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The Name Of The Shadows

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Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

( Care to enlighten me as to what you meant by " Eat that, Xander! " )

Assembled before you is a group of five that seem to be outfitted, if rather poorly, for some combat and exploration. Though in truth, only those unfamiliar faces in the group seem really prepared for the latter.

Barayle has traded in his silk clothing for some well-made leather armour, and at his side he wears a longsword of superior quality, judging by the tooling on the hilt.

Seneira is unarmoured, but dressed in some stylish clothing, sporting soft leather breaches and vest, a yellow silk shirt, and good tough leather gloves and boots. While it offers little protection against blows, it seems serviceable enough. A long dagger is shoved into her belt, and strung over her shoulder is an exquisite looking shortbow.

The first of the new faces, a stout looking dwarf with brown hair and beard, and eyes so dark as to be almost black, tips his helmet to you and introduces himself. " Ghunar Soranath. Good to make your aquaintance, " he says. Unlike his more aristocratic companions, he is dressed more appropriately for danger, in good dwarven chainmail, with a heavy-looking wooden shield strapped to his arm and a large mace hanging at his side. On his back, he carries a full pack of gear. He seems open enough, but you can see the famous dwarven reservedness in his eyes.

The next of the companions is the one Verthick called Ogre. While the sportsman mentioned that he wore one of those unwieldly looking battlefists, he failed to mention that the warforged was literally quite big. Other than his size and choice of weapon, their seems to be little else to distinquish him from his brethren. He also carries a full pack, and is engaged in watching you, intently.

For a moment, you have a little difficulty making out the last figure. She seems to be half hiding behind Ghunar, out of the light, and doesn't seem to be quite interested in you. Had Verthick not told you otherwise, you might have mistaken her for having elf blood, for she has a slight figure. Her hair is long, though shorter than Seneira's, and black as night. Her eyes are emeralds, and her features delicate. While quite attractive, her looks are cold and crisp, a stark contrast to Seneira's radiance. She wears a black hooded cloak which hides what she is wearing, but she carries a plain looking crossbow and a light backpack.

When neither of his friends makes a motion, Ghunar speaks up and says, " This here is Ogre and Nilayne. Neither say much, Ogre 'cause it doesn't fancy him much, and Nilayne, well, she can't really say anything. "

The girl frowns a bit, and gives some sort of hand signal to Ghunar, which makes him shrug.

After another moment of silence, Barayle finally speaks up again,

" Well, Mr. Blaze, or may I call you Klik now? Such an... interesting name. I decided that to commemorate the growth of our band, that perhaps we should go on a little adventure, into the Depths. I am told that you have some experience in these matters, and I thought that you would be delighted to have a chance to showcase your experience. It just so happens that a new passage has seemed to have opened up, and has yet to be explored. So, why don't we get going and have us a little fun? "

With that, he beckons for you all to follow him, and you set off down the slope into the a deepening crevice. Soon enough, he leads you to a well-hidden opening, which seems like it would be almost invisible from the air. Ogre holds up the lantern, and you see that the passage descends steeply, and twists to the right.

Barayle raises his arm, palm open, gesturing towards the opening.

After you, Klik. After you. That dwarf and golem creature seem almost competent at first look, but that silent girl seems... distant. Far more interesting than that shiny haired wench, I would wager, if I had anything to wager. In any case, be our guest, Klik, and take the lead. That is what you were meant for, eh, Klik?

Kaodi said:
( Care to enlighten me as to what you meant by " Eat that, Xander! " )

The movie XXX. The main character steals an expensive car and drives it over the edge of a high bridge then parachuts out barely timing it to not go splatter. just for kicks and to promot extreme sports. Kinda a Klik thing.


Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

You don't find any traps, and the tunnel is eerily silent.

Barayle, growing impatient, asks " What's the hold up? We didn't come here to spend all day staring at the walls. "

You fool. You fool, Barayle. Not much of a challenge, is he, Klik? No, Klik, this one will be quite easy to lead to his demise.

With that, Barayle grabs the lantern from Ogre, who reliquishes it without question, and elbows past you, heading down into the Depths.

Klik shrugs his shoulders and follows.

He may be a jerk but I don't like what you are suggesting. Klik communicates to the magical sword.


( Sorry I have been taking so long, I've been playing Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Tomb Raider: Legend for the past week and a half or so. I will try to get something up soon, and I'm hoping to make it fairly long description too. )


Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

Going soft on me, Klik? Do you no longer wish to become the great and powerful dungeon master? I know you do, Klik. You must learn that in order to win the game, occassionally a piece must be removed from the play. Either Barayle dies, or we go back to looking for another suitable group of minions, Klik.

Guided by the steady light of the magical lantern, you and your companions slowly descend into the bowels of the small peninsula upon which Sharn rests. The tunnel is very rough, rarely flat enough to be able to walk without having to watch your step. In several places there have been cave-ins, with rubble blocking all but a narrow section of the passage, and at least one you had to pause to move some rocks so that Ogre could maneouver through to the other side. Little is said, though you notice Seneira smile seductively at you, eyes twinkling, one time she looks back from her place behind Barayle.

The further you go down, the warmer it gets, though there is only a little variation in truth. At about the time the tunnel begins to turn into a hewn passage, you also pick up a faint scent of decaying wood. By the time the passage begins to widen out, it has been over an hour since you began your descent.

I find it to be a wonder that this has not all collapsed under the massive weight of your lofty towers, Klik. Make sure you do not all die down here, eh, Klik? I would be very upset at the prospect of being trapped beneath the earth again, Klik, so soon after my release.

The passage suddenly turns into a large cavern, and the group comes to a halt. Barayle lifts the latern up and begins to carefully scan the cavern with its light. In the shadows, you can make out the the ruins of a small part of Sharn's ancient past.

Carved into the stone are walls and doorways, winding staircases and imposing statues, battered and broken in some places, in perfect repair in others. The cavern is shaped somewhat like a horseshoe, with what appears to be the main building occupying the centre, a wide opening flanked by two statues of proud looking hobgoblin warriors. Following one of the staircases, you notice that there are in fact two levels, with several multi-tiered ledges.

The whole area seems a little damp, and you can see the rotting remains of wooden doors and various cabinets and racks that line the walls. The water might come the citys constant rain storms, but perhaps condensation from the steam that comes from using vast amounts of water for cooling below in the Cogs. You suspect that centuries of water damage may have played a hand in the collapse of parts of the stairway and walls, which have left a great deal of debris scattered around. There is even a small pool of water in the dip in the floor between the passage opening and the main building.

Not surprisingly, you hear nothing that cannot be attributed to you or your companions.

" Not too bad, I suppose, for goblins, " quips Ghunar, breaking the silence. " I would've that they could've made something last would stand up a little better, even after all these years. " Gesturing to Ogre, he asks, " How about you light a few torches to pass around, so the rest of you can spread out a bit? "

Nodding slightly, the warforged takes off his pack and begins looking through it, eventually coming up with three torches, as well as some flint and steel. After a few strikes, he manages to light them all, passing one to Nilayne, one to you, and keeping one for himself.

Leaning up against Barayle, Seneira asks, " Now that we've found our grand dungeon, my love, where do we begin? "

Smiling, he turns towards you and asks, " What do you think, Klik? Now that I've gotten us here, how about you show us how a professional begins his exploration? "

Quite the false flatterer, is he not, Klik? Well, we will show him, Klik. All in good time.

( Finally. I'm really sorry it took so long to get something done, and I'm more sorry that I tend to lose a lot somewhere between the grand vision and the actual description. )
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Voidrunner's Codex

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