• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Star Wars Iconic Characters and the Rebels of Ralltiir.


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Vor'en Kurn said:
*I realize I was a bit slow off the start line here, but I don't suppose there's a chance I could have perforated them before they got to cover? Officer is the priority. And yes, I know Arani told us otherwise....

I kind of took that into account... You took a triple shot to get out of the box. By the time you popped up (bad init. roll), the Imps had already made their way out of the docking bay. They essentially ran all the way to the speeder. In fact, you can see the abandoned trooper's body lying at the bottom of the ramp.

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Set Harth

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Dorn Tavers said:
Dorn frowns at that suggestion and shakes his head.

"Not to rob Vor'en of a chance to show off his toys, but isn't the idea here to stop doing things that draw attention to us? Blowing speeders up doesn't seem like the best way to melt into a crowd. I like Marko's plan."

Ducking blaster bolts Set responds. "I don't like the idea of using those crates for cover, seem aufully flimsy to me. And blowing up the speeder should give us enough smoke and confusion to slip away. Honestly, you guys never think things through."

Arani Korden

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Rorworr said:
"Anyway, we running or fighting?"

Arani had been looking more and more angry, but Rorworr's voice manages to calm her down. ooc: Really! I had a whole "Arani yells at everybody" post planned out, but the Wookiee defused the moment. :cool:

"We are running, before they get a good look at us. If anyone does, we deal with them. Any objections?"

She nods to the Wookiee. "Rory, blow the speeder if you can. I'll look for an alternate exit." Then Arani glares at the two Jedi as if they were naughty children. "As for you two - you are the last remnants of the proud Jedi order. Start acting like it! Save the lightsaber measuring contest until we get to safety."

Arani will scan the area for grates, ducts, that sort of thing. ooc: In case there's a genre appropriate route of escape handy.


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Everyone has to briefly hold on to something nearby and solid as the ship lifts off and sways a bit as it floats a meter or two over the ground.


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"Wow, happy little reunion we've got here," Kelko mutters under his breath, taking cover next to Rorworr and providing some cover fire of his own. He braces himself behind the crate he'd been riding in when the ship begins its rise. "I'm with Arani on this. Those Imperials are definitely calling for reinforcements, and I'm not waiting around for them to get here."


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The ship performs a sudden pirouette, and tilts precariously sideways so that the pile of crates comes into view just a meter or so below the cargo hatch.

Captain Durn's voice echoes over the intercom, "Everybody out!"
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Firing a final quarrel at the Imperial speeder, Rorworr turns back to the group.

"Kelko and 'Rani have got the right idea. Let's get out of here, and maybe we can loose them in the crowds." He looks doubtfully at his bowcaster as he says this, then shrugs.

"And I'd just better hope there are a few other Wookiees about..."

Arani Korden

First Post
Rorworr said:
"And I'd just better hope there are a few other Wookiees about..."

"Maybe we can get you a hat. A big hat."

ooc: Oops! Thought we were already out.

Arani slides down the ramp into the crates in an undignified but rapid fashion.

Set Harth

First Post
"I'm gonna regret this." mumbles Set as he tumbles down the ramp.

Once he reaches the crates Set begins to look about for exits; doors, exhaust vents, gutters, etc.

Vor'en Kurn

First Post
"Let's get going," says Vor'en seriously, trying to remember the layout to the starport. He knows what it looks like in general terms- always know what a potential battleground looks like- but he's unsure of his specific location. He stays close to Arani, scanning the crowd for any danger and ready to interpose himself between Arani and whatever might be thrown their way.

Voidrunner's Codex

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