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D&D 5E The Return of Tyranny of Dragons: First Impressions

Gamers don't usually ask for a revision to an existing adventure unless it's to adapt it to a new edition, yet that's exactly why Wizards of the Coast produced the new edition of Tyranny of Dragons. Fans online have been asking for an updated edition for some time. The fact that Tiamat and the Cult of the Dragon, especially one very prominent Tiamat follower, factors into the newest adventure...

Gamers don't usually ask for a revision to an existing adventure unless it's to adapt it to a new edition, yet that's exactly why Wizards of the Coast produced the new edition of Tyranny of Dragons. Fans online have been asking for an updated edition for some time. The fact that Tiamat and the Cult of the Dragon, especially one very prominent Tiamat follower, factors into the newest adventure, Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus, probably helped.


Tyranny of Dragons contains a revised versions of the previously released adventure books Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat, packaged with extra material, errata and a brand new cover by Hydro74 that gorgeously displays the five heads of Tiamat. While our accompanying image shows off the cover accurately you really have to see it in person to get the full effect of the metallic inks, especially the metallic red artwork contrasted with the black matte background. Unlike Hydro74's cover for Xanathar's Guide to Everything the matte portion is not a soft touch black cover they use on limited editions but it still looks terrific..

Reissuing Tyranny of Dragons in its combined form is not an insult to the original version or, in my opinion, a cash grab. Hoard of the Dragon Queen was produced by Kobold Press, but the team had the disadvantage of creating the adventure while the rules for 5th Edition were still being finalized, and the book was released with before the 5th Edition Monster Manual was released so it was designed to work with the Basic Rules that were online at that time and monsters in the appendix. Logistically, it made sense – give players a chance to start immediately with a new adventure. I don't envy Wolfgang Baur, Steve Winter and their team putting together an epic adventure without a finalized rule set for most of the development time.

As the first official 5th Edition adventure, Tyranny of Dragons, the official name of the two adventures when taken as a whole, is as epic as they come. WotC clearly wanted to kick off with a bang, and Kobold Press delivered. New leadership in the Cult of the Dragon has shifted its focus from undead dragons to plotting to free the dragon goddess Tiamat from her prison in Avernus and acquire a hoard of gold to welcome her return to Faerun (she is greedy, and dragons love a hoard). The plot takes the players through large chunks of the continent as the Red Wizards of Thay scheme with the cult to free Tiamat and a separate conspiracy seeks to shape the world in its image. From Baldur's Gate and Waterdeep to the Sea of Moving Ice and much more, Tyranny of Dragons provides an overview of the world that worked well for new and lapsed players as well as to introduce Faerun to the new edition.

Baur and the Kobold Press team also deftly worked in not just an introduction to factions but weaved them well into the plot as information sources, support and potential thorns in the characters' side, depending upon what the players decide to do. Within the story opportunities arise for rival sides like the Harpers and Zhentarim (as well as groups like the Lords Alliance who frequently disagree with both of those) to work together against a common enemy – but that doesn't mean it will smooth sailing.

The original Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat are fan favorites for a reason. It's a rollicking good adventure whether you're completely new to D&D (and role-playing in general) or just new to 5th Edition. Starting at 1st level and taking the players to 15th level before the final confrontation in the Well of Dragons, it gives players a chance to sink their teeth into the adventure, and they can fail. The final battle isn't hopeless, but victory is far from assured.

I do wish that in revising HotDQ and RoT to unify Tyranny of Dragons that they had adopted some of the conventions the more recent D&D adventures have added. Clearly defined adventure trees, dramatis personae, pronunciation guides, etc. are small things individually but make life much easier for busy DMs.


The concept art is a lovely addition. Unfortunately Tyranny of Dragons does not follow the convention of the more recent D&D adventures where the artist's name is listed on the page seam so you can tell who did what illustration. Still, in addition to the original art, ToD contains epic new images, details on the dragon masks, the cult's decorative regalia, etc. I especially like the sketches for the types of chromatic dragons with details next to them as if a zoologist was taking notes.

If you don't already own HotDQ and RoT, and are interested in the plot, purchasing Tyranny of Dragons is a no-brainer. You'll be getting a proven, popular adventure in a spiffy new edition with a gorgeous new cover and additional art.

If you do already HotDQ and RoT, purchasing Tyranny of Dragons is more of a judgment call, especially depending upon your budget. While it does incorporate the errata to fix prior mistakes and omission, that and the supplemental material for Rise of Tiamat are still available online so purchasing the new version isn't necessary. If you're a completest, then buying it is an easy choice.

Original edition or revised, Tyranny of Dragons is a terrific adventure. It definitely set a high bar for launching the 5th Edition D&D adventures and well worth a look if you haven't already played it.

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Beth Rimmels

Beth Rimmels


It’s fewer people than I’ve personally played dnd with in person, on a site most dnd players don’t know exists, populated primarily by people who enjoy overthinking and hyperfocusing on dnd and similar games.

At most, we can extrapolate a possible correlation between such (minority) dnd players and certain adventure preferences.

The reviews are mixed, as others have shown, but reviews also don’t equate to popular opinion.

The adventure is popular. That y’all wanna argue that it isn’t is wild.

First you argued that I said it was a bad adventure (I never did. "not good" =/= bad). Now your'e saying I'm arguing it's not popular. Which I never did either. How about sticking with what I'm saying, and maybe it wouldn't be so wild. I'm saying that there could be other reasons why it's popular outside of "it must be good".

*Edit: I'll also note, by your logic, that means Keeping up with the Kardashians is much better of a program than Firefly was, due to popularity.

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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
*Edit: I'll also note, by your logic, that means Keeping up with the Kardashians is much better of a program than Firefly was, due to popularity.
Since my logic is that the adventure is popular because it sells well, not so much.

If your argument isn’t against that, why reply to me replying to someone else on that topic?


I think the sales of HotDQ have a lot to do with it being the first campaign for 5e, rather than a sign of quality.
Oh yeah? The...continued sales?

The sales and hype for the re-release? Those are a result of it being the first campaign for 5e?


I'll never understand why some folks have such a hard time accepting that their view of something isn't in the majority.
Since my logic is that the adventure is popular because it sells well, not so much.

If your argument isn’t against that, why reply to me replying to someone else on that topic?

You replied to me. see that above? I wasn't replying to anyone. I was only making a statement. Suddenly you replied to me and have been arguing against me, making up arguments I never said. I never said it was bad. I never said it was not popular (both things you accused me of). All I said was the above and you took major umbrage with it. Why? My entire argument is "popularity =/= quality product" and you've been vehemently disagreeing with that position, so it infers that you do think popularity means quality. Which is why I brought up Kardasian vs Firefly. To clearly show it isn't necessarily the case.

So I gotta ask, do you disagree with my original statement that popularity isn't necessarily linked to quality? And if so, that means you think Jersey shore or KuwtK is better quality than Firefly because they were way more popular. And if not, why are you arguing with me in the first place?


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
You replied to me. see that above? I wasn't replying to anyone. I was only making a statement. Suddenly you replied to me and have been arguing against me, making up arguments I never said. I never said it was bad. I never said it was not popular (both things you accused me of). All I said was the above and you took major umbrage with it. Why? My entire argument is "popularity =/= quality product" and you've been vehemently disagreeing with that position, so it infers that you do think popularity means quality. Which is why I brought up Kardasian vs Firefly. To clearly show it isn't necessarily the case.

So I gotta ask, do you disagree with my original statement that popularity isn't necessarily linked to quality? And if so, that means you think Jersey shore or KuwtK is better quality than Firefly because they were way more popular. And if not, why are you arguing with me in the first place?

Yeah okay, I’d forgotten the origin of our exchange.

As it turns out, you argued that the adventure is popular because it was the first adventure for 5e, which makes absolutely no sense, as I already pointed out. 🤷‍♂️

That might explain part of its popularity early on, but not its popularity now. Or it’s amazon ratings. Or the fact there is enough demand to justify a special edition compilation reprint.

As for the rest of that text block, you wanna keep misrepresenting my argument, I’m happy to just put you on ignore for a while until this thread has died down.


As for the rest of that text block, you wanna keep misrepresenting my argument, I’m happy to just put you on ignore for a while until this thread has died down.

Do what you have to do, but I'm afraid it's you who have been misrepresenting my argument. So far you've accused me of making two arguments I never remotely made (that it's a bad game, and that it wasn't popular). So whatevs. I haven't misrepresented yours at all. I asked you a question. It's not unusual for someone to interpret your position as equating popularity with it being good quality when you adamantly disagree with the statement: "popularity does not mean quality." How else am I supposed to interpret that disagreement? If you don't disagree, then why are you arguing with me in the first place? Legit question.

But do what you gotta do man.


Bud, I don’t know why you think I need to provide “evidence” or extend you any particular “courtesy”, but...nah.

You made a claim about 'continuing sales', but when I called you on it, you were not able to support it. So, I will take a page from Christopher Hitchens and say,
“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”

If you can't back up your arguments, then we don't need to consider them.

You wanna wind yourself up and yell about an adventure you don’t like that is nonetheless popular enough to justify a special edition re-release with a dozen other adventures out there...find someone else. 🤷‍♂️

Popular to justify a special edition re-release... or criticized so much they had to try to fix it with addenda? Your mileage may vary.

Just a note on courtesy: inserting patronizing 'big sigh's into your responses, accusing others of bad behavior, and not providing any evidence for your assertions (not just the one about 'continuing sales', but also the one about grammar, which you likewise have not been able to back up) generally does not promote productive discussion.


Rotten DM
Oh yeah? The...continued sales?

The sales and hype for the re-release? Those are a result of it being the first campaign for 5e?


I'll never understand why some folks have such a hard time accepting that their view of something isn't in the majority.
Continued sales are from silly buggers like me who got in to 5E after release date and have MEGA MEGA MAD MAD MONEY MONEY AND WE MUST BUY ALL THE BOOKS. MUST BUY ALL THE BOOKS.

Is Hoard of the Dragon Queen a popular adventure? Well, let's forget the statistically meaningless ENWorld poll and hop over to Amazon.com

302 reviews (as of writing this post)
Average rating of 4.5/5 stars
Bestsellers rank 5743

Yup, looks popular to me. It's not perfect but it is still selling well and appears to be enjoyed by many.

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