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the portal opens, would you go through?

Dark Jezter

First Post
Heck no. I've got too much to live for here, such as my friends, family, church, hobbies, and the like. I wouldn't be happy if I were suddenly transported to a fantasy world.

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Malar's Cow

First Post
Is this what detox feels like?

Given the circumstances, I'd shrug, go back to sleep, and ask my physician to adjust my medication the next day.


If homebrews are included...

Tales of the Wolf Folk Sea probably not. The medical knowledge just isn't there.

Dragon Earth is a possibility. But before I would be allowed into the world my 15 year old self would get hospitalized until my various problems could be addressed. Might take a year or so. Most likely end up with a life as a researcher/author and a family.

All the while living with the knowledge that there are 'things Man was not meant to know' awaitin out beyond the orbit of Pluto, and the realm of reality. (Yep, Dragon Earth has cthulhoid critters waiting for an invite, and soon enough some dang fool is going to extend one.)
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Viktyr Gehrig

First Post
I'd have to be able to take my friends with me. De-aging my body to 15 would also give me at least seven years to make buddy-buddy with a Cleric who can drop Heal, so I won't even insist on having certain generic genetics removed from my system.

But to get dropped in a fantasy adventure-type setting without the people who would be my adventuring party? No good.

edit: As for my preference of world... I'm strongly torn between Sigil post Faction War, or some minor, but fairly industrial, Outer Rim world during the beginning of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion.
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Hida Bukkorosu

First Post
Plus, even in FR or another fantasy world, most of the folk are simply commoners, so I'd most likely just be another commoner or expert. They don't have adventures, and have a lower standard of living than I do now. What's the attraction in that?

Assume that you have the opportunity to learn what you need to know to be a character class in 1d4, 1d6, or 2d6 years depending on class if your class allows for it.


Be 15 again?

By all the powers, NO!

I hated being that age...

If I could opt for being, say, 25-30, that would be alright, but never 15...

But you'd be in a world where being 15 is the equivalent of being 18 in the modern world. the "teenage angst" issues would exist, because you wouldn't have the modern 20th century idea of your biology telling you you're an adult, but society teeling you you're a child...

Seems like you're screwed. How do you get any training in anything? How do you make money? At best you can join the town militia or something, or sign on with a trading company (since most of us have at least some knowledge of math and such), but otherwise you're just Joe Peasant.

You can become a sorceror, barbarian, or rogue in 1d4 years, a fighter, bard, paladin, or ranger in 1d6, or a wizard, monk, druid, or cleric in 2d6. Assuming you have the stats needed to pursue those classes.

Anyway, my answer is i would. I have nothing tying me here, and life in this world seems pretty dead end. With my intelligence (a stat that isn't all that useful here, Charisma and lots of ranks in Diplomacy, Bluff, Sense Motive, etc. are what gets you by in this world, and that ain't my forte) I'd have a shot at being a pretty decent wizard. I probably wouldn't adventure though, i'd find other ways of increasing my powers and abilities. I'd start off by learning spells that I could sell castings of to people to make money, then i'd hire (or Charm) adventurers to hunt down scrolls and spellbooks for me so i could research them. I'd increase my wealth and abilities until i could build myself a nice tower, with all sorts of creature comforts (like a jacuzzi powered by water and fire elementals). Then i'd amass more and more magical power until the next big upheaval comes in the heavens like the Time of Troubles, i'd find a god to slay like Cyric did and thus ascend to godhood.


Let's See:

Dark Sun?
Hell, NO. Not with money, family, vaccinations, cushy job or twenty supermodels at my beck & call. Just... NO.

Ravenloft, Placescape, Red Death? Same Answer.

Faerun? Mmmmaybe.

Eberron, Greyhawk? No. a little less no than Dark Sun, but still not for me.

Hobbiton in Middle Earth? Possibly so. VERY nice area.

--I'm a creature of habit, and happiness. Much like a Hobbit. Adventure is not something I'd crave as conducive to a peaceful existance, and adventure is the very thing that makes those lands fun.

THere's a reason I roleplay, and don't join the Marines. :)


First Post
Heck no.

- my only real marketable skill is the ability to manipulate devices that don't seem to exist (I'm a programmer)
- indoor plumbing is not a universal thing in any d20 fantasy world
- nor are cheap books
- even hypothesizing my amazing Int score lets me become a capable wizard, the girls are still going to dig the paladin anyway, and being Lawful Good, I wouldn't use my powers to change that
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Only into my homebrew world, and only as the overgod that created everything in the first place. I want the power to truely shape my fantasy.


No. I've not very good about icky things. I don't think I could live in a world without flush toilets or mouthwash.

Or music.

And I'm not sure what my cats would eat without cat food.

Now the future, maybe. Star Wars maybe.


Realistically, no. There are people in this world I care far too much for to leave them behind - nor would I necessarily want to bring them with me.

However, given that characters in these settings don't often need to actually deal with the "icky" realities of medieval life, I probably would consider it were it not for the people I'd be leaving behind.

Though this Internet thing is pretty awesome. Damn.

Voidrunner's Codex

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