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The Time of Troubles, please elaborate...


Nightfall said:
Btw, have you stopped by Mortality lately? I posted some titanspawn feats in my own forums there, along with some other Scarred Land stuff. Be interested in your opinion.

Well, if I knew what Mortality was, I would certainly have a mind to visit it.

Give me a link please... :)

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Nightfall said:
Okay Some points to take up with you Heretic. You're ALMOST right about most of this.

BANE was the one holding Mystra captive.

Actually, I was talking about the Cyrinishad debacle, where Mystra was placed under arrest, to be held by Helm. Then the Seraph of Death, servant of Kelemvor, had to be transferred to Mask, since throughout his life he had worshipped Mask. Mask sent him the task of stealing Mystra from Helm, which he did in a rather imaginative way, thereby earning the rank of Seraph of Theft.


First Post
Just keep this thread going, here is why I asked this question. I currently run a Greyhawk campaign, and my players of the last five years or so like to play things “canon” (in other words, if it wasn’t published by TSR/WoTC then it isn’t canon. They wouldn’t care if Gary Gygax himself showed up at one my games to disagree. Their response would be, “We’ll except that when we see it in print…”). Now that’s not to say that THEY don’t like to do things outside of canon, they like to feel that their characters are the “most important people in the world” and I’m ok with that because that’s kind of the whole point of the game….

Anyway, to facilitate things I normally put together information “packets” about the particular area that the campaign is taking place in. For example, our current campaign is taking place in Keoland and I scanned and gathered all of the information from the various canon sources (1st Edition, 2nd Edition, 3rd Edition Gazetteers, Living Greyhawk Journals, etc. and put it together in a 30 or so page “primer” for Keoland. They got a big kick out of it, and then set about trying to become major forces of good in the area, etc.

I wanted to do the same things for the gods of Greyhawk, but Holy Polytheism Batman, once you include the Olman, Touv, and all of the hero-deities and quasi-deities, there are just a boat load of Greyhawk gods (not to turn this into a Greyhawk vs. Forgotten Realms flame fest, but any Greyhawk fan that says ‘There are too many gods in FR’ hasn’t looked at GH very closely :) ). Now my players wouldn’t like it if I just started “removing” gods, but if a Time of Troubles sort of thing happened, that their characters could actively be involved in, during which a few (or many) of those gods happened to kick the divine bucket…that they would like. They then could have some say in which “stay “and which “go.” Right now, the party is between 18th and 14th level, so they are not weak, but not uber-powerful either. Done correctly, this could be like a year long “adventure”

Anyway, that’s why asked about the generalities. I want to get a feel for what all of the FR gods were doing during their “mortal phase”


First Post
Actually, I was talking about the Cyrinishad debacle, where Mystra was placed under arrest, to be held by Helm. Then the Seraph of Death, servant of Kelemvor, had to be transferred to Mask, since throughout his life he had worshipped Mask. Mask sent him the task of stealing Mystra from Helm, which he did in a rather imaginative way, thereby earning the rank of Seraph of Theft.
It's like some weird soap opera...


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Okay John I get what you're saying. I will say GH does have a lot of deities, but I still maintain FR has FAR too many. (I did a small polling using the Living Greyhawk Guide book and my old FR box set from 2nd. I counted, not including racial/humaniod/dragon deities, 65 for GH, 112 for Forgotten Realms. ) I do understand what you're trying and good luck. But I hope you can find a good UBER deity to delegate such authority. I don't think there's one in Oerth but I could be wrong.

rouncer: FR tends to be a soap opera, especially when you factor in the innuendu for some of the "heroes" ;)

Well, hopefully your group doesn't consider EVERYTHING printed by TSR/WOTC about Greyhawk to be canonical?

Wasn't there an author roundly reviled by most GH purists? I seem to recall a passage about some female wizard walking into Iuz' throneroom and chastising him? (Makes Elminster look like a piker, I think.... :)) )


Doing a ToT campaign could work, since your PCs will BE the protaganists in the adventures. The worst thing about the TSR modules produced for that event was that the PC were cannon fodder and tagalongs for the 'real' stars of the story, Midnight, Cyric etc.

My wife was DMing and was going to run the first Troubles module and just stopped after reading how it advised to impress the PCs with how remarkable the events were that were going on around them. The PC got to fight in battles mentioned in the books, but only against other cannon fodder and the 'hero' could always rush to the rescue if need be. We ignored the ToT for the rest of that campaign and she worked her own adventures from that point on.

Now, are you deciding whish of the gods and demigods will die or will the PCs adventures and success or failure of them determine the fate of the various gods?


First Post
Wasn't there an author roundly reviled by most GH purists? I seem to recall a passage about some female wizard walking into Iuz' throneroom and chastising him? (Makes Elminster look like a piker, I think.... ) )
Sounds like Rose Estes. If I recall correctly, Mika the Wolf Nomad kills off Iuz (an "old man" literally in that book, it seems - rather than just appearing to be one) with a dagger at one stage, which left more than a few Greyhawk fans unimpressed.
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