The Note of Dread


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No one has the slightest idea how this note got on the board... it just suddenly appeared there, dripping a tiny amount of blood from one corner. A faint tinny sound comes from the note on occasion. If listened closely to, it sounds like a very tiny person saying 'help meeee!' over and over.

Listen and attend, you scurrilous runts!

The Baron, Warlord of Munsckhyn and Mihnmaks, points out that you portray your ignorance in cheaply gilded frames, feebly attempting to mock his mighty works. Even more pathetic are any of those who claim understanding of EVIL, or even claim to be EVIL themselves! The Baron scoffs at your sad scrabbling for identity. You exist perpetually in his looming gothic shadow. Claiming ignorance of him and his fell works is of no import to him; if you do not know the Baron, you are clearly an uninformed idiot.

Those who fancy themselves dark and dreadful are best served by swearing fealty to the Baron now, or they will be crushed. Though the Baron hates all things Good, he at least accords a sliver of respect for those who choose the harder road. For those who claim evil?

The Baron's favorite bottle opener is a vampire elder.

Therefore, do not trifle with the Baron, if you value any scrap of your maggoty lives. You can be assured he does not, except as some small, squishy moment of entertainment.

With further monolithic disdain for you all

-The Baron Massacre Von Hackenslash

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The same man stands there reading the note. He is dressed in full gear, he writes..

Dear The Baron Massacre Von Hackenslash,

I dont know of your works. But you speak of crushing the good. Sir, you are truely pathetic. If you think that I stand in your way as someone who is "good" then you are truely mistaken. You dont know what true power is. You speak but you dont take action. I speak and I take action. I am, the once great bounty hunter, Nihilius. Now sir, if you speak with no action, then why do you speak at all?


A man enters the tavern wearing a black robe and hood then walks to the board. Seeing the note the man smiles then pulls out a blank piece of parchment paper and a dagger. Then the man cuts his finger then starts writing on the paper in his own blood:

Dear Baron Massacre Von Hackenslash,

Over the centuries that I have been alive, I have found not a soul that I deemed worthy enough of my skills and services. To the people that sees you not as a threat however see you as an ally. If you seek an assassin I deem myself worthy of your lordship over me. For I was the assassin of the Dread Emperor before his dreadful passing. I am loyal to my lord until my dying breath or until my lord dies. I await for your reply my lord Baron Von Hackenslash.
Tiberious Riddick

Then the man smiles at his work then places the note to the right of the original.Then the man disappears from sight.
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*A young elf woman walks up to the corkboards, eyeing this note in particular. She stiffles her laughter once more before scrawling a note.*

Dear Mister Bojangles, the Harmless Toy Poodle,

I must say, the bragging is hilarious. Your wild claims truely make me laugh. However, as has been stated already, you are merely like all the rest of the evil to stumble upon Oerth. You are all bark. And not a single tooth to bite with.

The day that something as pathetic as you could use an Elder leech for anything but commiting suicide (Gods be praised when you do), is the day I'm certain any Slayer, myself included would hang up their stakes and swords.

I truely do pity the day you actually run across a leech of such age. You rate so low, you don't even own the right to look a new Childe in the eyes, let alone do battle with an experianced Deader.

*She swiftly signs her name to the parchment, adding on from the last.*

Babylon Logos, the Discourse of the First, Slayer, Huntress, Priestess.

*She tacks up her note beneath the first, turning and walking off.*

. o O ( My oh, my, I do pity him should a few certain Deader's cross his claims. )

*She stiffles her laughter, heading out,* "Oh, what Muffin would do to him."

A young woman appears in a burst of dark red light, smile playing on her lips as she looks about. Spotting the note tacked on the boards, she hmms a moment before chuckling in amusement. She removes a quill and a some parchment from her pack now before scribbling

To the one who claimes to be "Oh-so-great":

One would think that by now you would have DONE something about all these who "mock" you instead of leaving rather IDLE threats on the boards... but of course, that is just my opinion. I shall wait and see what your... actions against them would be... for that would surely prove to be... an amusing sight.

The young woman then tacks it above the other posts,the note left unsigned and the gentle scent of roses linger on the paper itself. She chuckles a bit more

.o O (An elder vampire for a bottle opener he says... I pity the poor thing if it actually existed)

With that she then makes her way to the bar, her day having been made by the rather amusing posts.

Coming back from her honeymoon, looking refreshed and cheery, she pauses by the boards at the tinny noise. Dreading what it could be and the familiar 'Oh joy of joys' expression she is used to wearing with cynical amusement, she slides closer to peer at the note.

...a long moment passes and then she lifts out some paper and a pen from a pouch that appears bottomless at her side, despite the relatively small visual dimensions of it. The paper she quickly scribble on with the marvellous contraption that Ann gave to her, then posts it underneath.

All you're doing is encouraging him.

St Twitterpates -is- around here, you know?

Bhryn xxx

She smiles then, wanders off.

Dear Baron,

I come to you in supplication. Mighty you are, and feeble am such as I in your sight. I know I am not worthy of scraping the disgusting mud from your most godly boots, yet I must be forward in this small matter (and can only pray you can forgive so forthright an approach from such flotsam as my humble self) and beg your kind consideration in a matter most urgent to me and the jetsam that I surround myself with (in persistant want of the company of one akin to your good self). I pray you will give the issue I shall raise before your intellect the merest possibility of a moment of thought before conveying upon me your genuine and ineffibly wise and untrivial opinion.

Yours in disgusting servitude,
~Silent Death on Wings, Silent Death.

*A dark figure makes her way to the corkboards, her bleak eyes diligently finding the notice of her seeking. The woman smirks, taking out a parchment from someplace unseen. She makes a few minor changes to what she has prewrit.*

So, you beleive you can use Kindred as bottle openers? Those making such claims as your's make a deity upon the Spire seem sane, nothing more than a little worm to be crushed underfoot . . . A pathetic child whom would wet themselves in the face of a Kobald, let alone the most Ancient of Kindred. Do yourself well, and leave this realm before you ire someone enough to garnish a reaction further than a mere letterboard, particularally those you believe to be corkscrews in your addle-coved head.

And Lady Babylon, I seek better of you. The name you have dubbed upon this fool is hardly befitting your capibility. That is unless you have changed considerablity since our last assemblage . . . And have lost all ability to speak the Cant for insult.

*The letter remains anonymous, and the poster merely vanishing in an enveloping mist upon tacking it up.*
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This note is tacked to the board by some hunched, unnoticed figure. Some might note deranged giggling as it leaves. The note itself is made of some unusual form of vellum, very pale. The usual spiky and ornate handwriting is present.

The Corrupter of All He Surveys deigns to reply:

Firstly: A fellow who calls himself 'Nihilius' only sounds ridiculous in condemning the name and reputation of the Baron, whose reptilian patience has ground many mighty foes to dust before him. The Baron assures you, he understands INTIMATELY what true power really is.

Secondly: You, kingslayer, that wishes to serve the Baron; know that he will be watching you in your vile deeds. Perform well, and perhaps he may yet accept you into his service. Only the most foul and treacherous are ever accepted into his elite ranks.

Thirdly: You who continue to paint silly faces on the Baron's letters! Know now that he has made this face the new symbol on the shields of the Fourth Grim Legion of Fubhar, and that it is rapidly becoming synonymous with the slaughter of children.

Fourthly: The Baron does not stumble.

Fifthly: You miserable flea who attempts to beg a favor of the Baron! The Baron will hear your appeal; your subservience pleases him to a minor degree. If your request fails to amuse him, you are doomed beyond measure, and he will make a fool's cap of you for his new court jester, condemned to jingle for a thousand years.

Sixthly: Vampires are dumb.

The Baron expresses that he shall set your loved ones on fire and not even care.

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