You cannot use a spell scroll without a magic action, it is an item that requires you to use a magic action which it casts a spell and causes it to disappear, this is not the same thing as “modifying” a spell if it can cast spells you cannot even cast
There is no action involved with a wand, it is a constant +1 if you are holding it
You cannot use the wand without a magic action, it is an item that requires you to use a magic action.
The only difference is that the scroll disintegrates after use, while the wand does not. Fast Hands makes no mention of the magic item needing to disintegrate.
If you use a spell scroll to cast a spell that is prepared and you have slots available does it no longer benefit from Fast Hands because you are casting a spell you could cast without the magic item (scroll)?
There is no +1 with the wand if you do not use an action.