The Thread In Which We Rant

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Not your screen monkey (he/him)
I stand corrected!

Totally easy to get that mixed up since his history does have him living with a different parenting situation much like Frodo or Harry. The difference is he's referred to as being "fostered" like the old Celtic tradition or in the background to Game of Thrones in which noble sons are significantly raised in another noble's home.


Dear Self: You've been gaming with largely the same group for 7+ years. Why do you keep expecting them to wake up one morning and adopt your own roleplaying preferences? The powergamer is always going to be the powergamer, the special snowflake player is still going to be the special snowflake player. Stop trying to force the group to conform to your wishes and just enjoy the process you have with people who are your very good friends!

That said . . . .

Dear Special Snowflake Player: Stop. Just . . . stop. We get it, you can't possibly be expected to keep the fun of the group in mind when creating your character. You're just not emotionally equipped to handle being "just another big awesome hero." It's not enough to have the chance to play a unique individual in a dramatic, fictional world with an interesting backstory.

Oh no, you have to REALLY be SPEEEECIAL.

You have to have a unique cloak that makes you look EVEN MORE AWESOME than anyone else with a cloak. You have to have a magic weapon that doesn't just make you better at stabbing, you have to be better at stabbing AND your sword has to have a mysterious skull on the pommel that has glowing eyes. Oh, and of course, the glowing pommel eyes should definitely give you an automatic +4 to all intimidate rolls, because AWESOME, RIGHT??? You couldn't possibly just be expected to be a regular 'ole elf. Oh no, you have to be an elf from the Mysterious Eastern Mystic Elflands, with unknown ninja powers.

Apologies, special snowflake player, it's not our fault you were never allowed to feel special enough as a kid. But do you have to make up for lost time now by torturing our gaming group?


Dear adventure writers for high level PCs:

I appreciate your efforts, but please can you think hard about how to handle divintations on the antagonist's side? I know they have the resources, but their divinations should be as "accurate" as the player's. So please no "we know all your plans" shenanigans. Also, think about the fact in advance that the PCs will use mind blank or the like if they are being scryed every few hours.

Dear D&D/derivative designers:

Please do something about the divination arms race. It is even worse than the light/darkness arms race.


Rotten DM
Dear Non-plyaing Snugglebunny of player, "be quiet. I don't need to know what happen after last week's game. And your public displays are annoying."


Lord of the Hidden Layer
Dear BF/GF pairs,
Please remember that if your characters are going to have a hot night together, they are also going to have a table-full of unwilling voyeurs. If you do not want to be the talk of the town, pull the drapes.

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