects the thrust of the ember!
[18:45] <DW-AFK> <MeowthBot> 2: The lizard flips through the vale; shields against the beauty of the willow!
[18:45] <DW-AFK> <MeowthBot> 3: The rose petal sweeps near the ravine; dodges the energy of the bird!
[18:45] <DW-AFK> <MeowthBot> 4: The dagger sings on top of the pillars; grasps the aggression of the shield!
[18:45] <DW-AFK> <MeowthBot> 5: The raven tumbles higher than the marsh; absorbs the aggression of the lava!
[18:45] <Sabaron> Can't judge... as you might have deducted from my silence, I'm hideously busy right now. :p
[18:45] <Kalanyr> ok
[18:45] <Kalanyr> How about you Rathan?
[18:45] <Kalanyr> Thx DW
[18:46] <Kalanyr> BTW that hand sux
[18:46] <Kalanyr> Gray your hand?
[18:46] <GrayDoom> [18:45] <MeowthBot> 1: The rose petal rains upon the delta while it punches with the steel; grasps the thrust of the rain!
[18:46] <GrayDoom> [18:45] <MeowthBot> 2: The crab prances facing the canyon; dodges the terror of the steam!
[18:46] <GrayDoom> [18:45] <MeowthBot> 3: The spear dodges within the castle; grasps the chi of the lily!
[18:46] <GrayDoom> [18:45] <MeowthBot> 4: The lotus blossom unremittingly slaughters the wetlands; removes the beauty of the plant!
[18:46] <GrayDoom> [18:45] <MeowthBot> 5: The fist slays the valley; reduces the energy of the lightbeam!
[18:46] <DW-AFK> one meowthbot special.. ;p
[18:46] <Kalanyr> bleck
[18:47] <Kalanyr> Who's judging?
[18:47] <Kalanyr> Don't all volunteer now
[18:47] *** Rathan (gerrett_00@=L9733-385-308-831.midmaine.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[18:48] * DW-AFK sighs
[18:48] <DW-AFK> I can start...but when I leave for dinner I'm gone
[18:48] <Kalanyr> Oh Gray I need to be LOL10 before Luminary
[18:48] <Kalanyr> ok
[18:48] <DW-AFK> !mb ybmaster
[18:48] <MeowthBot> DW-AFK: MeowthBot has decreed this match to take place at the marsh south-east of the Plaza
of the Ten Thousand Immortals on the morning of the spider.
[18:48] <GrayDoom> yeah, i keep thinking tier 6 only has 8 ranks :)
[18:49] <Kalanyr> Move 1 HD:Tree
[18:49] <Kalanyr> Done
[18:51] <GrayDoom> The lotus blossom unremittingly slaughters the wetlands; removes the beauty of the plant!; poison blade; crowd pleaser; done
[18:51] <Kalanyr> ouch
[18:52] <DW-AFK> there's no beauty with that plant anyway...and well..that tree is ugly!
[18:52] <DW-AFK> Point, poison Gray
[18:52] <DW-AFK> 4 yen gray
[18:52] <DW-AFK> 2 flags Gray; 0 flags Kalanyr
[18:53] <Kalanyr> Move 4
[18:53] <Kalanyr> Dpme
[18:53] <Kalanyr> Done
[18:56] <GrayDoom> The rose petal rains upon the delta while it punches with the steel; grasps the thrust of the rain!; done
[18:56] <DW-AFK> Gray? I'm running out of time here...
[18:56] <Kalanyr> Heh
[18:56] <GrayDoom> sorry, had to think about that one for a bit
[18:56] <Kalanyr> Knew you'd pick that one
[18:57] <DW-AFK> I've heard of singing swords...singing daggers could exist also...rose petals may rain..but they don't do much damage nor do they punch...
[18:57] <DW-AFK> grasping the thrust of a dagger is going to hurt..
[18:58] <DW-AFK> Point and style Kalanyr
[18:58] <DW-AFK> 2 flags all
[18:58] <Kalanyr> Move 5
[18:58] <DW-AFK> I'm going to have to turn this over to someone else...
[18:59] <Kalanyr> Done
[18:59] *** DW-AFK is now known as DW-really-AFK
[19:00] <Kalanyr> bringing in a judge now
[19:00] <Kalanyr> could you repost my move when he gets here please?
[19:00] <GrayDoom> yup
[19:00] <GrayDoom> already had that planned
[19:00] <Kalanyr> thx
[19:02] <Kalanyr> Have to get you to gen my next hand
[19:02] *** Festy_Dog (jirc@=UEmtf5.qld.schools.net.au) has joined #ybfight
[19:02] <Festy_Dog> ahoy hoy ppls
[19:02] <Kalanyr> Here we go
[19:02] <Festy_Dog> i got 10 min
[19:02] <Kalanyr> Same
[19:02] <Festy_Dog> need a judge?
[19:02] <Kalanyr> YES!!!!!
[19:02] <Festy_Dog> ok
[19:02] <Kalanyr> Can you repost my move
[19:02] <Kalanyr> and your move
[19:02] <Kalanyr> Gray?
[19:02] <Kalanyr> Current Flags are 2 All
[19:03] <Festy_Dog> ok
[19:03] * Kalanyr waits
[19:03] *** Festy_Dog is now known as Kcyldyei
[19:04] <Kcyldyei> the judge is here
[19:04] <Kcyldyei> :)
[19:04] <GrayDoom> Masters: MeowthBot has decreed this match to take place at the marsh south-east of the Plaza of the Ten Thousand Immortals on the morning of the spider.
[19:04] <GrayDoom> Current Day: Tree (due to Holy Day by Kalanyr)
[19:04] <GrayDoom> Match type: 10 flag speed strat
[19:04] <GrayDoom> Current flags: 2 flags Kalanyr, 2 flags Gray
[19:04] <GrayDoom> Move Kal just made: The raven tumbles higher than the marsh; absorbs the aggression of the lava!
[19:04] <GrayDoom> The fist slays the valley; reduces the energy of the lightbeam!
[19:04] <GrayDoom> poison blade; crowd pleaser;
[19:04] <GrayDoom> fof: The spear dodges within the castle; grasps the chi of the lily!
[19:04] <GrayDoom> mastery to tiger; poison blade
[19:04] <GrayDoom> done
[19:04] <Kcyldyei> spam
[19:05] <Kalanyr> Which move is to Tiger?
[19:05] <GrayDoom> the second one, of course
[19:05] <Kalanyr> 1 or 2?
[19:05] <GrayDoom> i hope you don't have that....
[19:06] <Kalanyr> nope
[19:06] <Kalanyr> I wish
[19:06] <Kcyldyei> well gray
[19:06] <Kcyldyei> you just got 6 flags and 4 yen
[19:06] * Kalanyr wimpers
[19:07] <Kalanyr> new hand please
[19:07] <GrayDoom> new hand time -- sigh, i see you are both using the java client
[19:07] <Kcyldyei> spam
[19:07] <Kalanyr> Stop the spam
[19:07] <Kcyldyei> no mirc at school sorry
[19:07] <Kcyldyei> :p
[19:07] <Kalanyr> Same
[19:07] *** Sabaron (joncouts@=ZQdsnk-92-269-65-373.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net) Quit (QUIT: )
[19:07] <GrayDoom> so should we call in someone to make your hand, or should i just gen both?
[19:08] <Kcyldyei> the quick way
[19:08] <Kalanyr> you gen both
[19:08] <Kcyldyei> about 2 min left
[19:08] <Kalanyr> I don't mind
[19:08] <GrayDoom> k
[19:08] <GrayDoom> this is ka's
[19:08] <GrayDoom> kal's
[19:08] <GrayDoom> [19:08] <MeowthBot> 1: The hammer speaks across the badlands; protects against the blood of the earth!
[19:08] <GrayDoom> [19:08] <MeowthBot> 2: The falcon sings atop the fountain; scatters the onslaught of the mist!
[19:08] <GrayDoom> [19:08] <MeowthBot> 3: The falcon flips with the forest; defends against the drive of the leaf!
[19:08] <GrayDoom> [19:08] <MeowthBot> 4: The manta ray swims upon the tower; shields against the rolling of the dark sunbeam!
[19:08] <GrayDoom> [19:08] <MeowthBot> 5: The dragon obliterates the canyon; avoids the aggression of the rainbow!
[19:08] <Kcyldyei> spam
[19:08] <GrayDoom> this is mine
[19:08] <GrayDoom> [19:08] <MeowthBot> 1: The mongoose roughly assaults the garden; protects against the onslaught of the lightning!
[19:08] <GrayDoom> [19:08] <MeowthBot> 2: The mantis leaps higher than the hells; avoids the efforts of the orchid!
[19:08] <GrayDoom> [19:08] <MeowthBot> 3: The jaguar rends the dungeon; leaps over the push of the chi!
[19:08] <GrayDoom> [19:08] <MeowthBot> 4: The owl attacks the river; waves away the energy of the amphibian!
[19:08] <GrayDoom> [19:08] <MeowthBot> 5: The chopstick lies next to the delta; fends off the quickening of the fell dagger!
[19:08] <Kcyldyei> time out
[19:08] <Kalanyr> Gtg Cya
[19:09] <Kcyldyei> cya
[19:09] <Kalanyr> do this tomorrow morning
[19:09] <Kcyldyei> good idea
[19:09] <Kalanyr> sorry
[19:09] <Kcyldyei> cya

Relevant info for when we resume
Flags: 2 flags Kalanyr, 8 flags Gray
Day: Tree
Location: Marsh
Gray's powers left: Bribe Judges (x2), FoF (x1)
Kalanyr's powers left: Everything except 1 Holy Day
Current amount of yen gained by me: 8


First Post
<Kalanyr> HD:Dragon
<Kalanyr> The dragon obliterates the canyon; avoids the aggression of the rainbow!
<Kalanyr> Done
<GrayDoom> The mantis leaps higher than the hells; avoids the efforts of the orchid!; done
<Kalanyr> Thats a 0 point move Gray
<Kalanyr> I have Sig Loc(Hells)
<GrayDoom> yup
<GrayDoom> i know
<Kalanyr> I C
<Kalanyr> cool
<GrayDoom> i don't have any expectation of winning this round, and using that move gets a worthless move out of my way
<Kalanyr> True
<GrayDoom> i was almost tempted to use the jaguar one, but i decided to go for the very very slim chance, heh
<Darkwolf> leaping higher than the hells isn't that great of a feat...and probably isn't going to get you out of the way of that dragon..
<Darkwolf> Point and style Kalanyr
<Darkwolf> 4 flags Kalanyr; 8 flags Gray
<Kalanyr> The falcon flips with the forest; defends against the drive of the leaf!
<Kalanyr> Chi Strike! Done
<GrayDoom> The owl attacks the river; waves away the energy of the amphibian!; done
* Kalanyr is delaying his inevitable defeat
<Darkwolf> Point Gray!
<Darkwolf> 4 flags Kalanyr; 9 flags Gray
<Kalanyr> but not by much I see
<Kalanyr> What's the time of Day?
<Darkwolf> morning unless you've changed it
<Kalanyr> I can't
<GrayDoom> heh, can't change it; nothing can change it
<Kalanyr> Except Wicht
<Kalanyr> lol
<Kalanyr> The falcon sings atop the fountain; scatters the onslaught of the mist!
<Kalanyr> and Done!
<GrayDoom> The mongoose roughly assaults the garden; protects against the onslaught of the lightning!
<GrayDoom> done
* Kalanyr watches Gray take his shinies. *SOB*
* Darkwolf wonders if the falcon is a code name for the 'fat lady'
<GrayDoom> lol
* GrayDoom *yoinks* Kalanyr's yen!
<Darkwolf> Point and Match Gray!
* GrayDoom slaps Kalanyr around a bit with a 220-ton blue whale!
<Kalanyr> I only had 6 yen
<Darkwolf> *YOINK!*
<GrayDoom> nice
<GrayDoom> 14 yen, that easily recoups my losses vs Darkwolf


First Post
Kalanyr, you lose 6 yen and fall to Lord of Light 7

Graydoom, you make money hand over fist in this fight and rise to Diamond sash 4

Voidrunner's Codex

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