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The Politics of Tirchond

the Jester

This thread will begin with sort of a repost of the final "Five Years Later" post from my old story hour (link in sig), but only one of the characters in the old story hour is in this one (at least at this point).

The pcs in this story hour consist of the following:

*Clambake (cleric/psyker 6/6)
*Sheva (high priestess of Coila; 19th level ranger/rogue/assassin/cleric/contemplative/monk)
*Montanah, called Fonzi (fighter 3/rogue 3/spymaster 5)
*Sontanah, called Sonti (rogue 2/fighter 4/spymaster 5), Montanah's twin brother
*Glaxo Smitkline (fighter 2/rogue 5/shadowdancer 4)
*Cicero (bard 7/sorcerer 4)
*Zeebo "the Mayor" Swayzac (wizard 7/sorcerer 7)

If you're interested in reading more about Clambake, you can read my old story hour (if you haven't already)- the one with the creative title. :rolleyes:

If you're interested in reading more about Sheva and Zeebo, see my story hour called Agents of Chaos.

If you're interested in reading more about anyone else, well, sorry- except for Cicero they're all new characters, and Cicero isn't in any of my old story hours though he might pop up in an "early years" type thread sometime.

Anyway, here we go...
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the Jester

The Return of Captain Clambake

2/1/368 O.L.G.

Captain Clambake, though not captain of the ship he's on, growls softly deep in his throat as the vessel heads through the medium-high waves into the harbor of the Shining City of Tirchond.

The Egg, he thinks with satisfaction.

The Purple Whale's captain approaches him. He's a grizzled veteran of the Forinthian navy, retired over a decade but still scarred from old battles. "We're here," he says in his typical clipped tones, and Clambake nods.

"Arr, my thanks," the dwarf says, handing over a bag of coins. The captain nods at him briefly, then stomps off to the foredeck, peering out at the elven vessels moored at the quay. Soon enough he's barking orders at his crew to tie off and ready for inspection as the suspicious elves and dwarves of the Port Inspection Authority board and start examining the vessel's cargo. Clambake doesn't bother to wait; he heads immediately into the city, seeking lodging, and soon he's got a meal of fish stew and vegetables in front of him, as well as a flask of rum.

Some tastes, even acquired under the influence of a curse, never go away. "Arr," he says to himself quietly in satisfaction as his belly grows full and warm. Some mannerisms, even acquired under the influence of a curse, stay with one for life.

A flight of stairs later and he throws his pack down in his room and doffs his coat and hat. He's dry of the spray of the sea now, and he spends a few minutes passing his fingers through the tangles of his beard. Definitely needs some work, he thinks briefly to himself, then falls to his knees to offer his devotions to his God Na'Rat, the Chaos-Bringer, for whom he has come to this far-flung isle.

After his obsequies are done, Clambake flings himself heavily into the bed and soon sinks deep into a snoring sleep. And dreams of old friends, companions long gone, events in the past...

He dreams of the hat whose mark has never fully left him; he dreams of Horbin the Holy, with whom he sailed for two years after the terrible last battle that drove them from Dorla. He dreams of Krunkshank, who went far to the west, perhaps even to Dorhaus, accompanying Anvar the Paraelementalist so long ago. He dreams of Droidi, the small two-headed half-dragon, arguing with himself, head snarling at head.

He dreams of recent times, spent on Pesh in meditation and study. He remembers the bile that rose in his throat when he saw that the accursed Cluma had overthrown the local obelisk to his deity; he recalls the mission his masters at the temple had sent him on. He dreams of the Egg of Na'Rat.

They whirl like a tornado, his dreams; they go back to times long past, to the Sea Wraith. He recalls again the fight against the roper that left him drained and weak, and how he struggled madly as his companions pulled the hat from his brow and hurled it into the fire. He remembers, in his night visions, the horrible thirst and hunger that came over him immediately afterwards- eating and eating, gulping down water, trying to restore himself. And then....

The lich.

His mind whirls through a succession of images, his triumph over Alexis the lich among them. Then, Clambake wakes up. Morning has come, and he has an Egg to locate.


He remembers the two long years under the aegis of the temple of Na'Rat in Pesh, and the excitement of the high priest when he sent Clambake on this quest. "The Egg of Na'Rat," he exhorted. "A powerful item indeed!"

"Arr, what am I to do with it?" Clambake had asked.

"You will know," the high priest had answered with a wide grin.

Not sure exactly what he's looking for, Captain Clambake walks out onto the streets of the Shining City.

Next Time: Sheva meets Glaxo!


Originally posted by the Jester
If you're interested in reading more about Clambake, you can read my old story hour (if you haven't already)- the one with the creative title. :rolleyes:

If you're interested in reading more about Sheva, see my story hour called Agents of Chaos.

If you're interested in reading more about anyone else, well, sorry- except for Cicero they're all new characters

Since when is Zeebo new? Don't listen to the Jester folks, you can see some of Zeebos' exploints in the Agents of Chaos story hour. :D

the Jester

SeldomSeen said:

Since when is Zeebo new? Don't listen to the Jester folks, you can see some of Zeebos' exploints in the Agents of Chaos story hour. :D

Oops, my bad- thought I'd lumped him in with Sheva! Fixed it. :D

the Jester

Glaxo is a dark halfling. When we say "dark," what we mean is dark complexion; dark hair and eyes; dark leathers; and a dark stained backpack at his feet.

"Can we take that for ya?" asks one of his hosts politely, and after only a moment's hesitation he nods. He's a guest here, after all- here in the thieves' guild. And he's trying to join up.

He glances sideways at the imposing redheaded woman in the chain mail bikini next to him. He doesn't know her, but you might; it's Sheva, high priestess of Coila, rogue and assassin, among many other things. She ignores the halfling.

She's ushered in to Walther's office before he is, just as she was waiting before he was. But she's been here before; she's already a member of the guild in good standing, and since abandoning the adventurers she'd traveled with over most of the last year* she's worked hard to advance her standing within the guild. Now she's being brought in to see one of the 'second-tier' men- not quite the guildmaster, but one of his three main assistants.

Walther's an ugly half-elf at an impressive desk. He tells Sheva, "You've been doin' real well lately. You've come to our attention." With a smile, he says, "We have something for you to do. Keep this kid on the right track and make sure he don't get any funny ideas." Then he calls for the halfling to be sent in.

"So I understand you been wantin' to get ahold of us," Walther says slyly to the halfling.

"Yeah," the halfling says, glancing over at Sheva cooling her heels in the next chair over. "I want to operate in your city, but I don't want to step on any toes. I wanted to make sure I got permission from the right people."

Walther nods. "Very wise, my little fellow. Of course, there's the standard sign-up fee- and the initiation."


The ugly half-elf nods again. "Of course. There's an item, we don't even know what it is exactly, coming up for discussion in the Extraplanar Affairs Commission. We believe it would fetch a pretty penny if it were in our possession."

Glaxo nods in understanding. "So you want me to get it?" It isn't really a question. "But you don't know what it is." That one sort of is, but no answer's forthcoming, so Glaxo says, "All right..."

"Sheva," Walther calls, "stay behind a minute," and he tells her the scary little bit he does know about it.

After, Sheva joins Glaxo and looks him over with a critical eye. "How are we gonna get this thing?" the halfling asks, and she replies:

"I have friends in high places."

*see the Agents of Chaos story hour, link in sig.

Next Time: The Council of Tirchond! Meet Cicero and his entourage!

the Jester

Crash Course in Tirchond Politics

While Sheva and Glaxo are waiting for Walther to assign their mission to them, another of our principles is in Council.

Cicero, long a voice for neutrality on Tirchond, is a slick-looking politician. He pumps more hands than almost anyone else, he sells his vote left and right, he makes all the friends he can and as few commitments as he can afford to. He’s got the biggest entourage of anyone in the Council of Tirchond, and when he enters the room people notice the scribes and orators with him.

Cicero’s a powerhouse, too, in the Council. He holds three seats; there aren’t a lot of people with more than that. Exactly seven, in fact; four individuals with four seats, two with five, and one- Estelias, of course- with a whopping eight. Why, if she applied them right, she’d be a majority on a Commission all by herself!

Let’s digress for a moment. The Council of Tirchond consists of 285 seats, divided amongst the various powers and interests of Tirchond; for example, there are ten seats reserved for administrators of the Silver College, fifteen more for Silver College professors, eight for Silver College students, one representing the administration of the rest of the schools of Tirchond (none nearly as big as the Silver College, of course), one representing the other schools’ professors, one their students, four representing the Hammerhead Halls, and so forth. There are even seats representing the orcs and goblinoids (one each), giants (four seats) and fae (three, but they’re rarely in session). Ultimately, the Tirchondian system was designed by grey elves, so it’s no surprise that the council members must be prepared to exercise a great deal of patience to get anything done. Each week there’s an agenda, which is an actual physical book of one hundred pages; once it’s full- and the full text of whatever’s on the agenda has to be in the agenda- that’s it til next week. With so many varied interests and so little space to write things in, it usually takes cooperation to get anything moving.

Once an item is in the Agenda, it gets scheduled for discussion by the appropriate Commission, if there is one. For example, tax reform goes through the Revenue Commission, while ambassadors are received by the Foreign Relations Commission. Some of the Commissions are less active, more obscure or esoteric, or seem to have more or less influence than the others, but in general, the most active Commissions include those like the Farmers’ Commission, the College Commission, the Foreign Relations Commission and the Commission on War and Peace. An item that goes from the agenda to Commission is discussed until the Commission, through a vote or consensus, makes a recommendation on it. The Commission can recommend that the item go to the full Council for a vote; or it can recuse the item, leaving it for another time. In general, the more stuff is on the agenda, the more likely items are to be recused in Commission for lack of time to discuss it.

All right; digression over, though I think you’ll find it’s relevant.

Cicero is, as usual, shaking hands and smiling big at the other Councilors. He’s working on drumming up support for a repeal of the taxes on artisans and performers, and of course a lot of his compatriots on the Council are giving him noncommittal answers, but you have to start somewhere. He notices, on the agenda, something very unusual: a meeting of one of the Commissions he sits on. But it’s the Extraplanar Affairs Commission.

Cicero frowns to himself. It’s an interesting one, that’s for sure, but the whole reason he sits on it is that it doesn’t meet often. Oh well, he sighs to himself, can’t win ‘em all. He looks the agenda over carefully; they’re due to meet in the evening.

With a sigh, Cicero signals to his entourage. Two of them, a pair of twin brothers called Fonzi and Sonti hurry up to him. They look definitely like men of letters. Both are human and their joint heritage is clear as day. “Come on,” Councilor Cicero calls to them, “we have other things to do.” As they scurry along in his wake, Cicero rapidly dictates a series of tasks- “I want you to proclaim the need for tax reform, and I want you to start drafting those reports, and you to-“ and so forth.

Soon they’ve reached a local tavern. Cicero sips at a glass of the local wine, but of course prefers not to be too intoxicated when working on Council- you never know what some people will use against you!- and spies an interesting looking fellow. Dwarven, crude-looking, with thick arms and a dramatic shield. He’s pouring over a series of maps with a slightly puzzled-looking expression.

Cicero frowns to himself as another figure catches his eye. Is that Sheva? he thinks, startled, as he spots the redhead from across the tavern’s long common room. He remembers her well; she’s the all-time leader on Cicero’s kill board,* and in fact probably saved him more than once. Plus...

Plus, he sees her sometimes when he pays his dues to the local thieves’ guild. Not that he’s a thief; he just likes to be on the safe side. And once in a while he sees her in the lodge of the Grey Brothers- not that he uses their services, but it’s always good to know where to find out whether anyone’s put a price on his head.

Outside it’s afternoon; soon our heroes will be getting stinky.

*While he was adventuring several years ago, Cicero kept a careful tally of the kills his fellow adventurers made while he was with them, especially inside the mountain called Firestorm Peak. Sheva’s still way ahead.

Next Time: We'll be flashing back to give you a little look into Fonzi and Sonti's morning, as well as Clambake's mid-day; and then we'll get stinky in the sewage!

the Jester

Earlier in the Day...

Let’s back up momentarily and talk about a few events that happened earlier in the day.

Fonzi and Sonti, of course, are not entirely as they appear. They’re Forinthian spymasters, using their positions on Cicero’s staff to gather information on Tirchondian politics. Unfortunately, things have gotten weird for Forinthia lately.

The Forinthian Empire has been the most powerful single political entity in the world for centuries. Unfortunately, Emperor Prayzose vanished about six years ago and has not been seen since (at least, as far as anyone knows). Nobody’s certain whether he’s alive or dead, but the Imperial administration has kept going faithfully. He has no child; there’s no obvious heir for power to transfer to. But now, over the last couple of years, things have started to break apart.

Forinthia itself is a large island. It once consisted of three Kingdoms- the West, South and North Forinthian Kingdoms. After a long period of war, the three were unified under one Emperor. But now that the leadership of the Empire has been thrown into doubt, ancient disputes have been reviving themselves. There are new self-declared Kings of all three Kingdoms, each trying to claim the Empire for himself. Civil war hold the island in a firm grip. Things are getting ugly in ways that Forinthia hasn’t seen in almost four hundred years.

Worse yet, many of the Army’s generals and the Navy’s admirals are acting on their own, disregarding orders from those that they consider to have no authority over them, following their own interests or consciences. The great Fleet of Law was perhaps the last time that the entire military apparatus of the Empire will work together- unless someone or something can pull it back together.

Since things have begun falling apart, Fonzi and Sonti haven’t been receiving orders. They’ve lost their contacts. The Church of Galador has been outlawed in the Shining City, so they have few allies to turn to. There aren’t even that many humans in the city- hell, on the whole isle of Tirchond, for that matter! But they do have one man to turn to, one advisor who seems to be both moral and ethical, one true friend in a nest of enemies. Fredric is his name.

He doesn’t have much to offer them either, however. Just this morning he told them that he was very limited in his resources; but something about him tells them he might know more and have more connections than they do. So they’ve stayed close to him, keeping him informed of everything that’s going on that they know of. It’s hard to evade Cicero’s suspicions, and in fact the twins haven’t; but at least they see more of what’s going on politically than most of Tirchond’s humans. They know, for instance, that there’s a Forinthian ambassador due to be received in the evening by the Foreign Relations Commission (which Cicero sits on).

Fredric has explained to them the state of Forinthian politics. “This may be a chance for you to make an important choice,” he told them. “Things are falling apart at the moment; if order’s to be restored to the Empire, it will require a strong man at the helm, so to speak. Maybe you can help find out what’s going on? Things are... unclear, to say the least, from here.”

A little later in the morning, though long before he reached the tavern where our heroes will all meet, Clambake had purchased some maps. He’s ascertained that the Egg of Na’Rat is somewhere below the sewers of the Shining City, so he’s got maps of the sewers themselves. And after pouring over them for hours he’s found something very interesting indeed.

Clambake’s maps are on multiple different scales. There are large overview maps as well as small-scale ones that show every connecting tunnel and grate. Many of the small-scale maps connect to each other at various points, but the interesting thing is a connection labeled “See pipe 17b, map 23.” Looking very carefully on map 23, Clambake softly exclaims, “Arr.” The passage connects to nothing at all. There’s no pipe 17b. Nor is there an area 17b, a chamber 17b, or any other 17b at all.

Captain Clambake looks again, then a third time to be sure. Nope, no 17b.

He smiles to himself. That’s got to be it! he thinks hopefully. But he’s got experience with sewer adventuring- indeed, several years ago he went down below the town of Poppin and fought meazles and a weird priest of Juiblex. He knows that sewers are often quite dangerous, and he knows better than to go in alone. So now- several hours after finding the mysterious connection to a nonexistent 17b on the map- he waits in a tavern near the best possible entrance (according to his maps) and watches for any likely adventurer types or obvious sewer delvers to come by.

Sheva, of course, had spent some of the day with Glaxo. But then she’d left him behind for a quick trip to see the Grey Brothers- the assassins of Cydra. They are not to be trifled with, and as a member of their evil order, neither is she. She was looking for a way to multitask; if there’s a job she can perform while ‘acquiring’ the item for the thieves’ guild, she figures she might as well. And she does indeed find one. Though there are no hits out on any of the Councilors- not even Zeebo, for once, she notes- she does take a job involving scaring one Horly the Rabble-Rouser, one of the Silver College student representatives. Apparently he’s been talking a bit too much about things that make certain of the Grey Brothers acutely uncomfortable. “Loose lips sink ships” and all that- if Horly doesn’t shut up, certain crimes may be traced back to the Brotherhood. The last thing the Grey Brothers want is for the Rabble-Rouser to be assassinated; that will only lend credence to his story. No, what’s called for is a little intimidation.

So Sheva and Glaxo got back together. She’s been informed by the thieves that the meeting of the Extraplanar Affairs Commission is to take place in a highly unusual location below the city’s sewers, so they went to a tavern to have a drink and mull over their options.

And that pretty well brings everyone up to date- to the point at which they’ll all meet in the bar.

Next Time: Clambake declares himself to be an expert sewer delver! Our heroes’ interests seem to coincide to some extent! Stinky time!!

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