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The Secret Scion - accepting alternates


Yay another Isida game! When are you closing recruiting? I'll have something up but early next week would be a little easier for me.

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The man with the probe
Erekose13 said:
Yay another Isida game! When are you closing recruiting? I'll have something up but early next week would be a little easier for me.

Just get up the background. She's been gone for a few days, so I'm sure when she gets back she'll look at them.


First Post
still looking?


I don't have Ebberon, but I'd like to play if you'll have me (unless you're going to do something with the Stone Bones crew.) I think I'd like to play a druid of some sort. How's about a human ? I think I could swing it.


Rough idea: human cleric of a cult of the dragon below, who is insane, has an abberant dragon mark and is currently fleeing Sharn because of imagined demons in his head. Though really he should be fleeing anyways because he has a cult leader, the Boromar clan and House Phairlan after him too, not that all of his personalities know that.

History: Hxaptös Halcyrunne has had a rather confusing, convoluted, and mentally disabling past. He was born in Fallen, probably the worst place in Sharn to live. The residents there are either low-caste laborers or gang members warring for territory, all of whom are too poor to even contemplate moving. When his parents saw the birthmark on his left shoulder blade they knew that he would be trouble, more trouble than he was worth. After the scourges of the War of the Mark long ago, those born with marks other than the dragonmarks were hunted as abberations. Not wanting to bring down any more woe and eager to get rid of the unwanted mouth to feed, his parents sold him into slavery.

Hxaptös was sold to a cult of the dragon below, where he served as peon for various factions within the cult for many long and grueling years. He quickly became used to skulking around the cultists to avoid being beaten, or worse subjected to their experiments. It was around this time that he started hearing whispers inside his head. Usually the whispers told him to steal things, but sometimes they would tell him other things, dark twisted things. Hxaptös didnt like to hear those things, but he couldnt make the voices stop.

One of the faction leaders, a cruel half-orc named Thurrack, came to appreciate Hxaptös' wit, sneakiness, and most of all his magical abilities. Taking Hxaptös under his wing, Thurrack often brought him along on some of the cults more risky ventures. It wasnt long before Hxaptös was traveling with Thurrack deep into the Cogs and even into Khyber itself to meet their infernal contacts. From trafficing in drugs to the illegal sale of Khyber shards, Hxaptös got mixed up in it all. Including an addiction to firelilly for a season before he was caught stealing it and beaten until he recovered.

It was because of the trust that Thurrack placed in Hxaptös that he got into the most trouble with the cult. One of their dragonshard buyers was the Boromar clan who would resell them to more important clients through their extensive contact network. On this occasion though, Hxaptös was approached by an elf secretly in a dark corner of the Cogs who offered to pay a lot more than the Boromars were for the dragonshards he was carrying. Thinking that the money would bring him more freedom, Hxaptös sold the shards and returned to the cult.

Thurrack was furious with Hxaptös because he had just sold a shipment that the Boromars were depending on. Beat, whipped and tortured, Hxaptös' fragile mind was further subjected to the horrors of the cult. That night when he was left to recover on his own, the whispers in his head told him to get up and move. With strange new powers, he snuck into the Thurrack's chambers looking for something to steal and sell, urged to flee now. Grabbing a book that looked big and important, he rushed out before he could get caught.

That night hunched over the strange book Hxaptös looked over the pages which were made of some kind of thin leather, skin perhaps. Hxaptös delved into secrets no sane person on Khorvaire should have ever read. Eldritch rituals, devilish depictions of Xoriat, the plane of Madness, even human souls bound to the pages of the book; madness captured in ink or blood spiraled through his mind. Secrets of the dolgrim, illithids, and stranger creatures unfolded themselves to his knowledge hungry mind. With everything his tormented mind had been through up to this point, the knowledge he gained fractured his mind into several pieces.

At that moment a different personality came to the fore, taking control of the young man's body. Calling itself Jhom, this new fraction of his spirit ran, ran as he had never run before.

Personality: well actually personalities because he has 3 dominant personalities and a few other ones that rarely show up. Hxaptös is the most dominant personality and used to be the only one that was in control. After reading the book of madness two other personalities have shown up. When in control, Hxaptös often experiences voices and hallucinations. He is running not only because he knows Thurrack's vengeance is on his head, but also because there are strange (hallucinations) abberations lurking in every dark corner eager to claw out his eyes.

Jhom, a got-it-together lurker, who runs and skulks from most things because he knows that staying alive is better when they can't find you. This personality takes precidence at odd times, never really consistent. Jhom knows the Hxaptös personality and a few of the others.

The Fury is Hxaptös' most beastial personality that takes over when he feels threatened and cannot escape. Throughing caution to the wind, the Fury attacks whatever threatens it with anything at hand. Neither of the other two personalities remember anything when the Fury immerges.

ooc: Wow that was fun to write, dont know if it is the type of character you are looking for, but either way I enjoyed creating him. For even more fun I finished the character below.
Hxaptös Halcyrunne
Human Cleric (of the Cult of the Dragon Below) 1

Medium humanoid (human)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deity: Cult of the Dragon Below
Region: Breland, Sharn (Fallen)
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 96lbs
Skin: Fair
Eyes: Black in Black
Age: 17

Action Points: 5

Str: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Dex: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Con: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Int: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Wis: 15 (+2) [8 points]
Cha: 12 (+1) [4 points]

Class and Racial Abilities: extra feat, extra skill points, rebuke undead (4/day), spontaneous inflict, Domains: Dragon Below (Augment Summoning Feat), Madness (-1 will saves and wis skill checks, 1/day add 1/2 level to 1 will save or wis skill check)

Hit Dice: 1d8+1
HP: 9
AC: 15 (+2 Dex, +2 armor, +1 shield) Touch – 12, Flat-footed – 13
ACP: -1
Init: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 30ft

Fortitude +3 [2 base, +1 Con]
Reflex +2 [0 base, +2 Dex]
Will +3 [2 base, +2 Wis, -1 Domain]

BAB: +0
Melee Atk: +1 (1d6+1/x2/P, club)
Ranged Atk: +2 (1d8/19-20x2/80 ft./P, light crossbow)

Skills: (20sp, 4/2 max)
Diplomacy +2 [1 ranks, +1 Cha]
Knowledge (Religion) +4 [2 ranks, +2 Int]
Knowledge (Magic) +6 [4 ranks, +2 Int]
Knowledge (the Planes) +6 [4 ranks, +2 Int]
*Knowledge (Ceremony) +4 [2 ranks, +2 Int]
Concentration +2 [1 ranks, +1 Con]
Hide +2 [2cc ranks, +2 Dex, -1 ACP]
Move Silently +2 [2cc ranks, +2 Dex, -1 ACP]
Sleight of Hand +2 [2cc ranks, +2 Dex, -1 ACP]

Augment Summoning (1st, Domain)
Abberant Dragonmark - undetermined (1st, human)
undetermined (1st)

Languages: Common, undercommon, infernal

Spells Prepared
DC +2
0th - detect magic, detect poison, light
1st – bane, cause fear*, cure light wounds


Wearing or carrying at hand
club – 0gp (3 lbs)
light crossbow – 35gp (4 lbs)
20 bolts – 2gp (2 lbs)
light wood shield – 10gp (15 lbs)
leather armor - 3gp (5 lbs)
belt pouch - 1gp (1/2 lb)

In or on containers
Backpack - 2gp (2 lbs)
~waterskin - 1gp (4 lbs)
~1 trail rations - .5gp (1 lbs)

Total weight carried – 36.5 lbs, light load.

staring gold-54.5gp


Direction: I would like to try and go for the Mage Priest prestige class from Diamond Throne. The only akward prereqs are the Know (ceremony) and the Priest feat. I could just take them, or if you would like something more core to replace them with let me know. Of course if we are not going to hit 6th level, its all for naught.
Last edited:


First Post


How about a human Champion of Knowledge/akashic? Maybe the akashics are a secret society in this world. I envision this guy kind of like a GW mini: lots of books, goggles, a big sword, and a thirst for knowledge bordering on lust.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Hey all, sorry I disappeared like that.

Now, I'm not looking for an eeeeevil crew, just a persecuted one. I won't mind if you guys are rather neutral and aren't shy about playing both sides of the fence (or all sides of the octagon in Eberron).

Now, I think I have a good pool to pick from, so lemme pick the rest of the group...

Rystil - Gray elf does make sense for the really snooty elves of Aerenal. So you may use it.

lotuseater - Kazan looks most excellent. I think I shall use him.

Bront - Since you supplied all the information, yes you may use the changling racial substitution levels. Changling PrC is fine. Though, just for giggles and grins, check out the Road Warrior PrC in the list of PrCs in my sig. It has the same concept, but a very different excecution.

MavrickWeirdo - a goblin in the party could be a lot of fun.

jeremy dnd - Dre looks like an excellent character, but his current background seems to be of a much higher-level character. 1st level characters generally don't have the kind of wide and vast travel experience that Dre does.

devrimk - I would need a much more extensive background than a few sentences. I know you said (in another thread) that he's based on Wolverine from the X-Men, but I generally would like something more elaborate in terms of background, particularly since this is supposed to be a game of intrigue.

D20Dazza - That's a mighty interesting background you have there (and a cool organization to boot).

Blue Sky - Dude, bluffing your way through a Blood of Vol ceremony (or almost)? That's awesome!

Prof Yeti - Poor dwarf... Just goes to show you, never toss a dwarf, or taunt him. You'll end up dead!

Erekose13 - You have one might bizarre character there Erekose. I like 'im!

manifold - I probably will be doing something with the Stone Bones crew, but not until a later date. As for your Eberron character, I think you might like the artificer class for your concept, as I did not want to include any AE classes in this campaign.

Ok - My final determination.

lotuseater, Someone, Blue Sky, and Erekose 13. Everyone else, I thank you for submitting your characters. This was a difficult decision, and I partially made it to include those people that aren't in an Eberron game yet. My choices and alternates are now listed in the first post of the thread. Alternates, if you want to make your character (or have already made them), you may put them in the Rogue's Gallery within a spoiler block.


The man with the probe
Cool on the sub levels. She's already built using them, so just need to fluff out her a bit. If it looks like she's missing useful adventuring equipment, that's intentional. She was trained to be a courtisan and courtly spy. You don't have to carry rations, water, or other usefull things like that around normaly. Besides, she can call on her servant friends to bring her something... oh wait... ;)

Roadwarrior is different, not quite sure it has the feel I was looking for for Mel. It seems a bit more druid/ranger ish. She's actualy more a social butterfly and indoors kind of gal(or guy when she's in the mood, that's way to confusing to constantly say). Plus, I have no idea what those feats do (Don't have S&S). BTW, you never specify what stat the roadwarrior uses for spellcasting.

Darn, Can't take Beholder Star ;)

Welcome aboard everyone else.

Isida Kep'Tukari

What, never specified the stat? How extremely annoying. Note to self, do that at some point.

And if you even consider taking the Beholder Star I'm going to use it against you in the game. :]

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