The original Parallel Rules

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
Global Level --- xp
1 1k
2 2k
3 4k
4 8k
5 16k
6 32k
7 64k
8 125k
9 250k
10 500k
11 750k
12 1M
13 1.25M
14 1.5M
15 1.75M
16 2M
17 2.25M
18 2.5M
19 2.75M
20 3M
+1 +250k

Abilities Level --- xp
-9 1
-8 2
-7 4
-6 8
-5 16
-4 32
-3 64
-2 125
-1 250
0 500
1 1k
2 2k
3 4k
4 8k
5 16k
6 32k
7 64k
8 125k
9 250k
10 375k
11 500k
12 625k
13 750k
14 875k
15 1M
+1 +125k

Base Level -- Abilities
-2 ----- THAC0
6 ----- Damage
-4 ----- Weapon Proficiencies
-5 ----- Hit Points
1 ----- Fortitude
1 ----- Reflex
1 ----- Will
-8 ----- Tightrope Walking
-8 ----- Climb Walls
-8 ----- Hide in Shadows
-8 ----- Move Silently
-8 ----- Sleight of Hand
-8 ----- Evasion
2 ----- Spellcasting Ability
2 ----- Bard ( Enchantment /Charm )
2 ----- Cleric ( Divination, Necromancy, Abjuration )
2 ----- Druid ( Conjuration / Summoning )
2 ----- Elementalist ( Alteration, Evocation/Invocation )
2 ----- Illusionist ( Illusion/Phantasm )
-1 ----- 1st Level
1 ----- 2nd Level
3 ----- 3rd Level
5 ----- 4th Level
7 ----- 5th Level
9 ----- 6th Level
11 ----- 7th Level
13 ----- 8th Level
15 ----- 9th Level

with reaching a new Global Level you gain xp to purchase abilities;

except at 1st GL, you cannot spend more than two Levels at a time to purchase Abilities

say you want a specialization in Long Sword ( 2 points ) ( from Ad&d 2E PO )
===> that costs you -4 ( Base ) + 2 ( proficiency ) = -2 ( 125 xp )
if you want another point in Wpn prof you reach -1 ( 250 xp )

about Spell Casting Ability :
you add your SCA Level to anyone of your Spell Casting Classes,
Spell Casting Classes giving you the highest Spell Level you can cast from any Class,
and SCA + SCC = Spell Casting Level

then you have a Level in each of the 9 Spell Levels,
with the fact that you cannot have three SL 3 and two SL 2 :
you must have at least the same Level in any SL like in 1/1/1/1 or 2/2/1/1 or 5/5/4/4/3/2/2 etc

( of course at this time the system is totally unbalanced )

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le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
Hit Points : sum of Hit Points Level ( Level 1 grants you 1 hp, Level 2 gives 2 more hp ( total 3 ) , Level 5 means 15 hp for a cost of -5 +5 ===> 0 ( 500 xp ) )


Voidrunner's Codex

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