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The Weavings of a Different Wheel (Orichin's custom WoT campaign)


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One of the horns sounded a third time, the second one bellowed with only a heartbeat's delay in response. Another point awarded to each combatant.
Pink froth collecting on its bloodstained teeth and in the corners of its bestial mouth, the trolloc emitted a gurgling growl as it menacingly hefted its axe. Thinking the fight his, the trolloc attacked Hanjia's seemingly defenseless left side. Her buckler arm painfully weak, and her left leg unable to put forth the thrust needed to propel the maiden away from the arcing blade, Hanjia had only one recourse.
With speed and precision that would do any viper proud, Hanjia gripped her spear tightly like a tool, so all of her knuckles aligned parallel to the shaft (rather than the loose-fingered heft she used for more traditional, thrusting attacks), and hooked the spear sharply to her left. Long before the axe would have struck home, Hanjia's spearhead tore into the forearm of the trolloc like an arrow into a target. The bladed edges of her spearhead, being pitted and notched in parts from punching through armor, but still razor sharp along most of its cutting surface, cut like a serrated knife through the muscle that rides the inside of the forearm and gives strength to exactly the kind of motion the trolloc was delivering his axe with.
Raising her buckler, Hanjia easily defeated the now cumbersome swing despite her weakened state.
Snarling with frustration, the beast dropped the axe in disgust and leaned forward as if to pounce on Hanjia barehanded.

combat: Hanjia's attack hit, trolloc missed

ooc: To answer your question, yes, now that the carriage is fully on the road the trollocs will advance every 3rd round.
Al'Shain would be unable to attack a trolloc with his swords from his current position (inside the enclosed carriage). However, by flipping the latch that holds the door shut to allow it to swing open (free action), and climbing the "inside" of the door (DC 10 - ample handholds and ledges), he can make it to the roof of the carriage (by climbing 1/4 movement rate as a move-equivalent action-7.5 ft diagonally, Al'Shain can reach the back of the carriage, standing on the roof) within reach of 2 trollocs. Although this would negate the cover from the carriage, it would give him higher ground against the trollocs before they board the carriage. I'll assume that's what he does for now, if there's a problem with that let me know, I'll apply RetCon (retroactive continuity) in the next post (the trolloc archers quickly fall behind the carriage since they can only move and fire instead of running as a full round action; only 2 are left in range for 1 more shot each).

Releasing his bow as soon as Ellysa's slender fingers wrapped around the wood below the handle, Al'Shain pulled upward on the latch that held the carriage door in place and allowed it to bang open as the wind of the moving carriage caught it.
"Close the door behind me." Al'Shain shouted to Ellysa over the howling wind and the crash of the carriage. "And be careful! It won't do you any good to fall out before we get away."
With his most charismatic wink-smirk, Al'Shain turned and faced the rushing forest. Gripping the vertical handle on the inside of the door frame nearer to the back of the carriage, Al'Shain looked over his shoulder for what may well have been his last time.
The fear had subsided in Ellysa's face, replaced with weak determination. She had wiped the tears from her crystal blue eyes and risen to a crouch on the floor. Placing the bow on the seat to her left, she watched Al'Shain intently.
With a sureness of strength and coordination indigenous to those that hone their body to a tool-a tool of work or a tool of war-Al'Shain whitened the knuckles of his right hand around the handle, hoping the screws would hold as he leapt out of the vehicle. As expected, the force of the moving carriage ripped him in a quick arc, his view going from forest to trollocs to the carriage as fast as he could comprehend it.
Al'Shain's left hand gripped firmly the upper sill of the carriage door as he raised his right knee to catch a hold on the bottom of the window to hoist himself up. Al'Shain's left foot shot out away from him as it glanced against the spinning wheel of the carriage. Swinging with the momentum, the borderlander flexed his left bicep and tucked his left foot back under his body and caught a foothold on the window sill. Bracing his other foot and releasing the handle inside the carriage, Al'Shain swung his body up onto the roof of the carriage, the whole ordeal having taken only a second or two.
Rising to a crouch, Al'Shain scuttled the last few feet to the back of the carriage, staying low to minimize the wind that threatened to push him off the back and drew his preferred weapons: the pair of identical blades that lay sheathed in an X pattern on his back. Drawing the twin swords in a single, practiced motion, Al'Shain knew he would be at his best. Not that his bow was any less skillfully crafted than these artfully forged weapons that bore the roses of Arafel upon their pommels, but what the swords lacked in range, they made up for with deadliness when the time came to cut down shadowspawn by the dozen.
As the rear of the carriage approached, Al'Shain watched a gnarled trolloc hand dig into the wood of the vehicle's roof with its powerful claws, rocking the carriage as the beast's weight was added to the other passengers. The carriage rocked a second time and Al'Shain heard a dispair-ridden wail from inside as a scythe-sword hooked over the ledge on the other side of the back of the carriage.
Coming in fast, Al'Shain drove his knee between the roof of the carriage and the rail around it's edge that could have been used to secure cargo to the roof if it had been neccessary for the trip and lunged one of his blades over the edge of the carriage.
Looking down at the suprised beast, Al'Shain jammed his sword into the fleshy muscular web between the monster's neck and shoulder. Twisting savagely and thrusting again while the blade had pulled free of the trolloc's flesh, Al'Shain drove the beast down, but its grip held fast on the carriage.

Al'Shain's melee attack hit for full damage, and both trollocs succeded a climb check to hold onto the carriage. Contrary to the story's flow, since your initiative occurred before the trollocs', your attack had no chance of knocking one off, but will next round.

Her heartbeat pounding in her ears, Audrey imagined the riverbank at its souce. It didn't really matter what she imagined the source was, be it a spring, melting waters, rain runoff...the important thing was knowing there was a source. Once the connection was made, the source would continue to feed the river, and the weave would remain in place of its own accord. Making no sudden movements and controlling her breath as much as her adrenaline would allow, Audrey inspected her bruises as best she could.

Gonna have to say no on the Renew weave. 1) no channeler can affect themselves with the One Power in any direct way. 2) The chair leg, while an improvised weapon, still did regular damage (blunt weapons cannot be used to do subdual damage with the exception of the sap), and Renew applies only to subdual damage. Other than that, Audrey sees no change in the scene around her.
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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Audrey waits a little while longer, trying to see if her assailant would make himself known.

OOC: Fair enough on Renew. My bad.

Karl Green

First Post
Al'shain de'Kossin, Borderlander Armsman

"Shadowspawn scum...." yells the Borderland as he slashes at the trolloc's with one sword (will try and get a good position so that he can swing both swords next round)

Attack roll 11 +8 (higher ground? +1) =19 to hit. Damage is 1d8+5 =11 points

Al'shain clears his mind as best as possible...


First Post
Some more melee-attack rolls for the next 3 rounds...
1. Attack d20(15)+7= 22 / Damage d6(1)+2= 3
2. Attack d20(15)+7= 22 / Damage d6(6)+2= 8
3. Attack d20(10)+7= 17 / Damage d6(6)+2= 8

Please check the OOC Thread, cause I'm kinda confused about the way this fight played out.



First Post
Drawing furry lips to bare great yellow fangs, the trolloc spreads its arms wide to try to grab Hanjia if she were to dodge one way or the other. The beast's great maw seemed easily capable of tearing a sizeable portion of human flesh from the bone. If Hanjia let it, the beast could have fit its 3-inch canines under her chin and on the top of her head.
The beast rushed in a fury like a pouncing grizzly. A grizzly pouncing on a squirrel that ducked between its legs. And stabbed it with a spear on the way by, and again from behind.

Turning her back on the final, defeated trolloc, Hanjia retrieved her thrown spear and cleaned them both on a piece of not-completely-soiled cloth found on a body. Planting the spears point down, the maiden considered her next move.

combat: you attacked, then got an attack of opportunity as the trolloc initiated a grapple and killed it. Sorry again for the confusion. The trolloc horns are perhaps a quarter mile and half a mile distant, to the north east and north respectively. Arrun's forces lie to the east, closer than the horns.

Deciding this trolloc had come just about an arm's length too close to boarding the carriage, Al'Shain drew back his blade and hacked down over the back of the vehicle. Again the soldier aimed toward the shoulder, this time with more telling results. The fine steel blade hacked a deep ravine into the curved plate that covered the trolloc's upper arm, and a reverberating crack reported through the metal sword as the beast's limb gave way.
The trolloc twisted at painful angles as it tumbled away from Al'Shain.
During this time, the other trolloc had made its way onto the carriage and readied its scythesword.
Al'Shain rose to meet this new foe with both blades ready; one bloody, one still hungry.

combat: your attack killed the first trolloc that tried to board, one is now on the carriage with Al'Shain (working on a map tonight, but the carriage is 2 squares wide, 3 long, with the driver on one end and you and the trolloc on the other; the doors are on the sides in the middle of the carriage, and the 4 horses extend 5 squares in front of the carriage

Audrey listens for several moments, intently surveying her surroundings.
She waits several moments before hearing light footsteps in the hall outside.

ooc: check your e-mail. no further happenings.

Karl Green

First Post
Al'shain de'Kossin, Borderlander Armsmen

Al'shain growls and hatchs at the trollorc that made it onto the carriage "Shadowspawn! Darkness take you!"

Attack roll 5 +4 =9, Damage (HA!) 1d8+5 = 10 pts. Second attack roll 13 +4 =7, Damage is 1d8+3 =10 points

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Cautiously, Audrey gets up and moves away from the screen of folded light. She moves out of the library, looking to find an Aes Sedai — at the moment, any Ajah will do. A grey man in the Tower? Feeling safe for the moment, the girl's adrenaline wears off, and, for the first time in a while, she's conscious of the bruises she's sustained. Ooooh...I should get a sister to help me with that.

OOC: E-mail read and responded to.
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First Post
Quickly collecting her meager, bloodstained belongings, Hanjia glances up at the sky to check her heading and the time, silently cursing the sun-obscuring foilage for the tenth time this day.

'The wetlanders .. are headed due south from their last position. The road clear,.. the scouts have crossed it,''
The Maiden quickly summerizes the report to herself while removing her veil and turning amid the scattered corpses, wondering how much time she had lost.

'And Trollocs to the north. Two fists it seems and Arrun likely fighting with them. Could Leafblighters dogs be looking for that wetlander settlement? Or did they follow us?'
Hanjia growls, pondering the mystery of the Shadowspawn as she turns east from the bloody clearing and back to her people.

Limping through the underbrush, with her teeth clenched against the pain from her injured hip, the young Maiden pushes herself to greater speed, intend to make up the time lost.

The wounds would need to be cleaned and cared for she knows. Trollocs were, after all, not known to keep their blades unsoiled. Even worse, every step of her left a tiny trail of red drops. A trail that even a blind and toothless hound could follow without effort.
Pushing back those disconcerting thoughts for the moment and refusing to even acknowledge the seeping wound in her shoulder, Hanjia skips over another fallen log, darting through the forest as quick as a fleeing hare and as silent as a hunting wolf.


First Post
As Hanjia approached the place where Arrun's single call had reported from, the maiden spied several dead trollocs, killed in groups of two to five. About 25 dead in this direction, but the trollocs had few stained blades. The fighting had been short and one-sided so far.
The troupe consisted of veterans mostly, seasoned dancers that would have hunted these trollocs in packs through this relatively dense cover, dealing death before the trollocs would have a chance to recover and form a defense.
Scouring the area where her allies should be, Hanjia spied another maiden signaling her from a fallen tree.
Hanjia trotted over and laid with her good shoulder against the fallen tree, similar to Anala's.

"You're injured." Anala whispered, and signaled in another direction for a brother of the eagle to come from hiding.
The tall, lean man moved quickly at a crouch and produced tawny cloths and a waterskin to quickly tend Hanjia's wounds.
"Proceed toward the eastern horn, the main force is headed that way. We don't think the trollocs are after us and the northern scouts say they are converging on the road. Do not engage until you have a team with you, we aren't taking casualties, only harrying leafblighter's hand as it strikes the wetlanders."
The male algai'd'siswai had done a rather nice job with his field dressing, Hanjia noted, though in notorious trouble spots, the wrappings were not hindering to her movement.

ooc: the horns have been steadily approaching. The heal check was successful, and has converted 3 points of damage into subdual damage. It doesn't look like the pair intend to go with you, probably waiting to give similar orders and aid to any other scouts that follow.

Lashing with the bloodstained blade, Al'Shain forced his opponent to parry or step off the carriage. Parry it was as the beast almost flung Al'Shain's sword from his grasp and raised its own heavy scythesword into the air with both hands.
Rolling his shoulder and hip forward, Al'Shain followed the first swipe with a thrust of his second, silver blade. Biting deep in the trolloc's gut, the sword's thirsty edge rent a terrible wound and withdrew.
Feeling his strike land, Al'Shain tried to dodge the trolloc's incoming attack, but as he stepped back the blade came crashing down on him. The inside arc of the blade wrapped around him, striking with great force but not penetrating his armor.
Al'Shain considered the 3 foot long welt he'd have if he survived this as he bounced off the carriage roof to a near-standing position.

combat: your first attack misses, as you predicted, and your second hits. The trolloc lands his attack for 7 damage (my d4's seem to be rusty). by my math the trollocs are advancing next round (basically what I'm doing is allowing them to make grappling attacks of opportunity as the carriage leaves their threatened space once they get close enough-followed by a climb check to remain fastened to the carriage as it continues past their movement for the round. If you know where I can find any rules that define boarding a moving object from foot, please let me know and I'll use those because I can't find any, unless I overlooked something.

Walking briskly but staying aware, Audrey headed for the door. Soft footsteps sounded out in the hallway but disappeared as they came onto the carpeted floor of the library. Rounding the last bookshelf, Audrey saw from down the aisle exactly what she had wanted.
This woman was not exceptionally tall, with dark brown hair and eyes about her ageless face. With an Andoran accent the woman rather sharply demanded "What is going on here? Accepted shouldn't be here at all, much less embraced, child; is there someone here with you?"

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
"Brienne Sedai sent me to see Iemynne Sedai with a message, but she wasn't there. When I got inside, I was attacked by a man with a chair leg — I think it was a gray man, as I didn't notice him until after he hit me in the chin." Thankful for finding an Aes Sedai, but slightly wary of a possible punishment, she keeps her story short and to the point, trying not to focus on the pain in her chin and side, which almost causes her to forget to curtsey.
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