Yes he did
. I promise I didn't just read this--I just copy/pasted it into the SBLOCK for your reference.
[SBLOCK=Gwyd's E-mail]Hello all! This is Gwydapllew, player of Del the Changeling over at LEB. I've been tinkering around with an adventure idea and I thought I'd run it past you.
This adventure will appeal to players who enjoy into questions and snooping around, but really any player sitting in the inn bored who wouldn't mind taking a job from Morgrave University. It's designed for 1st level PCs, but 2nd level PCs are not too powerful to be challenged by the adventure as well.
It's an Eberron remix of _Mad God's Key_, from Dungeon #114. I've rearranged some encounters and modified background information to make the source of the adventure less noticeable and to make it fit the Eberron setting. Essentially, a cult of the Shadow has initiated a complicated sequence of events that allows them to steal a book that will reveal to them the location of an ancient storehouse of dark knowledge dedicated to the Shadow.
There are two forks that the PCs can take - clues will lead them to either a small mining town three days northwest of Sharn OR to a half-orc who works on the waterfront. If they find the half-orc first, a lively chase ensues across the boats moored to the docks before the half-orc is captured. The half-orc in turn leads the PCs to one of the smaller criminal organizations in town, the Green Daggers. After either cutting a deal with the Daggers or defeating them, the PCs will learn of the Shadow cult and find their way northwest to the small mining town.
Once the PCs are abroad, a quick survey of the town will allow them to narrow their target from among the myriad of ruins nearby to a particular cairn hailing from the time of Malleon the Reaver. The PCs will face zombies, some magical traps, and a few of the cultists (and an undead owlbear) before recovering the book and returning triumphantly to Sharn to be rewarded.
A lot of the encounters in the early stages of the adventure can be resolved through diplomacy: the half-orc will give up information once captured, the Green Dagger band has been betrayed by the Shadow cult, so PCs can negotiate with them rather than confront them, and following the clues will require PCs willing to do a bit of information-gathering and clue-solving.
The reward is fairly straightforward: Morgrave University will pay the PCs a bounty for the return of the book, and if the PCs are particularly successful, they could be rewarded with an equal amount of research time at the university (the equivalent of requesting information from a sage). If the PCs ally with the Green Daggers, they will miss out on some treasure but will gain allies that can assist them in later events. (I would consider the Green Daggers open content after the adventure is finished, so other plots could develop around them). The rest of the treasure is standard for a 1st-level adventure; I can provide a comprehensive list if necessary.
If you need more information, feel free to drop me a line!