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The Nameless Legion: Archon Lance- Mission #1


"No questiond that should be made" says Warfiend "Except one. Where, or how will we find the Simbul, or is she going to find us?"

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Trick thinks for a moment before leaning foward on the table and rattling off a series of questions.

"I actually have a few questions. I havn't worked Faerun before. What sort of races are common to this area, and what tell-tale abilities do they have? Also, are documents proving your identy common or necessary in Aglarond? If so, can the legion provide us with cover identities? Finally, what about these Red Wizards? I think I remember working with a man...Pate they called him... on a mission some time ago. He said he had Red Wizard training...what are they like?"


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Skystrike grins a bit as his new lance asks their questions. He turns to Warfiend. "The Simbul lives in her palace in Velprintalar. She is the regent of the land, and once you reach the city, anyone would be able to direct you to it."

Skystrike looks at Trick. "Faerun is one of the most diverse lands we deal with. There are a wide variety of races that live there. Most of the core races, but in varying flavors." He looks across the group. "While there are no Lumi, or Changelings, in Faerun, I do not envision this to be a problem. The Simbul has been made aware that the Legion will respond, and she is aware of the Legion Tattoo. Her troops, the defenders of Aglarond, wear a red armor, and are reknowned for their elite griffonriders."

He turns to consult various papers in his folder, then looks back up. "Documents are not necessary, but for those that can change forms..." he looks at Trick "then any of the core races would blend in. They speak common, so language would not be an issue."

"As for the Red Wizards, they are your average, run-of-the-mill, evil wizards that rule an empire" he says with a grin. "They are from the land Thay. They tend to be more potent and more specialized than traditional wizards, utilizing Faerun's "circle magic". They can be recognized by tattoos they wear across their bodies, which can also act as spell containers."


"Then, we´re ready to go, as soon we receive the usual directions on prevalence of magic, religious and social customs, and important planar personalities." says warfiend, who obviously is ready to start the mision right now, if neccesary.

ooc: I may have overreached, but seem that a rutinary, brief info on those could be useful for any lance: it would be stupid for a team to be sent to athas without, for example, knowing anything at all about warlock-kings or dire warning about attacking dragons. And would justify some out of character knowledge about very important people or gods, or how our characters can act without pissing everyone without noticing.


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"Excellent. Would it be possible for me to see an example of their spell tatoos before we leave? It may become necessary for me to impersonate one before this is all done and I want to do it as correctly as possible. As for a decent cover..."

Tricks face starts to blur and his body shifts within his clothes. Before your eyes he becomes a half-elf with wavy sandy brown hair, a medium build, and piercing blue eyes.

"I suppose this will do. Other than my question about tatoos, I believe I am ready to go."

OOC: Disguise as a half-elf (different race -2 included) Disguise; -2 different race (1d20+18=32)


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Someone said:
ooc: I may have overreached, but seem that a rutinary, brief info on those could be useful for any lance: it would be stupid for a team to be sent to athas without, for example, knowing anything at all about warlock-kings or dire warning about attacking dragons. And would justify some out of character knowledge about very important people or gods, or how our characters can act without pissing everyone without noticing.

OOC: FYI I would assume that Legion members have had basic training on the difference of arenas, specifying all that Warfiend lists. Though, in hindsight, whether you had the training or not, (or whether you paid attention to the training or not), they would re-brief you before sending you off.

Skystrike looks to Warfiend, thinks for a moment, then rifles through his folder for a briefing parchment. He hands the same sheet to each of you. Written in common is a listing dossier of Faerun, and includes: 1) A listing of common races; 2) A listing of deities and portfolios; 3) A listing of nations, with large cities, government structures, and rulers.

For Sul Ilume and Trick:
Sense Motive for Sul Ilume, Trick. Both of you notice that Skystrike seems a bit flustered, and can surmise that this is probably his first briefing.

He turns to Trick. "We do have a former Red Wizard in the Legion membership, but he is off-world. The tattoos are mystical in nature, and cannot be adequately duplicated without the necessary skills. Though one not of the area would not notice the difference."


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"Excellent then, so if need be, I can pass as a Red Wizard for those not in the know, and even for a Red Wizard from a real Red Wizard at a distance. So with the briefing...I suppose we are ready."

Trick stands and nods at Skystrike, then at the rest of his group.

"Oh, and Sir. You did just fine. Good Briefing"

Trick flashes the commander his best smile-genuinely friendly, not mocking in any way.

OOC: So, I assume the briefing we got basic info from FRCS? That's cool. And just so Skystrike doesn't think I was making fun of him I will use my Social Intuition and take 10 on a Diplomacy check=30


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At Trick's comment, Skystrike gives a broad smile. "If everyone is set, then we are off to the Worldgate." Skystrike motions for you all to stand, and leads you through the corridors of Homebase to the Gateroom.

For those of you who have been on missions before, the Gateroom is very familiar. The largest building on Homeworld, the center of this huge ziggurat has been hollowed out, and contains a vast central room. The central room is pyramidal in shape, and measures almost 300 feet wide in both directions. The apex of the pyramid is easily 300 feet tall as well.

In the center of the room, measuring 200' square, is the staging platform. Those of you familiar with some of the Legion's large-scale assault missions have seen this room filled with troops in the past. Currently, the staging platform is empty.

In a raised balcony area that circles the staging platform, the individual Worldgates reside. There are 20 chambers leading off from the central room, and in each chamber resides the Worldgate that the smaller lances use to bring them to their final destination. Skystrike leads you to one such room, and in passing you see some fellow legionnaires off on another mission: a warforged leads two elan, two humans, and a gloura.

He leads you into a 40' x 50' room, and standing in the middle is the activation stone. This stone pillar rises 4' into the air in the middle of the room, and it is this piece that activates the Worldgate. Skystrike is about to take his position in front of the activation stone, and reaches into a chamber and pulls out a brooch. He hands it to Trick. "Here's your recall brooch. Simply tap on this brooch and speak in common "Return", and I will activate the return portal to retrieve you. Guard it well, and remember, there's only one use for recall. Once you're recalled, we can't re-enter the area for quite a while."

He turns and places his hands palm-down onto the stone, and you all witness the stone glowing. As the stone glows, a swirling mass of green light begins to form in front of you. The swirling continues, as the energy coalesces into a green portal, approximately 10' in diameter.

Skystrike looks at all of you, still holding his hands on the stone. "You all ready? Good luck."

For Scorch:
[SBLOCK] Spellcraft check 1d20 + 20 = 26. You recognize the Worldgate as some sort of variation of the gate spell, but it is slightly different than the versions you've read about in the past.

OOC: Will give you all a chance to ask any last minute questions before sending you off. If you're good, simply walk through the portal.

Voidrunner's Codex

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