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"The Marvels" - Teaser


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Not solely to do with its quality, but The Last Jedi got more hate than Rogue One why? Because it was a worse movie. And The Rise of Skywalker was so bad that even people who wanted to like it found they... didn't.

Make something good and it'll be tough to criticize. Make something awful and it won't.
We're talking about a teaser trailer. It's just a couple of minutes of content. Not a whole movie worth a bit more analysis. The ire it is drawing is far out of proportion to the amount of content.

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We're talking about a teaser trailer. It's just a couple of minutes of content. Not a whole movie worth a bit more analysis. The ire it is drawing is far out of proportion to the amount of content.
And, as previously stated, absolutely transparent as to its source.


Nope. But I do think that a good trailer wouldn't have attracted nearly so much negative attention.
It's really hard for me to credit this as a serious argument. That's a bog standard MCU trailer. IMO a little better than average, but pretty typical. Except for the gender and colour of the protagonists. While I accept that your reservations about the trailer are true for you, everyone has a different opinion about every trailer, and usually that leads to a few thousand dislikes. Not hundreds of thousands.

What I saw in the trailer was:

There's some kind of a space station.

There's some kind of explosion I think, and a person in a space suit is now yammering excitedly through the windows of the space station at the guy.

Captain Marvel is in a place, looking around.

Something something forgettable. Context-free dialogue between characters I don't know but I still don't know why I should care.

A girl says they're now a team, and two other people roll their eyes.

That's it. It was like seeing a trailer for a comedy with only one moderately amusing moment at the very end (the team thing). I came out of it with the impression that this movie was going to be some kind of reluctant-team-up, maybe a buddy-cop sort of deal, but not one with enough humor to reach me. There was probably stuff that was INTENDED to be funny in the yammering at the space station and the forgettable dialogue, but it didn't seem like it at the time. There are unfunny comedies out there and this looked like one of them.
Not saying this is what you're doing, but the description you've given for the trailer just seems like someone who is purposefully trying to view the trailer in the worst light. What was the difference between "some space station" in The Marvels and "some space cave" in The Guardiand of the Galaxy trailers 1 & 2? I don't know how much you, or most of the people that saw the Guardians movies knew about the Guardians comics, but I'd hazard a guess that most didn't know much.

Would it be useful if I went back and watched the trailer multiple times, or is that first impression enough to satisfy your curiosity?

P.S. Guardians of the Galaxy Trailer 1 () was okay, but Trailer 2 () was fantastic. Supplies context, sets mood and tone, good music throughout, good pacing, funny dialogue. Trailer 1 had some funny spots and some dead spots whereas trailer 2 packed maybe 3x as much funny into each minute.
So looking at trailer 1 and trailer 2, the main differences that I see is that trailer 2 really just gives more specific simple information. Trailer 1 gives a description of the characters by giving us what their crimes are, and we are given the chance to think of them as we will, whereas trailer 2 just gives you a simple, in the sense that you shouldn't think about anything to much, label of the characters (thief, thugs, assassin, etc.) and the intro scene is extended a bit longer. Then the two diverge by showing different scenes and what have you. But trailer 1 never garnered anywhere near the hate The Marvels seems to get.

If we go by the standards you've given for trailer to being better, sure, I guess we can agree that The Marvels is missing some information that a casual viewer might not be impressed by. But does that mean they have to hate on it as much as they are doing? How about just wait until trailer 2 drops? You know they're going to continue to release new trailers. They always have additional trailers. Instead, all we get are people already claiming The Marvels has destroyed Marvel Studios and Disney is filing for bankruptcy as I type this.

Just out of curiosity, do you think there is a possibility that the hate this movie is getting is because of the all female cast or Brie Larson's previous statements, or Disney's statements? Or is it just, "The trailer was trash, and people made up their minds and there is no hate or bias. It's just so terrible that it forces such a visceral reaction out of people"?
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I think we're basically on the same page about what makes a good trailer now. Yes, the short, specific information in trailer 1 adds context and sets the tone. I honestly was not interested in Guardians of the Galaxy after seeing Trailer 1, but I remember Trailer 2 made me immediately sit up and go, "actually, I want to see that movie."

But regardless of the quality of a given trailer, only a nutjob could think that The Marvels specifically (as opposed to "a sequence of decisions of which The Marvels is only a symptom") is destroying(?) Marvel Studios and bankrupting(?) Disney. I think you must be exaggerating but if you're not then whoever thinks that must be unhinged.

RE: <<Just out of curiosity, do you think there is a possibility that the hate this movie is getting is because of the all female cast or Brie Larson's previous statements, or Disney's statements? Or is it just, "The trailer was trash, and people made up their minds and there is no hate or bias. It's just so terrible that it forces such a visceral reaction out of people"?>>

(Sorry, Enworld quotes don't copy/paste correctly on my phone)

I don't really follow the social media wars but it's certainly possible that there are tribal aspects to whatever hate the movie is getting. My own reaction was more "meh" than "that's the worst movie ever made!" Average it against other reactions to get an idea of the likely aggregate reaction. A lot of people in this thread seem to really like it.
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I think we're basically on the same page about what makes a good trailer now. Yes, the short, specific information in trailer 1 adds context and sets the tone. I honestly was not interested in Guardians of the Galaxy after seeing Trailer 1, but I remember Trailer 2 made me immediately sit up and go, "actually, I want to see that movie."
Curious, are you a fan of comics? Not Guardians or the Marvels, or even the ones that have been made into movies in the MCU, but a fan in general of comics? Are there any comics you read? Do you think you've given The Marvels the same level of treatment as you gave Guardians?
But regardless of the quality of a given trailer, only a nutjob could think that The Marvels specifically (as opposed to "a sequence of decisions of which The Marvels is only a symptom") is destroying Marvel Studios and bankrupting Disney. I think you must be exaggerating but if you're not then whoever thinks that must be unhinged.
I live in Florida. I've undersold the reaction to Marvel movies, the female leads, and the parent company, Disney. And if you line in the U.S., in 2024, we are going to export that level of unhinged to your state, too.
RE: <<Just out of curiosity, do you think there is a possibility that the hate this movie is getting is because of the all female cast or Brie Larson's previous statements, or Disney's statements? Or is it just, "The trailer was trash, and people made up their minds and there is no hate or bias. It's just so terrible that it forces such a visceral reaction out of people"?>>

(Sorry, Enworld quotes don't copy/paste correctly on my phone)

I don't really follow the social media wars but it's certainly possible that there are tribal aspects to whatever hate the movie is getting. My own reaction was more "meh" than "that's so terrible!"
Well now I'm thinking you're being purposefully mendacious. you don't have to follow social media. It's everywhere. If you've turned on a TV, a computer, listened to the radio, or just walked outside for a few minutes, you'd have seen something about it.

Curious, are you a fan of comics? Not Guardians or the Marvels, or even the ones that have been made into movies in the MCU, but a fan in general of comics? Are there any comics you read? Do you think you've given The Marvels the same level of treatment as you gave Guardians?

I live in Florida. I've undersold the reaction to Marvel movies, the female leads, and the parent company, Disney. And if you line in the U.S., in 2024, we are going to export that level of unhinged to your state, too.

Well now I'm thinking you're being purposefully mendacious. you don't have to follow social media. It's everywhere. If you've turned on a TV, a computer, listened to the radio, or just walked outside for a few minutes, you'd have seen something about it.
I'm not a fan of comics. I liked Guardians of the Galaxy because it DIDN'T feel like a comic book movie. No superpowers, no punching people through brick walls. Does that answer your question?

Okay, so you were exaggerating/strawmanning. You're saying now that it's a reaction to Disney's perceived agenda, not to The Marvels specifically. That tracks better with what I have observed.

I'm not being mendacious. Please apologize for the insult. I'm saying my only exposure to data on how many dislikes the trailer got are on this thread. I haven't read the trailer YouTube comments and don't plan to. I don't care enough.

Besides, what's mendacious about agreeing with you anyway? I said yes, there could be a tribal aspect. That's a direct answer to the question you asked.
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I'm not a fan of comics. I liked Guardians of the Galaxy because it WASN'T comic book movie. Does that answer your question?
No, that just creates more confusion. What do you mean it WASN'T a comic book movie? I mean, all movies in the MCU are comic book movies. Or do you disagree with that?
Also, you didn't answer if you thought you gave The Marvels the same level of treatment you've given Guardians. Could you answer that question?

Okay, so you were exaggerating. Your saying now that it's a reaction to Disney's perceived agenda, not to The Marvels specifically. That tracks with what I have observed.
No, I'm not exaggerating. you could take 30-seconds out of your life and search YouTube for "The Marvels trailer reaction" and see for yourself. Or if you feel like spending some money, and you don't already live in Florida, you can take a trip here and see for yourself.
I'm not being mendacious. I'm saying my only exposure to data on how many dislikes the trailer got are on this thread. I haven't read the trailer YouTube comments and don't plan to. I don't care enough.

Besides, what's mendacious about agreeing with you anyway? I said yes, there could be a tribal aspect. That's a direct answer to the question you asked.
I'm going to ahead and once again say, no. You actually didn't agree with me. There is nothing for you to agree with me on. I haven't made a statement one way or the other. All I did was ask which of those two statements you thought were the most likely reason for the hate the movie is getting.


Staff member
I thought it was great too and I refuse to debate it with the trailer trolls.

Edit: made troll plural, so it would not seem I was pointing out one specific person.
Mod Note:

Remember me telling you this?

Mod Note:

That’s definitely making it personal and “not being civil”. Don’t do this again.
You apparently didn’t understand.

That wasn’t an admonition against attacking a particular person. It was an admonition against attacking your fellow posters in general.

Disagreeing with others about a movie trailer is fine. Participating in a discussion about said trailer and lobbing a rhetorical grenade of “trailer troll(s)” at those you disagree with NOT. It’s not civil, and the agitation it creates often means mod intervention to keep things on track.

Don’t do this in other threads. You’re moving on from this one. Booted.

(A) No, that just creates more confusion. What do you mean it WASN'T a comic book movie? I mean, all movies in the MCU are comic book movies. Or do you disagree with that?
(B) Also, you didn't answer if you thought you gave The Marvels the same level of treatment you've given Guardians. Could you answer that question?

No, I'm not exaggerating. (C) you could take 30-seconds out of your life and search YouTube for "The Marvels trailer reaction" and see for yourself. Or if you feel like spending some money, and you don't already live in Florida, you can take a trip here and see for yourself.

I'm going to ahead and once again say, no. You actually didn't agree with me. There is nothing for you to agree with me on. I haven't made a statement one way or the other. All I did was ask which of those two statements you thought were the most likely reason for the hate the movie is getting.
(A) I mean that it didn't feel like a comic book movie. There weren't any superpowered heroes; normal dudes like prison guards were a significant obstacle that required thinking to get around; no knocking people through brick walls; etc.

(B) I thought I answered the question, but clearly you're looking for something more. What is "the level of treatment" if it's not an initial reaction to a movie trailer? Are you asking if I went out and read the comic book versions of the Guardians of the Galaxy? I thought I answered that already, but no, I did not.

(C) I took your advice and spent a minute googling "The Marvels trailer reaction". What I found confirmed that you were exaggerating/strawmanning: nobody that I saw was claiming that The Marvels was single-handedly bankrupting Disney (as opposed to a series of decisions of which The Marvels is only a symptom).

You started off polite, pretending to be honestly curious, but by now I'm tired. You're neither honestly curious about my perspective nor appreciative of the time I've taken to answer your questions. Don't bother answering (B). Goodbye.

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