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The Realms of Enlightenment: The Grey Companions


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Jon Potter said:
I'm running towards the hill that is 40 as well, and when I turn 40 my oldest will be 13 that's a hormonal parade I don't want to attend.

Both Karak's player and Morier's player have teenage daughters and they'll atest to the truth of your fears.

All of a sudden i feel very young again... Lalalalalaaaaaa :D :D :D :confused: , hmmz, but i don't have a wife yet who wants to make gremlins with me to populate the world... lol :( :\

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Jon Potter

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[Realms #399] An Audience

The members of the order looked at one another with somewhat confused expressions on their faces. After a moment's time, Shamalin stepped forward with her empty hands held out at her sides.

"I'm afraid you will be disappointed," she said. "We have no knowledge with which to 'negotiate.' We were hoping that you could tell us about the man we encountered." Lord Hofralix seemed annoyed with that response, but it was difficult to tell with any certainty; he was just too alien to accurately read.

"Premarch Rabanmar, z'ress lilrivvin plynn ply'uss-khel k'lar-ussta," the beholder said in a harsh buzzing whisper. He paused and added, "Kyone."

The robed Premach bowed and replied, "Elamshin." Then he turned and hurried away without looking back.

Only Morier understood the brief exchange and it had been a long time since he'd heard the language of Har'oloth, the lightless realms of the underdark. But not so long that he didn't understand Lord Hofralix's request to have some humans bring in the corpses of a defeated enemy. Before the albino could ponder the ramifications of this, the beholder went back to addressing the group in the common tongue.

"The elf who attacked you is a servant of the Dorian Brood," Lord Hofralix explained. Three of his eyestalks swiveled around to focus on Karak. "They are what the stonefolk call skaven. Wererat transmuters who scurry about their warrens their entire pathetic lives developing the most virulent plagues. They are a destabilizing force, troublesome at best on their own. But now I find that they have sought an alliance with the Dominion of Flesh Reborn and that has me concerned. I seek information and perhaps more."

"Lord Hofralix, I am Ayremac, Holy Warrior of Umba, and we appreciate you welcoming us into your sovereignty," Ayremac said, stepping up to stand beside Shamalin. "We are open to any of your questions, but I am afraid we do not know much of your foes, or at least not by that name. Might I ask what made you want to invite us here?"

"You were seen leaving the Tainted Cave, long a stronghold of the Dorian Brood, although never one that was witness to much traffic," the beholder said, fixing Ayremac with a pair of eyestalks. "You were further pursued by members of that Brood. I am not normally concerned with the affairs of the wererat broods, but with the suspected alliance between the Dorians and the Dominion of Flesh Reborn, I thought it prudent to seek you out - the enemies of my enemy."

Shamalin was momentarily taken aback by the similarity of Lord Hofralix's words to the response she'd gotten to her Divination. Huzair rapped her vambrace with his knuckles, startling her away from further consideration of the coincidence. She half-turned and Huzair growled into her ear, "When you get a chance, ask him about Sparky."

"How is it that you came to be the enemy of the Dorian Brood?" the beholder asked. "How did you come to enter the Tainted Cave, a structure that was ancient and forgotten by the men of the north when I first arose from the night below?"

"Certainly you appreciate the gravity of our situation," Shamalin countered. "We must be careful with the knowledge we do have." Lord Hofralix's mouth twisted into a parody of a smile, made all the more grotesque because of the fangs that protruded top and bottom from the maw as it smirked.

"You fear me," the beholder said. "And you are right to. I could decimate you before you had the time to react. This audience chamber would be your grave, with none to bear witness to your destruction save for my loyal vassals." His eyestalks twisted around until three were aimed at Shamalin. "I could do that. But I choose not to. Does not that speak to my trustworthiness?" The priestess of Flor swallowed nervously, her copper eyes focused on the multi-facetted orbs fixed on her.

"You'll have to forgive me, Lord Hofralix. We have been advised that one who was once a friend is no longer a friend," she explained. "So we must count our allies carefully." The beholder's expression became annoyed.

"And this is your basis for trying to manipulate me to your own ends?" the creature buzzed. "I was never your friend in the first place, elfling. So that eliminates my qualification as your betrayer." His eyestalks turned away from Shamalin and instead played across the group as a whole.

"I have shared with you some of the information at my disposal, expecting you to do the same," Lord Hofralix told them. "If you had hoped to dupe me or to deny me discourse, then you were very foolish indeed to come to New Mellorell." His great mouth drew back into a snarl and Morier stepped forward, taking his turn as group spokesman.

"We were given two bits of information from a powerful water guardian," the eldritch warrior said. "She spoke first of the atrocities committed against Dridana by Aphyx, telling us of the immense gemstone holding Dridana's essense plunged into a mountaintop set adrift in the skies."

"Dridana is a human deity, is she not? Goddess of plants, I believe," Lord Hofralix said. "But Dridana is a dead god. What has this to do with the Dorians?"

"Maybe nothing, but maybe a lot," Morier went on. "We don't think that Dridana's truly dead, just imprisoned within a gemstone. This water guardian also spoke of four keys that must be brought to bear to free Dridana's trapped essence."

The beholder's central eye narrowed. "And this is what you learned in the Tainted Cave?" he asked. "This water guardian's knowledge?"

"No, that's what lead us to the cave in the first place," Morier explained. "We seek the defeat of the Rot Queen and her followers - including the skaven. Does the Dominion seek this same goal?"

Before the beholder could answer, Premarch Rabanmar returned accompanied by four humans. They were all tall with blonde hair the color of corn-silk and dressed in scraps of leather and fur that concealed very little of their muscular anatomies. Each of the men carried a bundle wrapped in blood-stained hides slung across their broad shoulders and at a word from the Premarch they lowered these burdens to the floor. Without a word, they each threw open the bundles, displaying the twisted creatures within.

What they were - beyond dead - was impossible to tell, although Huzair's first thought was that they were mongrelmen. Like the mongrelmen, they were each strange amalgams of several different creatures but they all held unmistakable rodent qualities: here a thin pink tail, here a whiskered muzzle, here and there patches of gray-brown fur. They also had another unifying trait: extra eyes spaced randomly across their disfigured bodies.

"These were once faithful servants of this eyehold until they were taken and twisted. What the Dominion of the Final Forge seeks is the total elimination of whatever power has created monstrosities like these," Lord Hofralix grumbled. "Nothing less will do."


First Post
Just finished reading the thread. Great story! The intra-party interactions are great and well-written, and you have a talent for description. Though the body count was a little disconcerting, I'll admit -- your players clearly put a lot of work into developing each character, so the abruptness with which they disappear from the story makes it hard for the reader to get attached to any of them.

But then this is a game first and a story second, so keep it up!

Jon Potter

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Fimmtiu said:
Just finished reading the thread. Great story! The intra-party interactions are great and well-written, and you have a talent for description.

That's high praise! Thank you and I'm glad that you liked it so far.

Though the body count was a little disconcerting, I'll admit -- your players clearly put a lot of work into developing each character, so the abruptness with which they disappear from the story makes it hard for the reader to get attached to any of them.

I don't think that it feels that way from within the gaming group. I could be wrong, of course. Maybe a player or two will weigh in on your assessment.

But then this is a game first and a story second, so keep it up!

I will say that I've been working on some PDFs that lulu.com can use to print into actual paperback format for me. Nothing for profit, of course; just a vanity thing. I've got 7 files that range between 350 and 450 pages each.

The character Ledare figured into 6 out of 7 of those files, and she was certainly a unifying fixture.

Jon Potter

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Hairy Minotaur said:
Ayremac appears to have played this very well restrained in the face of such a tyrannical race (beholder)

Well, Lord Hofralix is not the garden-variety beholder. I built him and his retinue using Goodman Games' Complete Guide to Beholders.

He's still tyrannical, but he's Lawful Neutral.


First Post
I can totally understand why Fimmtiu might feel that way. Most readers are probably unaware that we began this little adventure over ten years ago. So, even though the characters may seem to come and go when following the storyline here on En World, it feels a bit different from the inside.

Which is not to say that we don't cringe and groan whenever another one bites the dust. We do put lots of effort into character building (thanks for noticing, btw), and its no fun to lose that kind of investment. But the liklihood that things could go gravely wrong for anyone at any time speaks to the DM's integrity - and adds to the fun.

Of course, maybe having said all that nice stuff, Jon will be in a good mood when he writes up the next turn. Right about now, we need it!


First Post
the Elder orbs were very prominent in certain parts of Faeruhnian history, but never have i myself seen one in any campaign, KEWL!!!!...lol...

and in a fit i shaved my head bald, feels weird...i needed something different :), maybe it has to do with that age thingie, becomming 35 or whatnot..

Jon Potter

First Post
[Realms #400] Let the Wizard Do the Talking

"Not the people you see standin' before ye, mind, but their predecessors, this group was on a quest to find out exactly what you want to know. Which be what was a'goin' on with all the strange creatures showin' up around Barnacus," Karak said as he eyed the twisted bodies and tugged thoughtfully on his beard. "There were wolves that bit with venom, there were a slave trade involving a clan of dwarves, there were all manner o' strange goings-on."

"So you have seen mutations such as these before?" the beholder buzzed, fixing the dwarf with several appraising eyes. Karak shook his head.

"I was nae involved then, but I remember bein' told that a wizard by the name of Andamacles seemed to have unlocked the power o' Transmogrification," he explained. "Now I be no wizard but that seemed to me to be exactly what be happenin'. Two different creatures have been melded together to form new ones. I am noticing it all over the realm."

"That is the hallmark of the Dominion of Flesh Reborn," Lord Hofralix told him. "Their goals are mysterious, but their methods are obvious. They use their powers to remake the creatures of the world to their own liking."

"Even powerful creatures such as Elementals are warped with other beings. And they nae be creatures o' this world,"Karak observed. "I'll tell ya from a martial standpoint, it makes it hard to fight 'em 'cause their soft spots may nae be soft spots at all."

"You have fought these creatures, then?" the beholder prodded and Karak nodded again.

"We have also seen, all maner of skaven. Hordes o' rats an' large clans of intelligent spell casters. We have fought clerics an' Knights o' Chaos clearly in the Rot Queen's employ. We have encountered plague an' divine spells not working as the taint spreads." The dwarf enumerated the challenges that they had faced as a group. "We have been hunted by unseen foes, and so ye can see why we were so wary of yer group." Before Lord Hofralix could reply, Huzair tore his gaze away from the deformed corpses and looked up at the hovering beholder.

"There were towns we discovered along the way that proved disease was being spread throughout the realms during festivals. Tainted food," the mage explained, having remained in silence for as long as he could. "We are enemies of these skaven. They are in part responsible with what sounds like the Dominion of Flesh Reborn." Ayremac looked at Huzair with an expression of complete surprise on his face.

"He speaks... true," the holy warrior stammered, almost unable to bring himself to say the words. "I began my quest because our town was besieged by a sickness that could not be explained and when I found this group of adventurers seeking to strike at the heart of what was happening I joined them. I think that you seek the total and utter destruction of nothing less then a human god... Aphyx."

Lord Hofralix regarded Ayremac as a master might look upon an over-grasping apprentice. "A god cannot be destroyed, planetouched," the beholder rasped. "One who wears the symbol of the god of judgment should know this."

"It was done before," Ayremac asserted. "Twice." Lord Hofralix's great central eye blinked once and as it did so, the group felt their magic resurge. The renewal was short-lived, however, and when the eye opened again, the enchantments were once-more deadened.

"You speak of Dridana and Rhianne, whose sundering gave birth to your own patron, Umba," the aberration said. "In neither case was the hand of a mortal involved until after the fact. And you, planetouched, for all your shining goodness and feathery wings, remain a mortal."

"I never claimed otherwise, mi'lord," Ayremac said. "But we mortals must do what we can to defeat the Rot Queen's plans for conquest. She has agents abroad that we CAN face and defeat."

"And in this we have a common goal, if what you have told me so far is correct," Lord Hofralix told him, as several of his eyestalks shifted to regard Karak and Huzair. "We actively seek the destruction of chaos threats."

"If that is true then we may find that our alliance could be quite strong," Ayremac said with a nod.

"Aye! Our fight, Lord Hofralix, is simple. We be here to rid our world of the taint of Chaos. To rid it of Skaven an' transmogrified creatures - of the Rot Queen an' her knights," Karak said, gesturing with his axe. "Our next step o' the journey is to release a Goddess to aid in the fight against the Rot Queen. I imagine we'll meet many challenges along the way and I'll be plain with ye: we will need as much help as we can get. It be plain to me ye could squash us like little bugs. But I think, nae. Ye realize that we be 'ere to fight the same fight as you!"

"Perhaps. That is my hope," the beholder explained. "I would hear more... from this one's mouth." And so saying, he swiveled slightly in the air to turn his central eye fully on Huzair. To the mage's credit he didn't cower.

"I will tell you all I know. I am quite sure you could take us out if you wanted, so I might as well spill my guts," he said and reached for his traveler's purse, asking, "Mind if I smoke?" Lord Hofralix smiled.

"I don't care if you burst into flames, wizard," he said coldly and Huzair chuckled.
"You'd be surprised how often I get tha-" he stopped as he looked into his empty Haversack. It's magic was suppressed by the beholder's anti-magic cone. He closed the flap and smiled at the aberration. "I want Sparky back safe, so I am going to give you all I know."

"Do so to my satisfaction and the bird will be returned to you unharmed," Lord Hofralix agreed.

"Well, from what I heard our mission started at Grey House in Barnacus. Shortly after that town was afflicted by disease, like we mentioned. Other towns we have encountered suffered similiar plights during these fairs. One of Grey Company's members was affected: an elf named Kirnoth. We have reason to believe that may have been the one who attacked us. That was long before I joined this crew."

"The one who attacked you was of the Dorian Brood - an afflicted lycanthrope," the beholder added. "Despite the fact that lycanthropy is lethal to those of elvish blood, my watchers saw him transform into rat form as he fled from your encounter."

"Well, like I said, that was all before I joined up with these guys, but Kirnoth was bitten by one of these skaven and then disappeared," Huzair said, licking his lips absently and wishing for a cigar. "Hey, did I tell you how I met this crew? My master, Garan-Zak, thought I needed a direction because I was too free of a spirit... I dont like the word "tainted"..."

"I don't imagine you would," the beholder smirked. "But you bear the taint of chaos none the less. Your ability to stomach that truth doesn't change the fact that it is so." Huzair scowled.

"Anyway, he had me join up here with these guys. They did not like me much at first. Kind of over-protective. Now they love me," he turned and looked at the hard faces of his companions and chuckled nervously to himself before turning back to Lord Hofralix. "You would like Garan-Zak. He is a powerful wizard. Defeated a lich once. He is retired now though."

"How is this lich-slayer involved with the Dominion of Flesh Reborn and the Dorian Brood?" the beholder asked, annoyance creeping into his voice.

"Well, we were scrying on them, Garan-Zak and me, and we saw Whitey over here running around naked with leaves around his waist." He cocked a thumb at Morier who stiffened at the wizard's giggle. "Man, he looked silly. That is when I teleported to join these folks and help them."

"So that is what you call yourselves, then?" the beholder looked at each of the party members. "Grey Companions?"

"Nah," Huzair scoffed. "I mean, I guess Grey Company is a pretty good group of guys and we have the coins, so I guess we are members. But we decided to start our own group. We call it The Order. Kind of making a stand against Aphyx and all her chaos."

"The name appeals to me," the beholder admitted. "As does the sentiment."

"Well, it hasn't been easy. All the original members of Grey Company that started this quest passed away on the trip one way or another. Kind of tragic, I suppose. I guess they have not heard from the Senior members in a while either," Huzair mused and then shrugged. "I only really liked Ledare, though. She was a nice one. I miss her."

"How did she die?" Lord Hofralix asked.

"Blackheart killed her, but we took him out. Also Sir Brin. We also took out Rake. He was a bastard," the mage was ticking off opponents on one hand. Then something occurred to him and he snapped his fingers. "Maybe Grandfather Plaque can vouch for us. Speak up, Stoneface. Got any info to share there, old buddy?" Then he remembered that Grandfather Plaque was in his Haversack which was useless within the anti-magic field. Huzair looked disappointed.

"What Huzair has said about the minions of Aphyx that we have defeated is true, Lord Hofralix. We have much experience in foiling the Rot Queen's machinations," Ayremac cut in. "What aid could you bring to our cause? Do you have information on positions of main encampments? Key players?"

"Indeed," the beholder said. "I have such information and other resources that could be brought to bear." Huzair elbowed the holy warrior in the breastplate.

"Ayremac, when negotiating, we should ask what we can do for them first. Sounds better," the wizard explained then looked at Lord Hofralix expectantly. "How about magic? Got any good spells we could trade?"

"Yes. There are those within the eyehold who practice the the lesser arts," the beholder told him and Huzair's eyes grew wide.

"Lesser arts? Wizardry is not a lesser art!" he scoffed. Then his face softened and he asked, "Or are you referring to sorcery?"

"I am the embodiment of the Void, itself," Lord Hofralix grinned. "The power of the Far Realm flows through me and from me. With the power naturally at my disposal, all spellcasting is but a lesser art."

"But ye have spellcasters among yer people, aye?" Karak asked, hopefully.

"Yes," the beholder told him, looking him up and down. "Are you, too, interested in trading spells?"

"Nae. Nae," Karak chuckled. "But durin' our travels we started a manor house to build up an' train warriors to fight chaos. I feel we need to check in on 'em and we do nae have the time it seems. If we could teleport between the two locations, I believe it would help greatly in our quest. We also need a new translation ring to speak with Ixin. I need to be ugradin' me axe. Morier needs better armor. All of our supplies needs replenishin' an' tendin' to. It seems, Lord Holifax this all be within yer great power."

"It is. And we may be able to reach an arrangement," the beholder announced after a moment's pause. "But we will discuss these matters tomorrow. For now, my Premarchs will show you to the quarters set aside for your use during your stay in New Mellorell."

"If'n I spoke out o' turn or not to yer likin'. I do apologize," Karak said earnestly. "Do nae let the look or manner o' my words turn ye aside. Look instead to the plain meanin'."

"It was nothing you said nor the way in which you said it that delays my decision," Lord Hofralix said, already starting to descend toward the hole in the floor of his spherical audience chamber. "To act without proper consideration is the way of chaos. I will ponder what you've told me and notify you of my decision tomorrow." As soon as Lord Hofralix disappeared down the shaft, the Order felt their gear flare back to magical life.

The two Premarchs led the Order and the corpse-bearers out of the hillside, where Premarch Rabanmar and the human barbarians broke off from the group, taking the transmogrified burdens away to some other locale while Premarch Brah marched toward the rings of wood-and-hide buildings between the bluff and the river. Without a word, he led them to a pair of dwellings side-by-side in the outer ring. Up close, they could see that an earthen ramp had been cut into the ground leading down to a door whose upper lintel protruded only a few feet above the surface of the ground. The roof was formed from stitched animal hides stretched tight over a framework of wooden beams. The walls beneath rose but a foot or two off the ground.

Brah indicated the two with a purposeful wave of his tentacles and bowing, turned and padded off into the night, leaving them alone in the middle of New Mellorell.

Voidrunner's Codex

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