D&D 5E Thieves Have Gone Too Far in the City of Rogues

Once again the infamous monstrous burglars known as the Florists have struck against the powers that be in Elissar, though perhaps this time they’ve bitten off more than they can chew. The target of their latest heist is none other than Charlan Olawarin, the Mirror of Morrigan’s ruling Thieves Guild, and they don’t know it but the well-meaning criminals have taken something that the masters of the City of Rogues will recover at all costs. This adventure for 4–6 PCs of 7th–8th level is a sequel to Northminster Job, decisively designed by Mike Myler, featuring illustrations by Ede Lazslo, Jori Hollander, Herman Lau, Hannah Seakins, and Phil Stone, and cartography by Umut Comak.

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Lately on EN5ider:
  • 530. Adventure: More Again in Morrigan. Once again the infamous monstrous burglars known as the Florists have struck against the powers that be in Elissar, though perhaps this time they’ve bitten off more than they can chew. The target of their latest heist is none other than Charlan Olawarin, the Mirror of Morrigan’s ruling Thieves Guild, and they don’t know it but the well-meaning criminals have taken something that the masters of the City of Rogues will recover at all costs. This adventure for 4–6 PCs of 7th–8th level is a sequel to Northminster Job, decisively designed by Mike Myler, featuring illustrations by Ede Lazslo, Jori Hollander, Herman Lau, Hannah Seakins, and Phil Stone, and cartography by Umut Comak.
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Mike Myler

Mike Myler

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