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The Player Appreciation Thread

Toben the Many

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You know, here and on a lot of other places 'round the 'net GMs get a lot of credit. It's the thankless job. The bulk of the game rests upon the GMs shoulders, etc.

I do not dispute these things.

However, as I look back over the past ten years, I've been really damn lucky to have some of the best players a GM could ever ask for. I think that we need to celebrate our precious players, the ones who show up week after week to listen to our material and play in our sandboxes. Because without them, we wouldn't be playing anything.

In the past ten years, I've had players who have:

  • Bought minis for me
  • Painted minis for me
  • Given minis to me
  • Made terrain for me
  • Made minis from "scratch" for me
  • Bought books for me
  • Given me free tickets to Circle de Soliel in appreciation
  • Had an award ceremony for me
  • Brought free beer to the table
  • Given me tons of pictures for use in the game
  • Created artwork for me

But most recently, the thing that blew me away was that I had a number of players read novels for me. Whole novels.

This flabbergasted me because, from my experience, players rarely read anything that you give them. However, in my case, in two different campaigns, I would talk about particular books which really encapsulated the ideas in my games. Well, about half of my players read those books. Someone would show up one week and say, "So, I read that book..." My jaw would always hit the floor.

Most recently, I started a new game and wrote out a list of "suggested reading" of novels for my players. I had not intended that they read the books I suggested. I merely listed the books so that they might, maybe, wikipedia them or something to get the gist of what I was talking about. If they even did that. I didn't expect anything, really.

Well, one of my players went out and read three of the novels on the list. WTF, dudes??? I'm so lucky!

So, give a shout-out. Who are some players you are grateful for?

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Well, I've known five of my six players for over 10 years, and I've been playing with four of that five since I was playing official RPGs. When I wrote my RPG, I definitely felt I had to include a passage thanking them for their contribution to my game. Here it is:
Children of Arrash said:
And that is the most important part. Simple encouragement and support from my friends have caused this game to blossom in ways I never originally intended. I’d like to take a moment to thank them: my brother, Daniel, for giving me storyline tips, and for pointing out hazy wording within the rules, and for generally inspiring me to even get involved in this project (or role playing) in general; Ben, for giving me mechanical tips, and just generally trying to exploit the system and give me headaches, letting me plug holes in the design areas that needed it; Kenny, for playing out characters, and helping me refine the world (and realm) setting themselves to fit the character point of view, and for giving me a lot of drive to write an in-depth chapter on how to run a game; Joey, for continuously pressing for details on the world setting to help fit the GM point of view, and for his unending emotional and intellectual support, even when he felt he wasn’t helping me (but really was); Robert, for working on the actual formatting of the book, from the actual cover to the layout inside, and for helping me get the game to a point where finishing it became feasible; Austin, for sitting around with me time and again and just trying to pound out mechanical details, and for highlighting the importance of different aspects of the game; Gaige, for doing his best week after week trying to get our session moving along, and for expressing his interest in having fun at the table; and my father, who has financially, emotionally, and intellectually supported me to a degree that I cannot repay, and for expressing such great enthusiasm and interest in my game. Every one of these people has also contributed in other ways than those I listed, from giving feedback on mechanics, to offering opinions on the setting, to reminding everyone that in the end, the game is about fun. And it is.

I was lucky enough to have a group of friends who supported me, despite my excessive push for reformation and pursuit of perfection. Not only did they support me, they openly encouraged it through their friendship, feedback, and tolerance. I hope they know I appreciate them.
I've got a great group of players, and I'm very thankful for them. They deserve the best GM around ;)

As always, play what you like :)


I have lots of wonderful players; and I agree, players often don't get enough credit. Good players really make the game, just as poor players suck the fun right out. Great players whose enthusiasm is wildly infectious, who both grok a campaign's themes and take it forward in ways I couldn't have imagined. The quiet player who sits there a long time, then comes up with something incredibly insightful. Cool players who drive the group forward, organising and motivating - and occasionally getting a bit annoyed if one of us/them does something that seems a bit silly or selfish. Great players who buy me beer. :) Players who roleplay fabulously. Players who are a joy and an honour to game with.


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My players assert their characters into the scope of the story that they are driving forward, taking it in directions I never planned for while keeping it relevant.

My players made realistic characters, and interacts with each other as their characters would, and addresses the other players by their character's names.

Though many of them are new to Role-Playing, I think that my current group is one of the best I've played for yet, and they play like someone whos been role-playing for years and years.

Thank you guys also for doing in character write-ups after the campaign, its a blast to see what your characters thought of the events within the campaign!

I look forward to keep playing with you!

Toben the Many

First Post
Probably one of the players I'm most grateful for is a guy we sometimes call, "Mr. Dependable."

He's the kind of player that is assuming. He'll never be the greatest role-player or be the party leader. But is there at every session, without fail, never complains, and is happy to play whatever you're running, no matter what.

And the no complaining thing is gold. No matter how bad his PC has gotten it, or what we're playing, he's just always his pleasant self.


Well my girl friend has just taken up gaming. And she's loving it. And a natural role player. So I'd like to thank her for joining me in my nerdiness and just for enjoying herself.

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