D&D 5E Thematics for Sorcerer dip for a character who is a creepy Fey Warlock/Ranger


Currently playing an Autum Eladrin Archfey Warlock 1/Fey Wanderer Ranger 12 with S8 D16 C10 I8 W20 CH14. She is from the Feywild (Feylost Background) and started 1st level as a Warlock with the Queen of Air and Darkness as a patron.

She has two feats: Shadow Touched with Cause Fear and the metamagic Adept with Quicken Spell and Subtle Spell. Warlock spells are Disguise Self, Hex, Green Flame Blade and Minor Illusion. Fighting Style is Druid Warrior with Magic Stone and Shillaleagh. In play she is a controller/Gish more than a full up martial and is also the party face (+17 Deception, +12 Persuasion and Intimidation)

I think 12th level is all I really want to go with Ranger, there does not seem to be a whole lot more to get out of additional Ranger levels. Mechanically I think I would like to pick up some Sorcerer levels I think. Sorcerer subclass abilities are pretty front loaded and more sorcery points with flexible casting would be a huge boon for her. I am struggling to fit any of the Sorcerer subclasses into the character theme though.

Any ideas?
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If you play up the creepy more than the lovecraftian, go with Aberrant Mind from TCoE. You've got Queen Mab running around in your soul already, having the nightmares and terror she controls at your beck and call (arms of Hadar, dissonant whispers, etc) and the ability to whisper to others' minds is thematically aligned.


Follower of the Way
Why not Shadow? With Shadow Touched, and your patron being the Queen of Air and Darkness, the story begs for an Unseelie concept, attacking from the shadows. If you reach Sorc 6, your Hound of Ill Omen can be fluffed as a Moddey Dhoo or cù-sìth or the like. Strength of the Grave would thus be representative of how fey you've become--you are no longer quite mortal, albeit not immortal either.

To follow on EzekielRaiden's suggestion, Storm Sorcery is in line with an agent of the Queen of Air and Darkness. Those bonus action 10ft flights without AoO are incredibly useful. It also is kind of druid-y with the elemental aspect.

At 6th level zotting targets 10ft away with 3hp of thunder or lightning isn't massive damage but it racks up over time.
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A little unorthodox, but you could use Draconic Ancestor, going for white/silver dragon (cold), ask GM to modify "You can speak, read, and write Draconic. Additionally, whenever you make a Charisma check when interacting with dragons, your proficiency bonus is doubled if it applies to the check." > Sylvan and fey instead. And then everything else is just a reskin, e.g. Draconic Resilience isn't scales but instead a cloak of bleakest night or vortex of dark winds that activates during combat, and if you get to Dragon Wings describe them as dark iridescent fey wings.

greg kaye

With the Queen of Air and Darkness being a defacto god of the feywild and with your character's supremely high wisdom score, divine soul could fit. Command adds an edge to the enchantment sides of fey wanderer charms, it could also fit with some takes on the Queen of A&D and, if you can swing it, could make good use of your positive wisdom modifier.

You can call on the winds of fate to buffet you on course as reflavourings of Favored by the Gods, guidance, and bless, or in your blowing of adversaries off course with bane.

However regular sorcerer spells may fill any of your air side of Air and Darkness requirements with Gust, Lightning Lore, Ray of Frost, and/or Shocking Grasp cantrips, Feather Fall and Thunderwave.

All the same, with your character's wis 20, my first thoughts might be to nature cleric and druid.


Follower of the Way
NGL, the responses thus far being "how about literally all of the things?" is absolutely hilarious to me. Doubly so with at least one being "or maybe something that isn't Sorcerer at all?" Not entirely sure we are providing much help in picking something!

greg kaye

.... I am struggling to fit any of the Sorcerer subclasses into the character theme though.

Any ideas?
... "how about literally all of the things?"
Yup, all the things, well at least a lot of them, can be fine because the "things" may not really matter if it's flavour and themes that are being worked out.
... "or maybe something that isn't Sorcerer at all?" ...
Yup. When someone is thinking:
..., there does not seem to be a whole lot more to get out of additional Ranger levels. Mechanically I think I would like to pick up some Sorcerer levels I think. ...

Any ideas?
Among things to think about could be making good use of that 20 wis rather than the 14 chr. When someone is thinking about mechanics, it may be worth mentioning other mechanical options. 🤷‍♂️
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A couple different options for you that are highly versatile...

Option 1: Pick whatever you want and explain it as your heritage finally expressing itself having been passively there all along.

Option 2: Have your new sorcerer powers be inflicted upon you after something infects you. You can pick a recent event in the game that makes sense or work out something with the DM.

I played a similar-ish designed PC once upon a time: 5 Levels of GloomStalker, then 1 Level of Cleric of Order, then 5 Levels of Divine Soul, then 4 Levels of Assassin, then 3 levels of Battlemaster, than 2 more levels of Sorcerer. She was a Tiefling that believed, fiercely, that Asmodeus was misunderstood. Everything that Asmodeus did was necessary to fight the Blood War - and that the rest of the universe was really to blame for not supporting the efforts of the Devils to keep the Demons from winning the Blood War (which would end the universe). She was an Archer and this storyline was a backdrop until I added that level of Cleric of Order. However, she was less "organized religion" and more "this is in my blood" as a Tiefling, so I went with Divine Soul Sorcerer from there. She developed a role as an assassin so she switched from the sorcerer elements to a little Assassin and then Battlemaster benefits before catching a couple more levels of sorcerer at the tail end of her existence.

When I tell people I played this PC who had 5 classes they ask about why I built it that way. While it was a very efficient PC at all times, the reason was because the story lead me there. I made choices that followed the storyline of the campaign.


Thanks all. This gives me a ton of ideas I did not think of before. I am leaning towards Storm or Shadow.

I really like the Dragon idea, switching Dragon to Fey, but I don't think my DM would go for it. He kind of groans when I multiclass already.
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