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The Realms of Enlightenment: The Grey Companions

Jon Potter

First Post
[Realms #435] Anticlimax

"And I suggest you get over here right away," Huzair finished. "Or we're going to have a bloodbath on our hands."

Ayremac took wing at that, flying over the rooftops until he spied a crowd of people gathered around a large building several streets over from Doctor Akerman's wagon. They were commoners, all, dressed in warm furs and armed with little more than knives better-suited to the dinner table than to combat. They were gathered around a body lying face down in the snow before the building. He landed near the body and began trying to calm the crowd.

"We are tracking a killer," Ayremac was saying when the wagon arrived with the others. The Officer of Umba was squaring off against a winged elf dressed in furred finery. The avariel was standing above the crowd on one of the perches that extended from the front of nearly every building in Pellham.

"Your wings might make you a parody of the Winged Folk, but you have no authority here!" the elf cried haughtily, flexing his golden pinions and making a chopping motion with one bejeweled hand. "This village and everyone in it fall within my demesne! These people are mine to command and I demand that they enter this temple and discover who has murdered my sheriff!" He gestured nonchalantly at the body lying in the street.

"I am a holy warrior of Umba!" Ayremac boldly countered, displaying the symbol worked into his breastplate - a symbol that was mirrored on a large plaque set above the double doors behind him. "By helping us you show your true allegiance to justice!!" The elf narrowed his eyes at the Officer and glanced around at the crowd which in turn was looking expectantly up at the elf. He sniffed and turned his head with exaggerated disinterest.

"I need prove nothing regarding my allegiance," the avariel said, crossing his thin arms across his chest. He shifted on his perch, wings spread to aid his balance. "But if you wish to enter in the stead of these stalwart folk, then so be it. I grant you my permission."

"Thank you," Ayremac said with a polite half-bow. It had been quite some time since he'd had to deal directly with the ruling winged folk aristocracy. He was good at it, but he didn't enjoy it. The avariel sniffed with feigned disinterest and made a 'get on with it' gesture.

And so they did.

Doctor Akerman began by drawing forth a handful of clear marbles from robes, he passed his hands over them in strange patterns while intoning "Oculus magicus. Oculus magicus," over and over again. After what seemed like a very long time - but was probably only a minute or so - the marbles chattered against one another briefly and ten of them rose upward to magically hover in front of the mage. Akerman pocketed the remaining marbles and instructed his Prying Eyes to: "Enter that shrine and thoroughly examine the interior then report back to me with everything you see especially regarding Sir Alechtus." Dutifully, the Eyes did as he asked, bobbing easily across the street and in through the dark doorway leading into the church.

"Their reconnaissance might take some time. Might I suggest we use that time to apply any of our longer-lasting magical enhancements?" Doctor Akerman suggested and immediately began casting Mage Armor on himself.

Morier cast Bull's Strength. Ahlear cast Bear's Endurance. Huzair buffed himself with False Life. Ayremac bestowed himself, Morier and Huzair with Protection from Evil and then took the additional measure of Blessing Morier as well. Shamalin invoked a Magic Circle against Evil centered on herself. Doctor Akerman's spellcasting went on for a time after the others, and when he'd finished the air around him seemed almost to hum with the magic of his numerous layered wards.

Then they waited and after a minute or so more Doctor Akerman's Prying Eyes returned from the chapel. They settled into his outstretched hand where they relayed what they had seen within and promptly popped like soap bubbles. Akerman then described the interior of the place to the others.

"There's another body inside. Dressed in robes," Akerman announced. "I'm sorry, holy warrior, but it sounds like the local Justiciar. Two others are bound to the altar near the back, dressed like this one." He indicated the body lying in the street. "They're either dead or unconscious. There's no sign of Alechtus."

"What?" Ayremac snapped. "He's eluded us again?" Akerman shook his head.

"I believe he's in there," the Doctor told him. "I sent ten Eyes in and only eight came out."

"Let me sneak in and scout it out," Huzair offered. "I can Blink through the walls invisibly so that no door would have to open to alert him to our presence." Ayremac shook his head.

"Our magic won't last forever, Huzair," he said. "And I don't mean to be insulting, but your powers of perception leave something to be desired. I suggest we go in directly." He loosened his morningstar and looked to Morier. The albino nodded.

"Ayremac and I in the front rank, followed by Ahlear and Shamalin," Morier said, drawing Ravager (a weapon he had not used at all since acquiring Stoneblade). "Huzair, Anania and Dr. Akerman offer ranged supprt, but be mindful of the tight confines."

"I could soften him up with a fireball," Huzair suggested but Ayremac balked.

"The others inside might well be alive," he said and Huzair rolled his eyes.

"Fine," he huffed, "but this does not constitute attacking from range."

They lined up as the eldritch warrior directed, marching straight into Alechtus' killing field.

Using his magically enhanced strength, Morier was able to easily wrench open the second of the double doors, allowing some of the bright midday sun to filter into the shrine, not that either he nor Ayremac needed any light since both possessed darkvision and viewed much of the interior easily enough despite the dimness. There were wide wooden columns supporting the roof and they marched in a double line from the doors to the altar at the rear of the place. Between the columns and the walls were rows of low wooden benches. In the center of the room lay a figure dressed in the robes of a Justiciar, face down on the floor. Two others, a man and a woman dressed in the torn remains of splintmail, were bound to the farthest columns.

All this they took in in the split second before a grim-faced figure stepped from behind the column to Ayremac's left. He held a bastard sword like Morier's - one with a single, saw-toothed edge - and like Morier he held it in a two-handed grip. In one disturbingly fluid motion he stepped out and stabbed the blade between the plates of armor at Ayremac's armpit. Blood immediately flowed down his torso and left leg, spattering onto the floor. The holy warrior cried out in alarm and invoked a Holy Smite centered on the ashen figure. It caught the swordsman, Ayremac, Morier, and Ahlear in its area of effect. The druid, however, was on the extreme edge of the effect and not evil in any case so he suffered little from the barrage.

The man flinched back as holy energy poured down all around him, but he took the punishment and retained his feet. "You'll need to do better than that, Sanctifier," the man growled, a cold, sepulchral sound that sent a worm of dread into Morier's heart. Ayremac, made of sterner stuff apparently, was unaffected.

Shaken, though he was, Morier stepped forward, Battlecasting True Strike as he went and channeling spell energy into his elemental blade attack. The weapon came down and although the dark figure tried to step back beyond the weapon's reach, it still caught him on the shoulder. There was a tremendous crack as the lightning discharged in the enclosed space and the swordsman jerked under the onslaught. But he didn't fall.

"I like your sword," he hissed at Morier and stabbed the albino in the throat. "I'm going to enjoy taking it out of your cold, dead fingers, elf."

The eldritch warrior stared in shock at the bloody blade as it opened a horrifying wound along his jawline. Following the length of the weapon he saw the mad face of his own death leering at him and felt his fear creep up another notch, as, grinning, the madman took a step back and disappeared behind the column once more.
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Jon Potter

First Post
Hairy Minotaur said:
If this was the guy with the divinity sparks, I'd have had his blood splatter act as a Glitterdust spell. Talk about a PO'd party. :)

Where were you when I was designing this encounter? That's a great idea that I wish I'd thought of!

FWIW, this guy's a barbarian/fighter/avenging executioner.

Ha you should see what I did to my players. 7 PCs vs. 6 kobolds.....

After the 7th round one of the players looks up from the battle and says "you know that's 21 hit points right?" after I acknowledged that he replied, "but they're just kobolds!"

:) kobolds with warrior levels, their CR was only 2 and their build was 100% core.

BTW, whatever happened to Draelond? It's been 4 years, is he still "frozen in time"?

Jon Potter

First Post
Hairy Minotaur said:
Did any of your players figure it out in game?

Well, Morier's player was intimately familiar with Draelond's reincarnation as Alechtus (since he also played Draelond) so he knew what was happening. Actually, he suspected what was coming from the moment I dropped the hint through Shamalin's Planer Ally about someone killing Sanctifiers. His struggle was how to justify that knowledge in game and I don't think that he ever came up with a satisfactory solution.

And just so you don't think him TOO smart, I'll point out that he never once picked up on the hints I repeatedly dropped about his sword, Ravager. It was crafted by one of the founders of Memento Mori, and could have been sold to Akerman for a pretty hefty sum or traded to him for favors...

And he had no idea what was going on with the Divinity Spark thing. I had decided even before Draelond died that he had two inside him (hence his super-human strength) but his player knew nothing about it.

Ahh... good times. :cool:


First Post
Jon Potter said:
Well, Morier's player was intimately familiar with Draelond's reincarnation as Alechtus (since he also played Draelond) so he knew what was happening.

And just so you don't think him TOO smart...

Yes, well, there's no risk of that. Right, Russ?

It's always a thrill when Jon weaves in a connection to days gone by. LONG gone by...

Jon Potter

First Post
[Realms #435a] He's Getting Away!

Each beat of Morier's heart sent a jet of his lifeblood spraying out onto the floor, and he pressed a hand to the vicious wound trying ineffectually to staunch the flow. He turned on his heel, his hand covered with a wet crimson glove, and almost ran into Ahlear, who had just cleared the doorway. The druid took one look at the eldritch warrior and cast Lesser Vigor on him.

"Where is he?" Ahlear asked as he readied the shortspear he'd borrowed from Huzair and looked about for any sign of Morier's attacker. He didn't see him, of course; Alechtus was quite adept at not being seen.

Shamalin stepped in behind him and assessing Morier's injuries at a glance fell easily back into the familiar role of putting the warrior back together. She cast Cure Moderate Wounds and touched the albino's arm, channeling the magic into him. Huzair came next, invoking a Greater Invisibility to cloak himself from view. Even as he disappeared, Anania darted in and ducked to the right, her eyes sweeping the dim interior of the shrine for a target.

Two heartbeats later, Doctor Akerman filled the front of the temple with Mind Fog. The cloying wisps of vapor affected friend and foe alike, and all save Ayremac and Huzair felt the magic deadening their willpower. Dulling their perception. Softening the edges. Rounding... the... not round... things...

Ayremac remained sharp, however, and he stepped back, out of Alechtus' reach, forcing his attacker to move out from cover if he chose to strike at him. Then he called on the power of his celestial blood to heal himself.

But Alechtus wasn't interested in attacking Ayremac. He darted around the far side of column, his shape a blur of motion as he made for the doors. He passed within five feet of the Invisible Huzair without ever realizing it. Without a weapon in hand, Huzair could do little as the big man darted passed him and into the sunshine outside. A heartbeat later, there was an echoing crash as the front doors slammed shut, plunging the temple into near-darkness.

Morier, who had been retreating fearfully for the doors skidded to a halt and looked at the closed doors. Then he looked at his blood-slicked hand and breastplate, frozen momentarily with frightened indecision. So... much... blood...

Ahlear started to follow Alechtus, almost tripped over the Invisible Huzair and threw his shoulder against the doors. They barely budged as the larger man was leaning against them from the other side. "What now?" the druid growled as he heaved against the doors. "He's getting away!"

"I can't figure why he would run out like that," Ayremac said as he invoked Daylight, filling the temple with brilliance, "but my gut says that I want out too!" He rushed forward, slamming his full weight, shield-first against the doors. They rattled open a hand's width or so before slamming shut again.

Shamalin clanked in the opposite direction, heading toward the two figures bound on either side of the altar. Anania, too, moved in that direction, but she ignored the captives and made for the doors at the rear of the place, moving lithely from bench-to-bench at a pace that was more than twice as fast as the heavily-encumbered Mercybringer.

Ayremac cried out in warning as more vapor suddenly began to leak through the doors. It was a sickly greenish color and smelled unspeakably foul. The holy warrior recognized the scent as a Stinking Cloud and like the last time he'd been subjected to one, he felt his stomach bubble up and disgorge its contents unceremoniously all over the inside of the doors. He doubled over in pain, wracked by cramps, and beside him Ahlear did the same. There was a strange moment when vomit seemed to launch itself from empty air, but then he heard Huzair groan and realized that the wizard - though he remained invisible - had succumbed to the spell as well.

Ayremac heard a strange rushing, roaring sound coming from outside - a sound that he associated with Ixin. It sounded like dragonfire and was followed immediately by a shriek that sounded disturbingly like Doctor Akerman.

Jon Potter

First Post
[Realms #436] And the Streets Ran Red

Gagging back another wave of bile with his fist, Ayremac staggered back out of the Stinking Cloud. "Huzair," he choked, looking around fruitlessly for the wizard. "Can you Blink through?"

"I was thinking the same thing," the Invisible mage said as he activated the Ring of Blinking. The stuttering effect did nothing for his stomach and he spewed a mouthful of his breakfast onto the ethereal plane.

"Keep your eye on him, but don't engage him!!" Ayremac commanded. Of course to Huzair it sounded like: "Keep * eye * him, * don't * him!!" Not that it would have made a difference to the wizard's strategy if he'd been able to hear the full message.

He already had a plan.

Which was more than could be said for most everyone else.

"We need to get out of here!" Ayremac groaned as his stomach spasmed again, causing his teeth to clench in anticipation. He swallowed it down, however and looked desperately around at the others. Ahlear was out of the Cloud, but he looked to be in little better shape that Ayremac. Morier seemed to be in shock; the albino was staring at his blood-slicked left hand with a kind of morbid fascination. Shamalin and Anania were at the rear of the place and seemed to have a door open - one that led outside judging by the amount of light coming in from that point.

"Shamalin?" Ayremac called, pressing his hand flat against the mail covering his belly. "Is there another way out?"

"Windows!" the cleric called back. "Very narrow windows!" The holy warrior grimaced at that knowing in his gut that, given the way he felt, there was no way...

"I don't think I will be able to escape out a window!" he grumbled bitterly even as the sound of breaking glass reached his ears from that direction.

Anania had picked up a heavy brass stamp from the narrow desk in the small chamber and used it to break out the pane of glass in one of the narrow windows. And they were very narrow indeed, Shamalin saw as she got closer. Without the heavy plate armor she felt sure that she'd be able to slip through without touching the frame, but her breastplate alone looked bigger than the patch of blue sky she could see over Anania's shoulder. Chill air flooded the chamber, whipping the elf maid's hair and washing the stink of foul magicks from Shamalin's nostrils, but it brought with it the screams of townsfolk from the front of the temple.

Anania jumped up - seeming to Shamalin to almost float to the windowsill where she perched momentarily, half-in and half-out of the building. She looked at the cleric calmly. "Your armor will make this a tight squeeze for you," she said. "Shall I stay and provide assistance?"

Shamalin felt heat color her cheeks despite the Readying breeze blowing in on her. "No," she said and began casting a spell. Anania was gone before the cleric had even said, "Monitum ex-"

"Morier..." Ayremac groaned, laying a hand on the albino's arm. "Open us a door with Stoneblade." Morier looked at the Officer and then down at the sword hanging forgotten in his own right hand.

"Stoneblade," Morier began. "This isn't Stoneblade." Ayremac shook his head in disgust then looked at Ahlear.

"We need the Elemental Swords," he said. "Can you get them?" Ahlear nodded and opened the clasp on his saddlebag.

Huzair Blinked through the wall several feet from the door and fell Invisibly into the street six feet below. He landed in some muddy snow beside the stairs up to the front doors and lay there sputtering and cursing to himself, before deactivating the Ring of Blinking. His vantage point did offer him a disturbingly clear view of the street in front of the temple. He could see a swath of charred and smoking earth sixty feet long and sixty feet wide at the far end that was peppered with the blackened husks of townsfolk. A pair of buildings on the far side of the street were on fire, and Doctor Akerman stood shakily before them, his own flesh and clothes smoldering despite the fact that he seemed to be both Blurred and Displaced and surrounded by a half-dozen Mirror Images that were similarly Blurred and Displaced.

As Huzair watched, Akerman dropped an Evard's Black Tentacles on Alechtus and the two or three commoners who remained near the man. Instantly the ground erupted with long rubbery tendrils of solid magic that whipped the air and dragged the townsfolk into their clutches where they thrashed and wailed. It had absolutely no effect on Alechtus. He marched forward through the grasping tentacles as if through a field of tall grass, the black ropey things sliding off him as if he were greased. The effect this sight had on Doctor Akerman was not good.

"So the Sanctifiers have hired a wizard this time, huh?" Alecthus was saying as he stalked toward Akerman. He held up his bastard sword and shook it saying, "Well, I've got my own wizard, now! And she's taught me the secret of how to best you!" Then he was upon the older man, his sword describing an arc of death in the sun, but the attack was foiled by Akerman's Displacement and the weapon connected with nothing save empty air.

All this Shamalin also saw through the magic of Clairvoyance, and she knew that despite Doctor Akerman's many impressive magic protections, it was only a matter of time before Alechtus' sword found its mark. Then she heard a familiar voice boom from the temple proper, "THE SCION OF STONE AWAKES!"

She hurried at once to rejoin the others.

"THIS IS NEITHER EARTH NOR STONE, FLESHLING!" Stoneblade was booming. "THERE IS CLAY HERE, TO BE SURE, BUT THE MAJORITY IS STICKS! IT IS BENEATH BY POWER!" Morier scowled at the gray blade, regaining by the moment his faculties.

"Beneath you or beyond you?" the eldritch warrior asked and the sword twisted angrily in his grasp.


"What about you," Ayremac asked Windblade weakly. "Can you clear this cloud?" The nearly invisible longsword darted upward in Ayremac's grasp - despite of the hand on its grip rather than because of it.

"I am Windblade, Scion of Air," the sword sighed. "It shall be done!" And the blade of the weapon seemed then to twist and writhe as if it were the center of a violent maelstrom and they all felt a stirring in the temple as wind pressed at their backs urging the Stinking Cloud out through the narrow cracks around the doors.

Ahlear held out his saddlebag to Shamalin as she came forward, cloak whipping suddenly to point her way toward the doors. She moved toward him and thrust her hand into the open mouth drawing forth a shortsword-sized Waveblade. "THE SCION OF WATER AWAKES!" the sword thundered, its voice like waves crashing against rocks.

Outside, Huzair got to his feet and, still Invisible, spared a glance back up at the front doors to the temple. He saw the Stinking Cloud blown away by a fierce wind from within the building, a wind that whistled and shrieked around the door casing. He also saw what it was that was holding the door closed; Alechtus had rammed a pair of curved swords through the handles, their leather scabbard straps were tangled messily around the handles forming a crude but effective lock. But one that he could easily open from this side. Huzair recognized the lion's head design worked into the pommels of the swords; they'd belonged lately to Ixin. Alechtus had evidently taken them off the drakeling's body after he'd murdered her.

Seeing them now used for nothing more than a jury-rigged lock seemed very insulting to the sorceress' memory.

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