The Wayfairers Guide to Eberron

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Warforged are bonkers.
Darkwood Core (unarmored)None11 + your Dexterity modifier (add proficiency bonus if proficient with light armor)
Composite Plating (armor)Medium armor proficiency13 + your Dexterity modifier (maximum of 2) + your proficiency bonus.
Heavy Plating (armor)Heavy armor proficiency16 + your proficiency bonus; disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
How does 21-22AC before even considering a shield sound?


First Post
I think there's potential in a double-scimitar rogue.

Definitely. Also, the Double-Scimitar + Revenant Blade is strictly superior to any two-weapon fighting build + Dual Wielder, especially if you plan ahead and take the Great Weapon Fighting style instead of Two Weapon fighting. 2d4 is extremely powerful with the reroll granted by GWF: the average roll for 2d4 with that reroll is 6, stronger than 1d10. You get the +1 AC DW would give you AND RB is a half-feat: it includes +1 str/dex. And of course a stat-included bonus action attack is built into the weapon.

And remember according to the WGtE Wood Elves can replace their weapon proficiency trait with one gives proficiency with the Double-Scimitar. And it allows you (anyone) to start with one in place of another martial weapon your would grant you when you start: even the high price is just handwaved away.


First Post
Warforged are bonkers.
Darkwood Core (unarmored)None11 + your Dexterity modifier (add proficiency bonus if proficient with light armor)
Composite Plating (armor)Medium armor proficiency13 + your Dexterity modifier (maximum of 2) + your proficiency bonus.
Heavy Plating (armor)Heavy armor proficiency16 + your proficiency bonus; disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
How does 21-22AC before even considering a shield sound?

The math works out fine assuming a high-magic setting (like Eberron) where someone who can't wear armor is sure to be missing out on a bonus to their AC from an enchantment on their armor (and where AC has to scale assuming everything has a corresponding enchantment on their weapons). But yeah, that doesn't mesh well with the design philosophy of 5e, which is supposed to be items-agnostic.


First Post

how so?

It's in a weird place because it's "OP" in social encounters, not combat encounters, which makes it harder to quantify. Think of it this way: being able to change your appearance (and in so doing potentially mimic the appearance of another person) is the effect of a 1st level spell, Disquise Self. Not only is the Changeling's ability significantly more powerful than Disguise Self (it holds up to touching, can mimic your voice, is unaffected by anti-magic effects, unlimited duration) but your uses of it are unlimited. In effect, this is giving you a more powerful version of a 1st level spell at will. Other races get first level spells as racial features, but IIRC none of them get the effects boosted and all of them have the spell limited to 1/day.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
It's in a weird place because it's "OP" in social encounters, not combat encounters, which makes it harder to quantify. Think of it this way: being able to change your appearance (and in so doing potentially mimic the appearance of another person) is the effect of a 1st level spell, Disquise Self. Not only is the Changeling's ability significantly more powerful than Disguise Self (it holds up to touching, can mimic your voice, is unaffected by anti-magic effects, unlimited duration) but your uses of it are unlimited. In effect, this is giving you a more powerful version of a 1st level spell at will. Other races get first level spells as racial features, but IIRC none of them get the effects boosted and all of them have the spell limited to 1/day.

Changling shapeshifting also doesn’t change their clothing, which severely hampers what they can do in a pinch. They can’t just turn a corner and adopt a completely new appearance at will, like any second level Warlock can.

And, every race should have something that makes them stand out, and have aspects of the game where they naturally shine. The Changling has that, but only in the hands of a very Hand-wavey DM will it break the game, bc they still need costumes, and they still have to use Deception to change their voice, and they still need time to actually change clothes.

By the time they have magic items that can alleviate those issues, other characters can cast disguise self several times a day, if not at will.

Meanwhile, I don’t know if you’ve ever DMed for a wood elf and lightfoot Halfling stealth specialists, or a gnome rogue, Paladin, or ranger mage slayer build, but I assure you I can make a DM work harder with those characters than with a changling.

Changling s are a tier 1 race, for sure. IMO post PHB tier 1s always get called OP, even when they aren’t, because we’re all gun shy about power creep. But they aren’t broken.

Voidrunner's Codex

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