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The Necromancer's Skull (Judge - covaithe)


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Vixo manages to shake off the dark energy of the hound in the nick of time, and is then able to help his fellow rogue overcome that same effect. Now, only Skalisss is suffering from the hound's bite, but Steppyn is still in bad shape.

Initiative: Status
Steppyn: 0/27, death saving throw needed next turn
Vixo: 1/28
-->Skalisss: 13/27, ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends)
Trevor: 17/29
Vlastos: 24/24

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Saving throw vs. Death. (1d20+1=21)

I'm wondering if this is Karma for my failure after failure on the necrotic damage.

Posting this now if that's alright as I may be busy all afternoon and this group posts fast.

[sblock=Min-Stat Block]
Steppyn- Male Dark Elf Rogue 1
Passive Perception: 15, Passive Insight: 10
AC:17, Fort:10, Reflex:17, Will:14 -- Speed:6
HP:1/27, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:5/6
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: Used
Powers -
Deft Strike
Sly Flourish

Dazing Strike
Cloud of Darkness
Blinding Barrage


First Post
With our foes vanquished, Skalisss struggles to his feet again and attempts to gather himself. "By the wavesss of the Sssea King! We must save Steppyn."

Move Action: Stand.

Standard Action: Move to O12.

He takes 5 more HP of damage and attempts another save: Skalisss save #2 to end ongoing effect (1d20+1=8)
Fails even with the +1 for timely posting.

[SBLOCK=Mini Stat Block]
Skalisss - Male Dragonborn Paladin 1
Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 17
AC:20, Fort:15, Reflex:13, Will:15 -- Speed:5
HP 8/27, Bloodied 13, Surge Value 7, Surges left 10/11
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers -
Valiant Strike
Bolstering Strike

Piercing Smite
Paladin's Judgement
Dragon Breath USED
Lay on Hands
Divine Challenge

Channel Divinity: Divine Mettle
Channel Divinity: Divine Strength

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First Post
Skalisss stands, determined to not let the dog get the better of him, but is still affected by the bite.

Trevor moves over to Steppyn and attempts to stabilize the drow. Unfortunately, he is unable to. Healing (1d20+7=14)

Fortunately, Steppyn suddenly decides not to go towards the dark (as the Drow say), and regains consciousness.

Initiative: Status
Steppyn: 6/27
-->Vixo: 1/28
Skalisss: 15/27, ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends)
Trevor: 17/29
Vlastos: 24/24

OOC: Skalisss can just roll till he saves, or others can make DC 15 Heal checks to grant him extra saving throws.
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First Post
Embarrased and educated by Vixo's quick and appropriate action with regards to Steppyn, Vlastos suddenly realizes that, yes, you can actually do that - heal check, that is. He thus attempts to administer to Skalisss - DC15 ->[18,1] = 19 - and does so successfully. C'mon Skalisss, shake it off, he says, hopefully?

Then he calls out to the rest of the group, though I'm unscathed, "we" may need shelter and healing for the night before proceeding, I think. What say you all to that? Those hounds were fierce and that's for certain, he adds, glancing at the two rogues. Well fought, everyone!

He then peers about, scrying for enemies, nervous regards the groups' exposure in the graveyard.
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First Post
Skalisss finally shakes off the effects of the Zombie dog's bite:

OOC: after taking 5 more HP damage, I have Skalisss at 3 hit points now.
Skalisss save #3 against ongoing effect (+1 for timely posting) (1d20+1=21)

"It will take sssome time to recover from thessse woundsss, let usss find sssome ssshelter and ressst."

OOC: After a short rest (5 minutes) we can use as many healing surges as want, so do we really need to take an extended rest? The answer is yes, of course, only if we used many of our daily powers.
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First Post
OOC: Agreed on the rest, as you might have noticed by now, I'm a little rules lite even on some of the basics. Thanks for the info - old editions of D&D are gradually dissolving.


First Post

Steppyn's condition improves markedly after the short rest, but it's clear that he can't keep taking the beating he took for much longer.

3 Surges used during the short rest(s), also used 1 when overcoming unconsciousness.

Well gents, I'm afraid we're in the middle of a graveyard in a ghost town run by a necromancer, in all likelihood we don't have the opportunity to take an extended rest. It also seems to me like we held back quite a reserve, likely because I think we all underestimated our opponents, a mistake we're not likely to make again. So with the concept firmly in mind that the best defense is a good offense, and the best way to a jewel is always open when the owner thinks you're not likely to come, I say we mush on and get this bit o business over.

[sblock=Mini-Stat Block]
Steppyn- Male Dark Elf Rogue 1
Passive Perception: 15, Passive Insight: 10
AC:17, Fort:10, Reflex:17, Will:14 -- Speed:6
HP:24/27, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:1/6
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: Used
Powers -
Deft Strike
Sly Flourish

Dazing Strike
Cloud of Darkness
Blinding Barrage


First Post
OOC: If Skalisss took the free save attempt given by Vlastos' Heal check, he'd have stayed at 15 HP by my count and not taken further damage.

Also, just to be clear about it, here's what Latanos said:

"(W)e don't take kindly to necromancers. Even after they themselves have passed on, there are rites we undertake to make a reckoning for their actions. My research has uncovered the final resting place of a necromancer that was of particular note a century ago. He and his undead terrorized Marlowe's Grove, a village in the Starkreach Woods, until it was abandoned. When his time came, Skelleks, the necromancer who tormented Marlowe's Grove, chose to place his tomb in the graveyard of Marlowe's Grove, amongst many of those who fell to his undead horrors."

"I want you to go to Marlowe's Grove, find Skelleks' tomb, and return with his skull. ... Further, my research indicates that, while most of Skelleks' worldly goods were passed on to his apprentice - who my order has already... taken care of - some trophies of Skelleks' vanquished foes are interned with him in the tomb. These items would be yours, should you find them. The skull only do I require."

In other words, the necromancer is long dead. The tomb is, as far as Latanos knows, a tomb, and not the secret lair of an active necromancer. So take that into consideration when deciding to press on or not.

Also, dusk fell as the fight started. One more piece of info to weigh.

So, press on, or rest for the night?


First Post
Vlastos marvels at the rogue's resilience.

Aye, Steppyn! If you're good to go then so am I, though I would hear from the others, too. If we only knew where to look for this damn "owner". Three of us had just examined the northern section of this graveyard when we were attacked. I don't believe the tomb is there though we could search again. The town is also barren as someone else reports. Where then? What magical dissemble are we overlooking? We must be wary even as we think - we are slightly less potent in our current state.

Vlastos Human Wizard
Initiative +4
Passive Insight 17 Passive Perception 12 Senses normal
HP 24 Bloodied 12 Surge Value 6 Surges Per-Day 8
AC 14 Fortitude 13 Reflex 15 Will 15
Second Wind not used
Magic Missile
Cloud of Dagger
Icy Terrain
Ghost Sound
Mage Hand
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