jasper said:Wait a minute I originally thought they came from the front of hanger deck too in the original but in some scenes they appear from under the side of the ship. Also in the old one you could see clear through the landing bay open space to open space so why have launch tubes.
Personally I would like to see realism a bit more in scific. After how many times can kirk, spock, luke, Captain Sheridian, etc avoid the blaster light. They didn’t fall for the laser/blaster moves slower than a bullet.
Good points on the generic corrodor but having nearly got lost on the USS Alabama it did look convincing plus standard scene where civilian/political flunky gets lost on military ship.
Strong female parts. Hmm Starbuck’s blonde nurseie look concern over current wounded guy actor. The only strong woman in the original was Apollo’s wife who took a bullet. The rest were just average stock characters.
Rating both them I give the original C and the new one C+. Mainly because the new one have flaws which can be plot story lines. The original Baltar would have taken the old lady’s number and mugged for the camera.
Excuse me what about Sheba who could fly as well as any of the boys? And dind't have to act like one unloke the new female Starbuck or as my male roomate called her Startramp. Flaws these characters all need prozac and group therepy.