The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977

D&D General The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977 Coming In June

I'm guessing the full supplement list and maybe pertinent Strategic Review and Dragon articles (man it would be a trip if they could also license the related Alarums and Excursions material as well).
So, turns out to be in full:

  • Chainmail, 2nd printing
  • Outdoor Survival
  • an early rough 100 pahr draft
  • Brown Box rules With Hobbits, Ents, and Balrogs
  • Greyhawk
  • Blackmoor
  • Eldritch Wizardry

And a bunch of personal documents and letters, and various magazine and zine articles.

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This feels like a book that would normally interest me... but I have almost no connection to OD&D. A couple folks played it at the same table as B/X and AD&D in a big local game back in 81/82, but that's it.

I would be all over a simlarly idead product for B/X (mabye as a follow-up along with a 1e one).
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That video with my old buddy Jason Tondro (and by "old buddy," I just mean we were once colleagues in the same field who met once or twice at conferences pre-his game design career - never actually gamed with him) made me add this book to my wishlist.

It sounds to me like he's making predictions.

You could just also phrase that as "what specific statements from WotC can you cite in support of these predictions?"
If they're making predictions, then acknowledge that these are predictions, or opinions. Don't do the clickbait thing of presenting opinions as facts: "WotC to stop printing books after 2024! [shocked face]"

That video with my old buddy Jason Tondro (and by "old buddy," I just mean we were once colleagues in the same field who met once or twice at conferences pre-his game design career - never actually gamed with him) made me add this book to my wishlist.
Between this and his videos for the Deck of Many Things, I feel like they should advertise every product by having Jason Tondro talk about it for 30-40 minutes.

And they keep on pushing D&D as a lifestyle brand.

"Converse footwear and apparel
A LEGO™ building set complete with minifigures
Treats from Pop-Tarts to enjoy during your game sessions"

I'm interested in seeing what LEGO does. Not gonna lie, we absolutely used LEGOs as kids for playing D&D.
Word on the street is that there'll be a series of 12 D&D themed collectible LEGO minifigures ('CMFs' is LEGO jargon) released in September.

Each will be blind boxed but if the current series of CMFs is any guide, you should be able to use the data matrix on the base of the box to identify what's inside.

The dirty dozen are:
  1. Tiefling sorcerer with baby red dragon
  2. Gold dragonborn paladin
  3. Tasha with cauldron
  4. Aarakocra ranger with dog
  5. Mindflayer with intellect devourer
  6. Dwarf barbarian
  7. Strahd
  8. Gith warlock
  9. Halfling druid with bird
  10. Half-elf bard
  11. Lady of Pain
  12. Szas Tam
The source is Promobricks which has always been reliable.

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