The Sanguine Sisterhood


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Walking through what was once called home, her eyes rest on the message board for a moment. With a soft shake of her head she moves closer to read the notice and the string of attachments that have been added.

"Typical," she mutters under her breath, glad for once that she will not be present to witness this latest batch of would-be chaos mongers going about the business of making people's lives miserable. Still, she should do something she supposed.

She dug under her robes and produced a small nib pen, blotting the original note once before beginning to write.

There is a proverb that says, Be careful what you wish for. You would do well, I think, to heed this advice. A rule of fear rapidly becomes a rule of nothing. Nothing built on an empty emotion can last - not even fear is eternal, and it is often replaced with anger.

She shrugged. She had done what she felt she must, and she turned away, continuing her walk.

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Fowai Uss

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Fowai strolls past the boards, humming a merry tune, but slows to read the note posted.

"Aww...this Sanguine Sisterhood seem like a pleasant bunch...warning us of their arrival and intentions...if only there were more villainous groups like them in the world, it would be a better place..."

Fowai resumes his merry humming as he strolls away.
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She strolls to the message boards and smiles sweetly. She plays with a ring in her hand, smirking a moment as she does. After a moment she adds a note under these ones and attaches the ring under it.

Is anyone missing the one this was attached too?

*The note is not signed with a name, only a symbol.*


((Ring appears as follows: antiqued silver ring of a dragon with a dark blood ruby set in its jaws.))

She enters from the garden, eyes narrowed in annoyance as she heads straight for the boards, a piece of parchment in her hands which seems to be made out of rose petals. She looks over the boards with a look of disgust before tacking the note above all the others, a black rose thorn holding it in place.

The note is written in red ink, handwriting in a simple and neat cursive. It reads:

Weeds are natural for any gardens... but once they harm those that thrive within, they are plucked and destroyed. The same goes for your sisterhood. Your actions will not be over looked. We still have things to settle, but believe me, the gravity of your latest actions will cause you... dearly.

The note remains unsigned. With that, the woman turns, heading back out to the garden.

Ryu Shadowstep

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A man wearing black enters the tavern and quickly and quietly inspects the "Warning". He chuckles to himself then writes a reply under everyone elses.

Dear Sisterhood,

I do hope you know what your getting yourselves into...You may bost now, but wait and all your thoughts of dominating will be crushed just as quickly as the others who have passed into my shadows...Nothing is sweeter than crushing an assassin who is trying to invade on my territory...Watch yourselves, for soon you'll all be gone.

~Listener Tiberius,The Dark Brotherhood

Then the man smiles and places the note on the cork board and steps into a shadow and disappears.
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*Lacerin stalks over to the board with a man in his grasp, he then forces the man to read the papers on the board. Lacerin cackles demonicly after hearing of the warning. Lacerin then stalks off.*

*Lacerin returns with a large parchment and drives it into the board and then stalks off once more*
~Lacerins wants rematch. This times Lacerins wants yous alls, he will remove those pretty little heads from thier shoulders and devour the rest. Meets Lacerin in the Clearings soo~


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The young woman appears standing in the shadows of the tavern. She looks about before stepping towards the boards. She pauses and reads a moment, smirking in amusement before she retrieves a piece of parchment and a pen before she begins scribbling down a reply.

I see that your 'master' is still hiding behind your back, my ugly foe. Do ask him when he'll be man enough to show himself to us... if he ever will be such. A rematch would prove to be the most interesting. I can hardly... wait.

She licks her lips and smiles, tacking this above the posts then before she pets something about her wrists and stalks off.

Mayu Amakura

*pieces together, standing infront of the boards. She opens her eyes and reads over them with her plain expression before stopping on the Dark Brotherhood's note. She reads over it then brings forth her own now, jotting down something then sticking it to the boards. It reads:

"Who is this Brotherhood and why should we care? All your claims, all your threats yet no action has accured from many of you, and the ones that have tried have failed miserably. Still we stand, bathing in the sorrow of the families of those who have failed. So, Listener Tiberius of the Dark Brotherhood, don't make a girl a promise you know you can't keep."

*The same symbol appears on the note as the previous ones. She then grins and falls to pieces, the pieces fading as they hit the floor.*

Ryu Shadowstep

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The same man as before enters the tavern and he quickly reads over the cork board and stops at the last one. As he reads it he smiles to himself then quickly writes a note in blood:


We are a group of assassins that have been here for the past two centuries. It is understandable that you have no idea of whom we are. The assassins that have attacked you and your kin are of the lowiest ranks in our organization. I dought you are batheing in their sorrow for a requirement of joining our ranks is that you must kill your family in cold blood. Lady of the Sanguine Sisterhood I intend to keep my promise even if I must do it myself personaly. You will soon be joining my Dread Father!

~Listener Tiberius, The Dark Brotherhood

Once written he places the note on the cork board the steps into a shadow and disappears.


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She pauses, moving to read the boards with a critical eye. She laughs darkly coming upon these notes. Little bits of chaos and darkness hanging here for all to see. She grins and shakes her head, commenting to herself.

"Each of these fools claims to see our goal, to see how we wish to..."dominate" they say. How pitiful that they would think the goals of the sisterhood are so.....low and simplistic."

She sips her wine, peering at her newest toy a moment, petting his hair gently. He remains at her side, numb and quiet. Laughing again she snaps her fingers and walks away, her toy following.

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