The Mad God's Key (Bront Judging)

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Rystil Arden

First Post
Bront said:
Oh, I ment sent an e-mail since then.
One good thought for ending it faster would be that even though the orc guy said that some priest was the murderer, maybe the place we were headed (even though in the real adventure this clearly wasn't going to happen) might have the book still, and the gang wants to get rid of it and doesn't care about betraying this other priest guy because he screwed them over and started murdering. So then they might hand it over to us if we are careful, and while we won't get the (likely much larger) treasure from the BBEG encounters, we can at least get the reward promised by Morgrave :))


The man with the probe
It's dead. D-E-D Dead!

Has there been any kind of XP award for this adventure so far? If all you're missing it time, I can handle that. Anything else will require some research.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I relooked through the thread:
- Each of us was given a letter of credit for 100gp for accepting the job
- We were promised 400gp more (and "further consideration") upon completion
- We had one major use of skills scene (the crime scene)
- We talked to a kobold
- And we had the one chase scene
I can try to find my copy of Dungeon w/ the adventure in it if need be. Of course, we don't have the book so we can't officially cash in for the extra 400gp.


The man with the probe
Here's what I came up with, time and otherwise.

Alysina - 950
Weapon - 950
Sirrel - 650
Tam - 950
Rionus - 950

Leads drying up, your employer offers you 200 gp each for the information gathered so far.

Sound fair?

Voidrunner's Codex

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