The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977

D&D General The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977 Coming In June

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Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
One thing that I just noticed that the years in the title have changed from "1970-1976" in the original press release to "1970-1977" in the new press release. The new mock-up cover also has 1977. The Amazon product page has 1976 in the title, but shows the mockup with 1977 in it!

Does this mean it will cover Holmes Basic (released in 1977)?

I would guess not, though maybe in reference towards the end. The topic seems pretty clearly to be just OD&D.
Holmes Basic WAS written as an intro for OD&D, even though Gary made a few editorial changes to reference AD&D at the end, right?


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
Sure, and I think Peterson will mention it, but I doubt it will be printed in the book.
I'd be surprised if they reprinted it in there (although 500 pages is a lot), but Zenopus was asking if they'd cover it, not if they'd reprint it.

And I think there's a reasonable basis to give it a thorough discussion rather than just a mention.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
One thing that I just noticed that the years in the title have changed from "1970-1976" in the original press release to "1970-1977" in the new press release. The new mock-up cover also has 1977. The Amazon product page has 1976 in the title, but shows the mockup with 1977 in it!

Does this mean it will cover Holmes Basic (released in 1977)?
They probably just have some correspondence from 1977 they want to include in the book and someone was being pedantic about the book's subtitle.


Doomed Wizard
They probably just have some correspondence from 1977 they want to include in the book and someone was being pedantic about the book's subtitle.
Probably, but one can hope. It may also end with some kind of discussion of TSR's plans for revising the material, which eventually led to AD&D. See my post about Gygax's early 1977 D&D revisions plans:

Voidrunner's Codex

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