D&D 5E These Animated Spell Cards Look Like Something From The Future

Physical spell cards which animate when you tilt them. It’s like actual magic. Rather than me describe them, click the link and take a look!

Physical spell cards which animate when you tilt them. It’s like actual magic. Rather than me describe them, click the link and take a look!


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Patron Badass
I should get the tarot card as a gift for a friend. God knows it's not to put the abomination known as The Deck of Many Things into any campaign that I'd like to see past the third session.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
It surprises me they're going with a tarot deck rather than the Deck of Many Things (which their company is actually named for). An inherently magical deck of cards seems like it would be a natural for this process.

EDIT: Whoops, they've got that already.

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