• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



Sounds like Thorid would know all about the workings of the armor, which is probably going to be equivilent of scale and I wouldn't mind it being upgraded to plate sometime through the adventure when I get to spend feats on it ;)
Sounds great... lot of stuff to complain about! :D

"I've just repaired this!"
"Not that this again!"
"Be careful with this!"

Everything mumbled of course, because he knows better than to offend a superior! ;)

Cheers, LT.

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First Post
Yeah, sure. And no problem with you snatching it. It's the first 4e character I did for myself. I tried to build something balanced that could hold his own in a tough spot. But I really need to remember to remove the Weapon Focus benefits from the sheet in the IC thread :D. I see you forgot...

Dammit. That's what comes of copy/paste when you're not concentrating. Thanks for catching it.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
The first question is, do you want to play the woodlands eco-elf ala Tolkien Mirkwood Elves, or the crystal cities arcane masters elf ala Tolkien Rivendell Elves (who are in 4e now called Eladrin)?


My character, for your copy-pasta.[Sblock=Ellis]Ellis Bertram
Male Human Wizard
Level 1, Good

Str: 10 +0
Con: 13 +1
Dex: 10 +0
Int: 20 +5
Wis: 13 +1
Cha: 8 -1

AC: 16
Fort: 12
Ref: 16
Will: 14
Init: +0
Spd: 6

Hit Points: 23 Bloodied: 11
Healing Surge: 5 Per Day: 7

Basic Attacks:
Staff: +0, 1d6
Magic Missile: +5 vs. Reflex, 2d4+5

Magic Missile (standard; at-will):
- +5 vs Reflex, 2d4+5 (arcane, force, implement)
- Ranged 20
Ray of Frost (standard; at-will):
- +5 vs Fortitude, 1d6+5 & slowed 1 turn (arcane, cold, implement)
- Ranged 10
Thunderwave (standard; at-will):
- +5 vs Fortitude, 1d6+5 & push 1 square (arcane, implement, thunder)
- Close Blast 3
Ray of Enfeeblement (standard; encounter):
- +5 vs Fortitude, 1d10+5 & weakened 1 turn (arcane, implement, necrotic)
- Ranged 10
Flaming Sphere (standard; daily):
- +5 vs Reflex, 2d6+5 (arcane, conjuration, fire, implement)
- Any creature that starts its turn adjacent to the sphere takes 1d4+5 dmg
- Sustain minor
- Move action: move sphere 6 squares
- Standard action: attack with sphere
Sleep (standard; daily):
- +5 vs Will, Slowed [save ends] (arcane, implement, sleep)
- If the first save is failed, target becomes unconcious [save ends]
- miss: target is slowed [save ends]

Linguist [1st]
Linguist [Human]

Passive Insight 11
Passive Perception 11
Arcana +10
Dungeoneering +6
History +10
Nature +6
Religion +10


Race and Class Features:
Bonus At-Will Power
Bonus Feat
Bonus Skill
Human Defense Bonuses
Arcane Implement Mastery (Staff of Defense)
Cantrips (ghost sound, light, mage hand, prestidigitation)

At Will: Magic Missle, Ray of Frost, Thunderwave
Encounter: Ray of Enfeeblement
Daily: Sleep* OR Flaming Sphere
*currently prepared

Brew Potion
Make Whole
Secret Page

Equipment: Cloth Armor (1gp), Staff (5gp), Adventurer’s Kit (15gp) 79gp.[/sblock][Sblock=Background:]
Fresh from six years at Arcanum College (Go Wolverines!), Ellis has just graduated with his Master of Magic (M.M.) degree. While in college Ellis was consistently top of his class, and also involved in a number of extra-curricular activites. Secretary of the Youth Adventurer's Guild; Drum Major in the marching band; President, founder and sole member of the Merlin Appreciation Society; and treasurer of the glee club. Extreme devotion to his school? Or just an inability to ever say "no"?

Sadly, in the six years that Ellis has been strenuously avoiding the real world, the economy has tanked. Jobs are few and far between, and tuition loans are looming ominously on the horizon. He was on the brink of an act of desparation (moving back in with his parents) when he saw the ad placed in the local paper.

We are a group of heroes seeking someone to lend their arcane might to our efforts. Come, join us on the path of rightousness!
Apply to Sir Voluminous Enormous, Number 5 Grove Street.

Also sought: one hireling for armor polishing, equipment carrying, cooking and other assorted duties.
Mechanically inclined, a plus.

He wasted no time in applying for the position. But due to a terrible mix-up, he seems to have gotten the wrong job. He keeps trying to explain the error, but nobody seems to pay any attention. Normally he'd simply give up on them. . . but money's tight. And it IS a steady pay-check. And really, they have to notice sooner or later, right? . . . Right? :-S

[sblock=Ellis's deepest darkest secret. On no account should any of you read this.][sblock=No, really. I'm serious, this is personal stuff.][sblock=c'mon guys, knock it off!][sblock=I hate you.]Ellis is still a virgin. Chicks dig adventurers, right?[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock][/sblock][/QUOTE][/sblock]


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Relique du Madde

Blackrat, I have a question. If I want to own a non-existant piece of equiptment that was standard adventuring gear in previous editions and existed for the benifit of one class, what do I do?

In other words, What "Hippie" doesn't know own a musical instrument (even if they don't know how to play it)?


Korz Cragstone
Male Dwarf Inquisitor (warlord)
Level 1, Unaligned

Str: 18 +4
Con: 13 +1
Dex: 8 -1
Int: 10 0
Wis: 12 +1
Cha: 14 +2

AC: 18 (17 without light shield)
Fort: 15
Ref: 11 (10 without light shield)
Will: 13
Init: -1
Spd: 5

Hit Points: 25 Bloodied: 12
Healing Surge: 6 Per Day: 8

Basic Attack:
Warhammer: +6, 1d10+4

Furious Smash (standard; at-will):
- +6 vs Fort, 4 damage and a chosen ally adjacent to you or the target gets +2 power (= cha bonus) to attack roll and damage Vs target till the end of that characters next turn
Wolf pack tactics (standard; at-will):
chosen ally adjacent to you or target may shift 1 square as a free action then
- +6 vs AC, 1d10+4
Hammer and Anvil (standard; encounter):
- +6 vs Ref, 1d10+4
Bastion of Defence (standard; daily):
- +6 vs AC, 3D10+4 & allies within 5 squares of you gain +1 power bonus to all defences until end of the encounter
Effect: allies within 5 squares of you gain 7 temporary hit points (= 5 + cha bonus)
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Scale)

Passive Insight 11
Passive Perception 11

Intimidate 7
Heal 6
History 5
Diplomacy 7

Dungeoneering 3
Endurance 3

Race and Class Features:
Dwarven Reslience:Use Second wind as a minor action
Cast Iron Stomach: +5 racial bonus to saving throws against poison.
Encumbered Speed: You move at normal speed even when it would normally be reduced by armor of heavy load.
Stand Your Ground: when you are forced to move move 1 less square. when going prone make immediate saving throw to avoid going prone.

Combat Leader: You and each ally within 10 squares gains a +2 power bonus to initiative
Inspiring Presence: when allies spend an action point they heal 2 hit points (1/2 level plus charisma mod)
Inspriring Word: (minor; 2xencounter):
- one ally in close burst 5. Effect target can spend a healing surge amd regain an additional 1d6 hit points

At Will: Furious Smash, Wolf Pack Tactics
Encounter: Hammer and Anvil
Daily: Bastion of Defence

Equipment: Scale Armor 45lb (45gp), Light Shield 6lb (5gp), Warhammer [1D10 versatile +2 proficiency] 5lb (15gp),
Standard Adventurer's Kit 33lbs(15gp), Lantern 2lb (7gp), oil x10 [from errata]10lb (10sp) 20sp pocket change.
101lb of equipment total carrying capacity of 180lbs

1 pony Bar'ak (daisy) to carry misc replacement bits for clockwork armor.

A senile ancient dwarf with He has a black none moving glass eye occupying the right socket and a pale blue beady eye functioning eye in his left socket, a large nose pokes over a mass of white hair coming out of the lower part of his face that totally covers his mouth, braided in heavy metal clasps in several places.
4ft 6 in height his relatively fragile body (for a dwarf) is encased in a whirring-ticking-clunking set of bronzey/brown coloured clockwork/mechanised armor that provides him with a physical drive to match his fervor.
The left leg is replaced by a fully mechanical limb with ends in a flattend base with four metallic pads branching off for stability which themselves have a limited degree of movement.
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If I want to own a non-existant piece of equiptment that was standard adventuring gear in previous editions
See, I was thinking of a totally different piece of equipment up until the end of your post.

Suffice to say, if anyone decides to run the Humorous Hive Mutants and Masterminds campaign, I shall be playing the freakishly tall Stanislaw Syrzkowzki; the ten-foot Pole.

Relique du Madde

See, I was thinking of a totally different piece of equipment up until the end of your post.

Suffice to say, if anyone decides to run the Humorous Hive Mutants and Masterminds campaign, I shall be playing the freakishly tall Stanislaw Syrzkowzki; the ten-foot Pole.

Don't give me ideas for when Manga and Mecha comes out.. :p

Relique du Madde

[sblock="Presenting: Jasper Dream"]
“Jasper Dream” aka Dietre Siegfried Kohler Feistivos III
Male Tiefling (Ranger)
Level 1 Hippie (Good)

Str: 15 +2
Con: 12 +1
Dex: 15 +2
Int: 10 +0
Wis: 14 +2
Cha: 13 +1

AC: 13
Fort: 13
Ref: 13
Will: 12
Init: +2
Spd: 6

Hit Points: 29 Bloodied: 14
Healing Surge: 7 Per Day: 7

Basic Attacks:
Longsword (main): +6, 1d8+2 (1d8+3 when using two weapons)
Longsword (off hand): +6, 1d8+2

Double the Pleasure (standard; at-will):
- REQUIRED: Wielding 2 melee weapons or a ranged weapon.
- Strength vs AC (melee; main and off-hand) or Dexterity vs. AC (ranged)
- 2 attacks: 1[W] damage per attack.

Hit and Run (standard; at-will):
- Strength vs AC
- Hit: 1[W] + Strength mod damage
- Leaving first square adjacent to target doe not provoke OA

Harshed Mellow (minor; encounter):
- +1 to attack a target that hit JD
- Successful attack deals extra damage equal to CHR Mod

Frenzied Love In (standard; encounter):
- REQUIRED: Wielding 2 melee weapons.
- Close burst 1, Strength vs AC
- Hit: 1[W] + STR mod damage

Love Bite (standard; daily):
- Strength vs. AC (melee) or Dexterity vs. AC.
- Hit: 2[W] + STR Mod or 2[w] + DEX mod damage. Slowed. 5 damage (ongoing) [save ends]
- Miss: ½ Damage. No ongoing damage. Slowed [until end of next turn]

Toughness, Two-weapon Fighting

Passive Insight 10
Passive Perception 10

Acrobatics +7
Athletics +7
Healing +7
Nature +7
Stealth +9
Bluff +3

Common, Elven

Race and Class Features:
Bloodhunt: +1 attack bloodied foes.
Fire Resistance: 5 + (1/2 Level)
Harshed Mellow (Infernal Wrath): Enc. Power
Hunter’s Quarry: +1d6 extra damage to nearest enemy (minor action, once per round)
Prime Shot: +1 range attack if no allies closer to target then JD.
Two-Blade Fighting Style: Wield one-handed weapon as off-hand weapon

At Will: Hit and Run, Double the Pleasure (Twin Strike)
Encounter: Frenzied Love In (Dire Wolverine Strike)
Daily: Love Bite (Hunter’s Bear Trap)

Adventure's Kit (15pg), Clothing (Free), Leather Armor (25gp), Longswordx2 (30gp), Lute (25gp), 5gp.


Height: 6'2"
weight: 160lb.
Complexion: Pale
Eyes: Red
Hair: Dark Brown, long and matted.
Tail: Long slender.
Likes: Peace, Love, Music, Nature.
Dislikes: Having his mellow harshed. "The Magistrate."

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