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The Rod of Seven Parts: Kauai Team OOC


A rules guess on my part. Traven broke the grapple (standard action) then did a quickened cause fear on Rancid. Whether it was quicken spell like ability or a quickened spell is not something I'm sure I could tell unless he used components. Going into unarmed and unarmored melee combat with a large wolf spider thing gives me the definite impression I'm tactically in over my head.

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Even without me scaling the module back from 14th to 1st level, from reading the adventure, the PCs in the Golden Cockatrice are probably supposed to come away feeling a bit overwhelmed. That was my sense of things from having read that particular interlude, anyway.

On the plus side of increased difficulty, however, things will be worth slightly more XP. I figure this is good because with seven of you, you all have tended thus far to make quick work of foes but there will be less XP to go around.

Voadam said:
A rules guess on my part. Traven broke the grapple (standard action) then did a quickened cause fear on Rancid. Whether it was quicken spell like ability or a quickened spell is not something I'm sure I could tell unless he used components. Going into unarmed and unarmored melee combat with a large wolf spider thing gives me the definite impression I'm tactically in over my head.

We're actually off initiative. Not sure if you saw that (if you're using stealth mode, the grey font I sometimes use might make it difficult to see some of my DM asides).

I put everyone back on init. I initially wasn't sure how you all would chose to deal with Traven and since the spiders (the obvious threats) were dispatched, I took us off init. Now that a second series of events has begun, we are back on initiative. And, as you can see, I seem to have found a die that likes players, or at least their initiative rolls.


I don't mind you rolling dice at home; I likewise find using invisible castle more trouble than it is worth (since one can easily just keep rolling on it until they get the result they want). I can appreciate your desire to speed up the process when you post. My own responses can easily take me half an hour to over an hour to compose if they're involved and complicated. Frankly, with four young kids at home to take care of I can't imagine how you also find the time to run two PBP games with so many players in each. My hats off to you for pulling it off; it's a testament to your skill in both fields. ;)

I also don't mind you rolling on our behalf, it's just that without being able to see the process we're kind of left to guess what, if anything, was rolled that then lead to the results you describe.

I'm not certain that I'd agree with you when you say that I'm viewing the combat through a lens of how it affects my character. I did notice that many characters seemed to be able to cross the large crowded taproom with surprising speed. It's just that it's generally easier to address the issues that affect my character directly than it is to point out the issues that happen to benefit other people's characters. Other PCs might resent someone butting in to point out a detrimental rule-clarification IYKWIM.

I agree with you when you say that it's largely a matter of gaining the players' trust. This being our first combat together I am keeping a critical eye out for anything out of the ordinary. Please understand that seeing some PCs moving curiously faster than I'd expect while also seeing NPCs performing seemingly impossible combat manoeuvres tends to raise some red flags in my mind. Obviously players have to give the DM some leeway to describe combat in an exciting way. And certainly some people prefer a fast and loose style of play, but I'm afraid I'm not really one of them. I'll admit it; I prefer sticking closer to the rules so that I can know what to expect in combat and plan accordingly. I enjoy the tactical side of combat. I'll also admit that when I first see a DM's preferred style of play I get worried about rule-calls that seem a little arbitrary.

I'll admit that I'm likely being over-critical but it's largely due to the fact that you invited us to offer our comments and point out possible mistakes to you. Sorry if it's becoming bothersome for you. Either way, I'm not letting any objections I have slow down the game; Maelicent just keeps going with the flow of the combat as described whether I agree with what's happening or not. :)

For instance, dropping and then re-rolling initiative seems rather confusing to me. Maelicent didn't intend to pause in his attack; there's always been a threatening creature worthy of his arrows in the tap-room since the combat started. Now I'm wondering if he lost the opportunity to move and fire or not during the interim. Also, he's inexplicably dropped from first to fifth place in the initiative order. To me at least, this seems like the same combat that we started with, especially since one of our opponents was still in fighting shape and planning to flee. Maybe you could ask us if we're done taking actions before you drop initiative next time. :\
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I have no need or desire to see dice rolls.

It did seem odd though to come out of combat init with the Rancid/Traven grappling still going on. I'm flexible and fine with how you run things though and prefer things to keep moving with a spot ruling from the DM rather than you stopping to consult on such issues.

As for the overwhelming demons I think we got very lucky. I was ready to run out and free the cockatrices to try to drive them into contact with the demons.

Thanks for understanding. Things'll go smoother down the road, I'm sure.

A quick aside, I agree in hindsight it looks funny to drop init and then pick it back up in essence what was two rounds later, but when init was dropped it was because the obvious threats were gone. A new threat (Traven) appeared, albeit a very short time after the last threat was vanquished, and we went back on init. I'm not sure I like the way init went either with regard to Traven, but there really was no way for me to anticipate how the party would react to circumstances once the first two spiders were gone. It could easily have been all diplomacy and healing, in which case no init would have been needed.

This is tipping my hand more than I might like, but for future combats when the possibility of a renewed threat exists, I anticipate continuing on initiative rounds for an extra round or two just to see if init will still be needed. Sometimes you all may react in a way that does not necessitate continued initiative, but doing it this way beats the confusion of dropping then resuming initiative in short sequence.

I was out all of today. Trip to the zoo, then to the pipe shop to buy a Christmas present for my husband for when he returns from sea. Children are being prepped for bed. I'll put up a DM post in the IC later tonight for you guys to chew on over the weekend. Other than that, I will catch everyone on Monday. Voadam, I did see that you'll be out of the loop until the 9th or 10th. No sweat.

It's come up the last two rounds, so I feel I need to call something to attention. Drawing a weapon is a move-equivalent action. Characters can get in their base movement and attack, or they can move, but they can't move, draw a weapon, and attack. Just trying to tighten things a bit during combat rounds, so please bear with me. There's plenty of time for anyone who wants to do so to revise their combat actions for the current round before I post on Monday.


First Post
Drawing a weapon is a move-equivalent action. Characters can get in their base movement and attack, or they can move, but they can't move, draw a weapon, and attack.
Keep in mind that characters with +1 Base Attack Bonus can combine drawing a weapon with making a move so the fighters, rangers, and paladins can move, draw, and attack in the same round.

Regarding the second map, I would expect Brakkus and Voadam to be adjacent to Traven after they all move outside as everyone moved 60 feet. It's important because the spider taking a run action would provoke attacks of opportunity from anyone adjacent, and because of the chase mechanics of D&D, attacks of opportunity are about our only chances of actually overtaking him.

Voidrunner's Codex

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