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The Wayfinders - The Wreck of the Archon


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Doral and Whisper's missiles slam into the beasts flank as it opens its jaws wide to tear the flesh from the cowering figure. The air between it at the figure coalesces into a thicker mist that hurtles towards the beast! It slams it backwards with unnatural force, sending it skidding backwards several feet. Kraken primes his own magic and sends forth powerful words of command and hostility to draw the creatures attention. It regains its feet shaking its head and then turns a baleful eye on Kraken. It snarls and springs forward with frightening speed. Its movements are jerky but efficient and it closes the distance between them rapidly. A muscle spasms at the wrong moment though and throws the creature off target. It's jaws snap shut with a loud crack a few inches away from Kraken's groin.
Briefly relieved, the man dives to the floor scrambling to pick up his own wand.
Somewhere down the passageway behind you you hear an answering howl as another creature takes up the scent.

Doral Magic Missile (1d4+1=4, 1d4+1=5, 1d4+1=4, 1d4+1=5)
Canine Will Save (1d20+1=12)
Canine attack and damage (1d20+10=11, 1d6+4=7)

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First Post
As the beast closes with the forward-position Kraken, Midian smiles.

"Now I can reach you, beast," he says, stepping up and reaching for the creature's muzzle where it missed Kraken. His hand connects, and with a quick phrase word that sounds like nothing so much as the crack of ice, a steaming frost flows off the druid's hand and across the beast's flesh.

[sblock=ooc] Frigid Touch:

Touch attack; cold damage (1d20+8=19, 4d6=17)


[b]HP:[/b] 66/66       
[b]AC:[/b] 21        [b]AC(T):[/b] 14    [b]AC(FF):[/b] 18 
Wildshape base AC: 15
Medium/Huge Animal AC: 17
Medium Magical Beast AC: 19
Medium Air Elemental AC: 20, Reflex save: +8

Conditions: Resinous Skin (80 min duration. Not sure if this is expired? DR 5 / piercing). for Kraken: Delay Poison (8 hrs)

[b]Init:[/b] +02
[b]BAB:[/b] +6/+1     [b]CMB/CMD:[/b] +8/22     [b]ACP:[/b] -3     
[b]Perception:[/b] +17

Saving Throw    Base   Mod   Misc*  Total
Fort:            06     1     +2    +9      
Ref:             02     2     +2    +6       
Will:            06     6     +2    +14

* Cloak +2
Conditional: +4 vs. spell-like fey & plant effects (Resist Nature's Lure)
Resist Cold 10
[b]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/b]
Shortspear, full attack...+8/+3..1d6+2/1d6+2...x2
Shortspear, thrown........+8.....1d6+1.........x2, range 20'
Sling.....................+8.....1d4+2.........x2, range 50'
Sling, full attack........+8/+3..1d4+2/1d4+2...x2, range 50'

[b]Surge:[/b] 7/9 remaining (CMB +14)

Magical Feats: Spell Focus (Conj), Augment Summoning, Natural Spell

0st Level / DC16/17 6 Day : Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Mending, Stabilize, Spark
1st Level / DC17/18 4+2+D Day : Endure Elements, Entangle, Feather Step, Liberating Command, Ray of Sickening, Faerie Fire, Obscuring mist(D)
2nd Level / DC18/19 3+2+D Day : [s]Delay Poison[/s], [s]Frigid Touch[/s], Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy, [s]Stone Call[/s], Slipstream(D)
3rd Level / DC19/20 3+1+D Day : Call Lightning*, Hide Campsite, Neutralize Poison, [s]Resinous Skin[/s], Water Walk(D) 
4th Level / DC20/21 2+1+D Day : Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Geyser, Control Water(D)

* attuned to empowered spell shard
** Eberron shard can recall evocation spells up to 4th level: 2/2 remaining

[b]Wand charges:[/b] 27/28 remaining.
[b]Wild Shape:[/b] 1/3 remaining

Dr Simon

"Bloody oath, mind me boys," Kraken tells the beast. He hefts his falchion.

His next move will depend on if the first creature is still standing after the magic missiles etc.

If it is, full attack vs. creature.
First attack 1d20+12=31
- Critical Confirmation 1d20+12=20
Damage for first strike 2d4+6=10
- plus 2d4+6=9 if critical succeeds.

Second attack 1d20+9=23
Damage 2d4+6=12

If, however, the thing is already dead, he will move towards the person they have just rescued and ready an attack for the approaching beast.


First Post
OOC - Tried to post a few times this week and had errors.

Midian's frigid touch causes the creature's face and neck to freeze as the blood and tissue turn to ice. Doral's wand sends a burst of missiles into the creatures flank, dropping the hind quarters. Barely standing, the creature angles its muzzle up just in time for Kraken's falchion to cleave it open sending a spray of frozen chunks in all directions.

You take a moment to turn and face the man whose life you just saved. He looks to be a young man, barely in his twenties. He is wearing torn and badly soiled uniform of the Brelish military. One of his boots is missing and his trousers are torn clear up to the knee. His eyes are wild with fear and they dart from face to face. In his hand he is shakily holding a wand whose shaft is cracked. An ominous red light and sparks spit from the damaged area. "Stay back! Go Away! he screams in a ragged voice while waving the wand.

Back down the passageway you came you hear the sound of thumping paws and snarling rapidly approaching.


First Post
"We don't have time for explanations," Whisper says, motioning with her head in the direction of the noises. "Lower that wand and come with us, or we'll leave you here to delay them while we run for it."

"If you do come with us, no harm will come to you, so long as you behave."


First Post
Midian nods agreement with Whisper's comment.

"We can talk when we aren't exposed," he offers, pulling a sprig of mistletoe from his belt as the air seems to become slightly more humid.

[sblock=ooc]Trying to ready an action to cast Geyser if the critters show up at a distance far enough away to be effected / blocked by it in an effort to give us room to retreat.[/sblock]

[b]HP:[/b] 66/66       
[b]AC:[/b] 21        [b]AC(T):[/b] 14    [b]AC(FF):[/b] 18 
Wildshape base AC: 15
Medium/Huge Animal AC: 17
Medium Magical Beast AC: 19
Medium Air Elemental AC: 20, Reflex save: +8

Conditions: Resinous Skin (80 min duration. Not sure if this is expired? DR 5 / piercing). for Kraken: Delay Poison (8 hrs)

[b]Init:[/b] +02
[b]BAB:[/b] +6/+1     [b]CMB/CMD:[/b] +8/22     [b]ACP:[/b] -3     
[b]Perception:[/b] +17

Saving Throw    Base   Mod   Misc*  Total
Fort:            06     1     +2    +9      
Ref:             02     2     +2    +6       
Will:            06     6     +2    +14

* Cloak +2
Conditional: +4 vs. spell-like fey & plant effects (Resist Nature's Lure)
Resist Cold 10
[b]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/b]
Shortspear, full attack...+8/+3..1d6+2/1d6+2...x2
Shortspear, thrown........+8.....1d6+1.........x2, range 20'
Sling.....................+8.....1d4+2.........x2, range 50'
Sling, full attack........+8/+3..1d4+2/1d4+2...x2, range 50'

[b]Surge:[/b] 7/9 remaining (CMB +14)

Magical Feats: Spell Focus (Conj), Augment Summoning, Natural Spell

0st Level / DC16/17 6 Day : Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Mending, Stabilize, Spark
1st Level / DC17/18 4+2+D Day : Endure Elements, Entangle, Feather Step, Liberating Command, Ray of Sickening, Faerie Fire, Obscuring mist(D)
2nd Level / DC18/19 3+2+D Day : [s]Delay Poison[/s], [s]Frigid Touch[/s], Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy, [s]Stone Call[/s], Slipstream(D)
3rd Level / DC19/20 3+1+D Day : Call Lightning*, Hide Campsite, Neutralize Poison, [s]Resinous Skin[/s], Water Walk(D) 
4th Level / DC20/21 2+1+D Day : Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Geyser, Control Water(D)

* attuned to empowered spell shard
** Eberron shard can recall evocation spells up to 4th level: 2/2 remaining

[b]Wand charges:[/b] 27/28 remaining.
[b]Wild Shape:[/b] 1/3 remaining

Dr Simon

Kraken keeps hold of his falchion, but opens his arms in an approximation of a gesture of friendship.

"You listen to them, mate," he says. "We're not with the worm people." He turns his back on the man and moves to the rear of the group, readying his falchion again.


First Post
The man continues to gibber but does nothing else for the moment. He continues to watch you warily as if at any moment you could turn into monsters.

From the far end of the hallway the shadows move and you hear the baying of another pair of the creatures. As they come into view they slow from a dash down to a slow stalk. One of the beasts has an extra set of fore legs while the other has far, far too many eyes atop its head and neck.


First Post
[sblock=ooc]The following assumes the corridor's long enough that I'm not catching anyone in the spatter. If that's not the case, I'll amend...[/sblock]

"Okay, pups. Time for a nice, hot bath," Midian mutters. There is a rumbling along the floor beneath the beasts, then a scalding geyser shoots up beneath them!

[sblock=ooc]As above, casting Geyser. I'm assuming the hallway isn't higher than 10 feet. If it is, the total height the geyser can reach is actually 40 feet, which increaseds their falling damage depending on how high Midian can make the thing.

Reflex save DC 21 to negate falling damage and halve the fire damage. Additional 1d6 fire damage each round for being in the spray (which is a circle with a radius of 1/2 the height, so probably the 5' adjascent to it, but if the halls are taller than I think, the spray area increases).

Fire Damage;10' falling damage. (3d6=17, 1d6=5)[/sblock]

[b]HP:[/b] 66/66       
[b]AC:[/b] 21        [b]AC(T):[/b] 14    [b]AC(FF):[/b] 18 
Wildshape base AC: 15
Medium/Huge Animal AC: 17
Medium Magical Beast AC: 19
Medium Air Elemental AC: 20, Reflex save: +8

Conditions: Resinous Skin (80 min duration. Not sure if this is expired? DR 5 / piercing). for Kraken: Delay Poison (8 hrs), Geyser (8/8rounds)

[b]Init:[/b] +02
[b]BAB:[/b] +6/+1     [b]CMB/CMD:[/b] +8/22     [b]ACP:[/b] -3     
[b]Perception:[/b] +17

Saving Throw    Base   Mod   Misc*  Total
Fort:            06     1     +2    +9      
Ref:             02     2     +2    +6       
Will:            06     6     +2    +14

* Cloak +2
Conditional: +4 vs. spell-like fey & plant effects (Resist Nature's Lure)
Resist Cold 10
[b]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/b]
Shortspear, full attack...+8/+3..1d6+2/1d6+2...x2
Shortspear, thrown........+8.....1d6+1.........x2, range 20'
Sling.....................+8.....1d4+2.........x2, range 50'
Sling, full attack........+8/+3..1d4+2/1d4+2...x2, range 50'

[b]Surge:[/b] 7/9 remaining (CMB +14)

Magical Feats: Spell Focus (Conj), Augment Summoning, Natural Spell

0st Level / DC16/17 6 Day : Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Mending, Stabilize, Spark
1st Level / DC17/18 4+2+D Day : Endure Elements, Entangle, Feather Step, Liberating Command, Ray of Sickening, Faerie Fire, Obscuring mist(D)
2nd Level / DC18/19 3+2+D Day : [s]Delay Poison[/s], [s]Frigid Touch[/s], Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy, [s]Stone Call[/s], Slipstream(D)
3rd Level / DC19/20 3+1+D Day : Call Lightning*, Hide Campsite, Neutralize Poison, [s]Resinous Skin[/s], Water Walk(D) 
4th Level / DC20/21 2+1+D Day : Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, [s]Geyser[/s], Control Water(D)

* attuned to empowered spell shard
** Eberron shard can recall evocation spells up to 4th level: 2/2 remaining

[b]Wand charges:[/b] 27/28 remaining.
[b]Wild Shape:[/b] 1/3 remaining

Voidrunner's Codex

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