D&D 5E These Animated Spell Cards Look Like Something From The Future

Physical spell cards which animate when you tilt them. It’s like actual magic. Rather than me describe them, click the link and take a look!

Physical spell cards which animate when you tilt them. It’s like actual magic. Rather than me describe them, click the link and take a look!


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These are really cool, but at this point I don't play 5E as often as to pay so much for these. The Tarot deck on the other hand... I will probably get that. The problem with this KS however is that most people are backing it for the Tarot deck, but they still did not provide sample images for the Minor Arcana and the first and only stratch goal for the tarot deck is at 700k and it's a payed addon.


We used to have 3D cards like that in the 70s-80s. The image changed when you changed the angle.

I have the regular d&d spell cards. No need for duplicate despite the cool factor.


Physical spell cards which animate when you tilt them. It’s like actual magic. Rather than me describe them, click the link and take a look!

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Well those "3D" postcards were a hit back in the 70s. Most of them had 2 Photos in one and when you tilted them they showed something different, e.g. a person with or without clothing, or some object "moving"

But I love those spellcards, and I wonder if it is the same technology/base like back then


Well those "3D" postcards were a hit back in the 70s. Most of them had 2 Photos in one and when you tilted them they showed something different, e.g. a person with or without clothing, or some object "moving"

But I love those spellcards, and I wonder if it is the same technology/base like back then

They use the same holographic tech. It is more refined. The KS video shows 8 layers. Which is impressive compared to the 2-3 layers I remember.

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