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I had actually suggested VeeBee (Vendor Bot) to Adele before opening the name up to people, but was told that it was too close to the Feegee, Beegee names. So I've opened it up to you guys for names. :)

What I'm picturing for this bot is a basic vending machine that is stationed near the bar that will sell various items. (I've suggested breakfast items in the bot, like omlets and egg sandwiches, muffins, etc) So maybe that'll help you with coming up with an idea for a name. :)

Anyone have any other comments or opinions on the drinking age?

Keep the ideas coming folks! :)

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I'm notoriously bad with names (just ask Wraith or Mel about my "naming method"), so I'm not going to even try to name the vending bot. (I'm just happy my vending bot idea was accepted. :))

As for the drinking age, I think it would be exactly the same as it is in New York now: 21.

I don't see it going up for a few reasons: First, there's not really a legal barrier after 21 that it could be changed to. I can't think of any laws reffering to a particular age after "21". Atleast not until you reach retirement age, and I don't see there ever being a drinking age of 65. Second, 21 year old are considered by themselves and society as full-fledged adults. By this point in life, many people have ceased being at all depents upon their parents and full-capable of taking care of themselves.

It is possible that it could go down, but I don't see that as likely either. For one thing, people between 18 and 21 (who would be the most likely to support this) are, as a whole, terribly politically inactive. They show up in low rates when it comes to voting and probably would not organize a strong drive to get the age lowered. Add this to the fact that the groups that would oppose this would be much more politically frevent, and I just do see this happening.

There is a third option. Lets say, for a momment, that the growing conservatism in America following -you know- continues throughout the 20 year period between now and TMP's time frame. It could be possible that we would be in a second Prohibition. Actually, this is even less probable than the other two, but it would make for some interesting reactions.

However, as I said earlier: If you're going for realism, I would keep the drinking age the same.

Just my opinion. :)



Or you could go with the Canadian view, which is 19 as the legal drinking age. ;) Just kidding.

It seems the majority of those who have commented on here have said 21 for the drinking age.

We've had some lovely drink suggestions, a nice name suggestion for the bot.

Anyone have anything else to add?



If the TMP bot is going to be a vending machine (rather than a robot with a humanoid structure like the bardroid), maybe this computerized vending machine could have a computer-generated face that appears on a monitor on its front? Or better yet, maybe a holographic image? Let's brainstorm here...

Imagine if you will, a sort of circular console at the center of the bar area, with a counter around its edge. When someone approaches or sits down in front of it, a hologram of a waiter/serving girl (a head-and-shoulders or from-the-waist-up image) appears above the center console and says something like "Greetings, patron. How may I be of service?" The customer then gives it his order and swipes his credit card, and the food or drink emerges from a microwave-oven-sized slot in the front.



The problem with that idea is this: The bot can't tell if someone's sat down on the stools. So it wouldn't be able to greet you. It could, however, be written into the description of the bot so when you type /look at sam (for example) it gives you that description.

I like it though. :)



I have a question........I am not sure if they are allowed in d20 Modern or not but what about cybernetics? Going by other gaming systems as far as date wise like Shadowrun and Cyberpunk 2020(yes that is the year the game is supposed to take place) as well as a few others they have cybernetic limbs and other things available. Are we going to be able to use this type of thing or go solely off of the d20 stuff?

If it is coming down to scientific advancements in that area, according to a episode of Scientific Frontiers(a PBS program) that aired sometime early last year, there is a woman that has a crudely made cybernetic leg at the time of the show. Now I did say crude but giving thirty years of R&D all kinds of stuff could happen with it.





Actually I believe that was answered in earlier posts, but I'll answer it again for clarity. :)

Yes, Cybernetics will be allowed. You can play someone with a cybernetic limb, no problem.

This world is using the D20 Modern RPG as a basic guideline, but we're tweaking in and playing with it to make it not so "specific". If you have an imagination and you know the modern world, then you can interact in TMP fairly easily.

Basic things to remember - fantasy stuff is next to nil here. So stuff like magic, for example, is rarely seen. Yes, some people do hold magic, but for others they don't recognize it, or perhaps don't believe in it. Vampires are hidden. No walking in showing off the fact you're a vampire. You'll likely get a stake in the heart.

Basically, I'm trying to do this "realistically", or as close to realistic as I can get. Vampires would stay in the dark, hide the fact they are vamps, feed away from others, etc. Same with other types of "Creatures". Depending on what they are, they could very well be viewed as oddities.

For example: Aliens are known in the TMP world. However, they are not always trusted or readily accepted.

I hope that helps answer your question Jason. If not, feel free to write me directly and I'll see if I can't get you a better explanation.





This is to announce that WizO Dantain has resigned from his position as WizO. All questions regarding TMP is to be directed to me as I am the sole coordinator for the D20 Modern room now.

This isn't going to change anything we've already discussed in regards to the setting ideas. Everything here will stay in place. Any new ideas, pass my way and we'll work on them. :)

Thanks very much,



WizO_Reesa said:

Basic things to remember - fantasy stuff is next to nil here. So stuff like magic, for example, is rarely seen. Yes, some people do hold magic, but for others they don't recognize it, or perhaps don't believe in it. Vampires are hidden. No walking in showing off the fact you're a vampire. You'll likely get a stake in the heart.

Basically, I'm trying to do this "realistically", or as close to realistic as I can get. Vampires would stay in the dark, hide the fact they are vamps, feed away from others, etc. Same with other types of "Creatures". Depending on what they are, they could very well be viewed as oddities.

Oooohhh.... I think I'm gonna like this setting. :smirk:

So, let's say I wanted to play a variation of my character, the Loremistress. An albino drow is certainly not something you would see openly on the streets of New York, so... although the albino part might be swallowed easily enough, she would NEVER mention anything about being drow, or even elven, and she would NOT use her magic openly. She would have her ears altered through plastic surgery to appear more human, would claim to be from some out-of-the-way European country, would have to change locales and identities every thirty or forty years to hide her long life span, and so forth. She might be an Occult expert or a professor of Para-psychology at NYU, or something like that. And instead of wearing long white wizard's robes, she would dress in something from Sak's, Fifth Avenue...:D



*grins* Exactly Ssussunriyh! The albino part can be explained easily enough, but stuff like her looks (the ears, the drow features) would probably be hidden - long wig to hide the ears, etc) :)


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