First Post
No one has the slightest idea how this note got on the board... it just suddenly appeared there, dripping a tiny amount of blood from one corner. A faint tinny sound comes from the note on occasion. If listened closely to, it sounds like a very tiny person saying 'help meeee!' over and over.
Listen and attend, you scurrilous runts!
The Baron, Warlord of Munsckhyn and Mihnmaks, points out that you portray your ignorance in cheaply gilded frames, feebly attempting to mock his mighty works. Even more pathetic are any of those who claim understanding of EVIL, or even claim to be EVIL themselves! The Baron scoffs at your sad scrabbling for identity. You exist perpetually in his looming gothic shadow. Claiming ignorance of him and his fell works is of no import to him; if you do not know the Baron, you are clearly an uninformed idiot.
Those who fancy themselves dark and dreadful are best served by swearing fealty to the Baron now, or they will be crushed. Though the Baron hates all things Good, he at least accords a sliver of respect for those who choose the harder road. For those who claim evil?
The Baron's favorite bottle opener is a vampire elder.
Therefore, do not trifle with the Baron, if you value any scrap of your maggoty lives. You can be assured he does not, except as some small, squishy moment of entertainment.
With further monolithic disdain for you all
-The Baron Massacre Von Hackenslash
Listen and attend, you scurrilous runts!
The Baron, Warlord of Munsckhyn and Mihnmaks, points out that you portray your ignorance in cheaply gilded frames, feebly attempting to mock his mighty works. Even more pathetic are any of those who claim understanding of EVIL, or even claim to be EVIL themselves! The Baron scoffs at your sad scrabbling for identity. You exist perpetually in his looming gothic shadow. Claiming ignorance of him and his fell works is of no import to him; if you do not know the Baron, you are clearly an uninformed idiot.
Those who fancy themselves dark and dreadful are best served by swearing fealty to the Baron now, or they will be crushed. Though the Baron hates all things Good, he at least accords a sliver of respect for those who choose the harder road. For those who claim evil?
The Baron's favorite bottle opener is a vampire elder.
Therefore, do not trifle with the Baron, if you value any scrap of your maggoty lives. You can be assured he does not, except as some small, squishy moment of entertainment.
With further monolithic disdain for you all
-The Baron Massacre Von Hackenslash