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The Rod of Seven Parts: Kauai Team OOC


Strahd_Von_Zarovich said:
I wonder why no one helps him despite his pleas for help. :uhoh:
I helped the poor guy to safety; but noooo the goblin gets no thanks for his help. Muh. :mad: ;)
CanadienneBacon said:
Anyone know where Ambrus has got off to?
Sorry. You can call off the hounds. Been a bit busy. I didn't think it had been that long since I'd posted; not a great deal that involved Mael was happening, so I was content to just let him keep prying out teeth until it was agreed that he should butcher the croc or someone opened a door. Now that the door is open he'll likely head over there if people agree to proceed along.
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Mista Collins said:
Though I know nothing of Rosh Hashanah, have fun celebrating!
I'm sure Strahd can tell you all about it, but in short, it's a two day holy celebration in which the Jewish new year is celebrated with various prayers and rituals. By the Jewish calendar, the year is 5768. Since the Jewish and Julian calendars don't mesh, the exact date changes from year to year (in the Julian one that is).

This reminds me that I have to remember to call a friend's mother to wish her a happy new year.

Thanks for popping in to reply, Ambrus. It's unlike you to not post for a few days in a row, which is what prompted me to inquire. Other players (or DMs, for that matter) on EN World won't post for a week and I won't bat an eyelash, but you normally don't miss many days.

Strahd, Happy New Year to you! I'm surprised you're here today. Thought you'd be off enjoying a day with friends and family.

I set the Survival DC to butcher the crocodile at 12. The hide is tough and the croc is somewhat exotic in that it's unusually large, but then again the beast's large size will perhaps be a help in gutting it--it'll be a little easier to cut around organs than it might otherwise be on, say, a tiny or diminuitive creature.


That seems fine to me. I'm not certain what the various Search checks were for though. Is there a chance the four of us missed something during our three hour search of the Croc's insides?


To save you having to make more rolls, any time Voadam can take 10 for success (such as DC 12 survival at +3) I'm happy to skip the rolls as an SOP. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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