D&D 5E Thematics for Sorcerer dip for a character who is a creepy Fey Warlock/Ranger


What does your archfey goddess-like super power who gives you powers want? This queen invested in you at level one with some sort of bargain of you advancing her vision and then you jump to 12 levels of ranger and not planning to go back to her. Something to think about.

As a player it is your character, so whatever you want is fine. I'm not arguing that the DM should so something to your PC for not advancing as warlock. Seems like you are looking for something mechanically that will make cool crossover combos or such. I'm not very good at helping with that part of PC building.

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Among things to think about could be making good use of that 20 wis rather than the 14 chr. When someone is thinking about mechanics, it may be worth mentioning other mechanical options. 🤷‍♂️

The spell slots stack and Summon Fey and cause Fear (the main uses) already work off of the 20 Wisdom, so I will be getting new slots to upcast those things either way. Also Beguiling Twist works off Wisdom regardless of the save of the trigger spell, so a weak Tasha's laughter can be turned into a strong Beguiling Twist when the enemy saves.

In any case, if I take a few levels of a caster (any caster) it will mostly be utility spells I am picking up since the offensive spells are not going to be able to compete with my Wisdom spells, or for that matter my attacks in most cases. I am thinking of things like Shield, feather fall, Silvery Barbs, Levitate, See Invisibility etc.


What does your archfey goddess-like super power who gives you powers want? This queen invested in you at level one with some sort of bargain of you advancing her vision and then you jump to 12 levels of ranger and not planning to go back to her. Something to think about.

What Mab actually wanted was for me to stay in the Feywild (at least that is what I think as she does not actually speak to me but rather imparts emotions and nightmares). My story arc is based on running away from her court and not really being able to get away completely becasue she still haunts me.

As for mechanics, absolutely flexible casting and more spell slots would help a lot and that is explicitly why I prefer Sorcerer. However the story is important to me and more levels in Ranger does not really advance the story arc either. The levels so far do because of the Fey Wanderer subclass abilities all lean into it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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