The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977

D&D General The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977 Coming In June

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Doomed Wizard
Again, no chance of that happening. Their attention to quality physical products remains extremely lackluster. Not to mention they have zero physical books coming out after Monster Manual 2025. Hasbro fired the entire WotC physical book team remember.
Off topic, but is your handle a reference to the band Superchunk?


Doomed Wizard
Holmes Basic WAS written as an intro for OD&D, even though Gary made a few editorial changes to reference AD&D at the end, right?

Yes, that's correct. Holmes made his draft using the OD&D booklets, and then Gary made some revisions, including changing most references to "Dungeons & Dragons" to "Advanced Dungeons & Dragons". He didn't really change the rules, however, to match AD&D (the Player's Handbook was still a year and a half away in mid-1978), so the rules remain most compatible with OD&D. In some ways, you can even view it as the last supplement for OD&D.

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
Again, no chance of that happening. Their attention to quality physical products remains extremely lackluster. Not to mention they have zero physical books coming out after Monster Manual 2025. Hasbro fired the entire WotC physical book team remember.
I wasn't aware that they'd let the whole physical book team go- were they on that list of folk compiled from the December layoffs? How are they putting out the 5.5 books if they don't have a team for them?

I have no illusions about getting quality-made D&D books; I was pointing out that while a ribbon is nice, it's hardly the primary factor of an OSR book's quality.


Again, no chance of that happening. Their attention to quality physical products remains extremely lackluster. Not to mention they have zero physical books coming out after Monster Manual 2025. Hasbro fired the entire WotC physical book team remember.
that does not follow at all, they would not have the PHB or DMG either if firing the team would result in not having physical books any more

That is just an internal reshuffle with no consequences for printed books


B/X Known World
That is just an internal reshuffle with no consequences for printed books
That does not follow at all.

You can't fire a sizeable chunk of your staff, especially those focused on a particular part of the business, and in any way claim that there will be "no consequences for printed books." If a chunk of the book team was fired, by definition there will be consequences for printed books.


Again, no chance of that happening. Their attention to quality physical products remains extremely lackluster. Not to mention they have zero physical books coming out after Monster Manual 2025. Hasbro fired the entire WotC physical book team remember.
Okay, Nostradamus, I'll take that bet. When they continue releasing physical books you can post your retraction here, and if they don't, I'll do the same.

Edit: and no, they didn't "fire the entire WotC physical book team." That's just absurd hyperbole, the forum equivalent of clickbait. Because making stuff up is easier than having to do the work of making a reasonable argument.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
That does not follow at all.

You can't fire a sizeable chunk of your staff, especially those focused on a particular part of the business, and in any way claim that there will be "no consequences for printed books." If a chunk of the book team was fired, by definition there will be consequences for printed books.
Yes, that's why the books are delayed until Feb '25. The pace slowed because of the layoffs.


Book-Friend, he/him
Okay, Nostradamus, I'll take that bet. When they continue releasing physical books you can post your retraction here, and if they don't, I'll do the same.

Edit: and no, they didn't "fire the entire WotC physical book team." That's just absurd hyperbole, the forum equivalent of clickbait. Because making stuff up is easier than having to do the work of making a reasonable argument.
Liz Schuh took the early retirement offer, and she has been central to the print side of WotC for a while, since the 90's. But I have seen no evidence crom anyone credible that they got rid of everyone involved with books.


That does not follow at all.
of course it does, WotC is not ending printed books with the 2025 MM. All it means is that someone else will do the printing

You can't fire a sizeable chunk of your staff, especially those focused on a particular part of the business, and in any way claim that there will be "no consequences for printed books." If a chunk of the book team was fired, by definition there will be consequences for printed books.
the only thing that does not follow is that there are no books past the MM in 2025, because by that logic we do not even get the PHB as that is not printed yet either

Voidrunner's Codex

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