The Mad God's Key (Bront Judging)

ooc: Was someone away on a trip or something? We seem to have hit a stall.

ooc2: I have belatedly figured out that choosing "wheat" as a text color for speech is apparently silly, since I think it might be the default color. Somehow, I thought white was default. Should I switch?

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[sblock=ooc: ]I think GwydapLlew isn't available (out of town, or something) so we're waiting for him to come back. Default color is white: your speech is different from white, you just have to look really hard.[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]Testing color:


Let's see if I can differentiate where the color changes...

Edit: I cannot. Let's try seeing if specifying white shows a change. I tried that in one post above in frustration, but that was not default:


Edit2: That I can see... I don't think I've ever fiddled with color settings, and wheat appears to be the color my text defaults too.

Edit 3: Staring at it a little more, I don't think wheat is default, but default seems closer to wheat than white... I can see both of them, but differentiating the wheat is difficult for me.[/sblock]
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Rio watches Irontusk walk into the guard post, and tries to determine his intentions.

(Sense Motive +4.)

If he doesn't think he's being tricked, he'll adress the others.

"Well, Gentlemen, where to next? Do we have time to head to the hideout before dinner?"

"Oh, I wouldn't expect the priest to be here--he's likely already fled the scene, if he's at all a smart perp. No, it's this Green Dagger Gang of Tusky's about which we need to worry. They probably aren't going to abandon a ritzy mansion hideout completely, but they may be on more alert, if they weren't already, if we wait. Then again, it sounds like this priest was in violation of contract with them if it was supposed to be a simple in-and-out. Though they be ruffians at heart, you'd be surprised how organised and businesslike some of these Thieve's Guilds can be--it is possible that they would be willing to help us to keep their names off of that murder, at least if they're one of the gangs that wouldn't want to be associated with a murder...let me think..."

[SBLOCK=OOC]Knowledge Local on the Green Dagger Gang is 24[/SBLOCK]

"If the priest was intelligent, or expecting trouble, he'd silenced the half orc in a permanent way. Instead, he allowed him to return to work as if nothing happened, perhaps thinking he left no clue. Either way I believe we have a good chance of catching with him, if we don't allow word of question asking, ghost summoning wizards reach his ears." counters Tam.

"No time like the present, then. If we hop to it, we might be able to get to him before rumors give him time to flee. If the rumors find your actions as confusing as I do, it should take him some time to sort through them in any event."

Rio is ready to go as soon as Alys is done searching her memory.

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