Thieves World


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One of my pals took his thieves world boxed set and made it into PDFs. The quality was questionable, but it kept him from having to handle the books a lot, so his originals are in great shape still. He never could convince any of us to play though. We never read any of the books, so interest was low.

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Even with the new skills and other changes in d20 charisma is still the dump stat for many people. Soon, I will explain why in Sanctuary (and it can be used in other places) charisma is universally important.

Mr Fidgit

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Crothian said:
there is a feat in a Dragon Magazine that allows one to take an additional familiar. He does have the pair of more of Baskilisks.
in TW book 6, Wings of Omen, Lalo creates the vulgar unicorn and all of the high-powered wizardly types notice the magic (or the disturbance in the force, or whatever :D). Enas Yorl's reaction: "Automatically he summoned his familiars and sent them scurrying through the twisted streets."

i don't think he sent his basilisks out into the streets...

maybe he has animal companions like a non-adventuring druid (?)


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I'll have to make a high level Wizard feat to detect magic being used in such and such a radius. I think that would be really cool.

I guess I could do another high level feat that offers certain amount of weaker familiars.

Mr Fidgit

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Crothian, how many races are in Thieves World? i've seen your list on the other thread, but book 7 names a bunch

about Moonflower (who's a S'Danzo)..."And she had Seen many things for many others. Ilsegi and Twanders, Mrsevadans and Rankans, Syrese and Auryeshi...and now Beysibs."


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Mr Fidgit said:
Crothian, how many races are in Thieves World? i've seen your list on the other thread, but book 7 names a bunch

about Moonflower (who's a S'Danzo)..."And she had Seen many things for many others. Ilsegi and Twanders, Mrsevadans and Rankans, Syrese and Auryeshi...and now Beysibs."
What about that old one...maybe it was a nation...Elinbbar? Whatever the really hard steal is named after. Was never sure if that was a past society/nation or a people.

And speaking of Beysibs, what about a Harka Bey (is that the right name?) prestige class?

Mr Fidgit

First Post
Crothian has Enlibar stronger than adamantine in the plots & places thread

Harka Bey would definately be PrC (those ladies are wicked dangerous!)

[hijack] the New Sacred Thread was just locked by PC? what's up with that? of course i haven't seen it since pg 15, and now its up pg 30?![/end hijack]


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Mr Fidgit said:
[hijack] the New Sacred Thread was just locked by PC? what's up with that? of course i haven't seen it since pg 15, and now its up pg 30?![/end hijack]
[continued hijack] Just lucky we got it to over 1100 posts. The last Sacred Thread was closed before 1000. [/end continued hijack]

And I am still not sure if Enlibbar was a nation or a people.
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Enlibar was a nation, the nation of the S'Danzo people actually. However, they become arragant and spited the gods. THeir nation was destroyed from within and they are now forced to wonder from place to place. Even S'Danzo who live in the same place for a deace will be ready to pack up and leave in less then a days time. They were the creators of Enlibar steel, a steel refined with magic. The secret of Enlibar steel is lost to even the S'Danzo.

Most of those other races I have no clue on. Only the Beysibs have actually been introduced into the novels. They come in and conquore Sanctuary for a little while. Odd people, literally fishheads.

I'm just using the races that are mentioned through out the books a few times. Since the world of Thieves World was never fully defined by anyone, there are many things mentioned in a short story or two that are never fully explained.

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