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The Name Of The Shadows

I give one final look at her then get up to follow the Shifter. Curious about her and the host, Klik creats a mental picture in his head of her. She smiles and flirts with him before coming to kiss him. Klik is testing the waters here. Seeing what (if any) mental probing may be occuring. The word lair remains in his mind as a warning but also a great temptation of adventure and excitement that can not be ignored. Caution (or what it is to him vs a "sane and normal" person) is required. But caution can not stop the fun.

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Zol, Therendor 17, 998 YK

( If I gave the impression that Verthick is a shifter, I'm sorry for the mix up. He's human. )

Verthick leads you up to the second story, and shows you to one of the rooms. The furniture inside has certainly seen better days, much like that of the tavern downstairs. On one side of the room, there is an old dresser, heavily scratched, with three drawers, the bottom most one missing. On the other side, an old bed, sagging a little in the middle, but not so badly as to cause discomfort. Beside it, undernearth a boarded up window, in a night table tipping heavily to one side, and at the end of the bed is a splintered wooden chest. Not exactly the lap of luxury.

" Sorry 'bout the sorry state of the dressings, mate. Once you've been with us a bit, maybe you can find yourself something a little more solid, " says Verthick.

" In any case, I should warn you that Barayle is the real jealous type. Seneira is his girl, but you wouldn't know it the way the little trollop behaves when other men are around. I'd keep my distance if I were you. "

" You were asking about who else would be joining us. There are three other members of our little group, but they like to kind of stick together, and it seems they've gone out. Ghunar, he's the oldest of us, and not just because he's a dwarf. Seneira's always teasing him about his beard going gray. Ogre is one of those tin men they built during the War. We call him that because he's always got that huge 'battlefist' or whatever they call them on his arm. Kind of comical, if you ask me. He and Ghunar have known each other since before we left Northedge. The last of us, Nilayne, she's a bit of an odd one. She's as human as you or I, but she's lithe like an elf. She doesn't say much either. Well, nothing, really. She's been struck by some kind of sickness that keeps her silent. Don't worry though, they tell me it's not contagious. Anyway, I don't know when they'll be back. "

Verthick turns to leave you to your room, and as he heads off back towards the stairs, he mentions, " If you need anything, there's drinks and a bit of food downstairs. I'm going to catch a little shut eye before the next game. The rest of us have rooms up on the third floor, if you need me. "

Well, Klik, it is certainly not the legions of Dhakaan, but everyone needs to start somewhere, do they not? Listen to me, Klik, and I will have you running this motley band. First though, you will need to get rid of that fellow, Barayle. No, nothing too overt. Subtlety is your friend. When an opportunity arises, take it. Well, wait for my signal, Klik. I will know when the time is right, do not you worry. I am here for you, Klik. You will rise, rise high above the rabble, will you not? Yes, Klik... You certainly liked the look of that girl, Seneira, did you not? I know you, Klik, I know what you think. You can do so much better. She is transparent, without substance. A pretty face can become a fatal weakness, eh, Klik?

Telepathocally communicating to the sword, Klik thinks about the recent events.

Those eyes....they sparkled like the stars over the Graypeaks....that smile....so pure and sweet...like Aundain wine..... and that body.... sigh. She can better. Much better than that grump. I bet he isn't so tough. Barayle.... I wonder what his story really is?

What a fine adventure this will be.....a fine adventure indeed.

and Klik goes to sleep with one ear open ...... crazy but not dumb. Barayle is a potentially dangerous man with something he wants.


Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

( Italics for mental communication and daydreaming would be good, that way you can worry less about telling me when it's just in your head. )

You wake up, the inn is unnaturally dark, but that doesn't seem to bother you. You leave the room, and head towards the stairs leading up to the next level. The shadows seem to reach out for you, but you evade their grasp.
At the top of the stairs, their is a long, featureless hallway, almost too long. Barely, you can make out the outline of a door at the far end, but it seems to be getting further and further away, even though you are standing still. Suddenly, you are in front of the door, reaching out to open it.
On the other side, there is a dark, featureless room, empty except for a huge bed and... Seneira. You embrace, your lips meet... and then you feel a tingling in your back. You reach back and find the hilt of a dagger embedded in your body. Frantically, you try to remove it, but Seneira stops you, her grip impossibly strong. You can feel your lifeblood ebbing away.

I warned you, Klik. I warn you, she will be nothing but trouble...

You wake up, drenched in sweat. You are startled by a large form standing over you, but it is just Verthick.

" Get up now, mate. You've slept the whole day and night away, " he says. Verthick pulls something out of his pocket, and slaps it into your hand. " Barayle thinks you should make the Jump. "

Now you recognize what Verthick has given you as a feather fall talisman, an integral part of the Jump. A highly illegal activity, though difficult to prosecture, the Jump involves intentionally leaping from the heights of the city, falling to the ground below with only the magic of the talisman to save you. The problem is, of course, that it is difficult to know when to activate the talisman. Activate it too early, and the magic will cut out before you hit the ground, possibly leading to your death if you're unlucky, too late and you leave a nice red smear on the cobblestones. Since the talismans are fairly expensive, the Jump is usually the province of only the children of rich aristocrats and nobleman, though occasionally a group of poor youngsters will manage to steal a few talismans in order to make the Jump. In any case, it is not an activity for the faint of heart.

" So, Klik, what do you say to that? "

Oh, that certainly sounds pleasant. I would just love to see what you look like with your insides spread out all over the ground, after all the work I have gone to, to help you rise above yourself. Of course, amassing power and wealth usually does entail some risks. So, Klik, do you choose reckless adventurism, or shall we find some different playmates?


Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

" Uh... Well, I think the idea was that just you would be going... Those tokens are fairly expensive, and it would cost a fair amount for us all, " says Verthick, paling ever so slightly. " Everyone else is going to be waiting on the ground. Barayle mentioned something about bringing your gear with you. "

Of course most of them will not attempt it. This is quite the little charade. A naked attempt to do you in, Klik. But, I am sure you will surprise them. No, I do note believe Klik Blaze will come to such an ignomius end.

Once you have gotten dressed and readied your things, you and Verthick head outside, where a skycoach is already waiting. You see an unusually large amount of coin change hands, likely a bribe required for the coachman to participate in this potentially risky endeavour. The two of you get in, and the skycoach rises into the air. You travel westwards and upwards, eventually finding yourself if the relatively open area between Central and Dura.

The skycoach slows, and then stops moving forward, hovering in mid air. Verthick turns to you, and says " If you've really been into the mountains, mate, this may not seem much to you, but we can still turn back. There's another hrazhak match I'm heading to after the coach leaves here. Barayle is just trying to mess with your head. "

Does he really think you cannot see that for yourself, Klik? He will need some work to become a suitable footman in our little army.

You're probably as ready as you'll ever be. Token in hand, you unlatch the skycoach door and allow it to swing open. As you do, the coachman looks back and exclains, " Get a move on, already, I don't want to get nabbed by the Watch!

Do you step out into the abyss?

( Make a Wisdom check if you do. )

OOC- I should have put this in before and if declared too late I understand- I ask if the sword senses magic on the token and will look it over to determine if it IS indeed a token of feather falling based on my rich but misguided youth.

If too late or nothing sensed I step up to the doorway and put on a brief show of bravado. Then turn away to jump....paler than a ghost..... "Your match won't be as exciting as this." and step out.

If I should know but detect nothing I look for options including the use of rope to swing to a close by ledge.

Speaking of which- just how high is Klik?


Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

You are not afraid, are you, Klik? Afraid that the token is not real? Do not worry yourself overmuch that it is a fake. Barayle, like most of his type, fancies himself clever. Were he to give you a fake token, he would risk alienating his comrades. They would lose what trust they have in him. So Klik, do not worry that it is a fake. Besides, Klik, if it were to fake, I am quite sure that plummeting several thousand feet would spare you much pain on, impact.

( Will check, please. Don't worry yourself too much, I'm not trying to kill Klik, yet. ;) )


Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

You plummet.

I had almost forgotten what it was like to experience a free fall...

The fall does not really last very long, but the few moments it does are quite exhilirating. As the ground approaches, you can vaguely make out a group of five figures by the light of the lantern being held by the tallest of them.

Your time is almost perfect, and must to your relief the feather fall token activates as you had hoped. You slowly drift down the remaining sixty feet to the ground, with the magic cutting out just a moment before you touch the rough stone of the Central plateau's side. Klik Blaze was not destined to end his life today as an Aundairian flatcake.

You have but a moment to settle before Barayle reaches out to pat you on the shoulder, saying, " An excellent show, Mr. Blaze. " He is all smiles, but you see the hard edge in eyes, the disappointment that you indeed took up the challenge and survived.

" Shall I introduce you to the rest of our my friends? "

Ah, Klik. They will soon be your friends, and not his. Soon, you miserable rodent.

You get the feeling that that last comment was not directed at you.

Voidrunner's Codex

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