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This is Bazaar: Dungeon Adventure


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As his eyes took in the shop, Marcus turned as the man entered the shop and the addressed them as the very figure they had hoped to meet.

~I have heard of stories of giant and small birthings among men, could the same happen to other races as well???~

Hoping his surprise was not too obvious on his face, Marcus smiled as he spoke.

"Master Gehlve, we are hoping we could speak with you about locks, and more importantly, how someone could bypass locks of the quality that you sell."

Realizing his words might not have sounded as clear as he hoped, Marcus fought to urge to check the faces of the others and pressed ahead.

"Recently sir, there has been an outbreak of kidnappings, and the last victims were four children from the orphanage not far from here. As the orphanage has asked us to help in finding the guilty party, we wished to speak with a master of locks such as yourself."

While not as stylish as Ian might have done, Marcus tried to connect with the gnome as best he could.

(OOC: Diplomacy try, but thinking maybe Ian will have to come to my rescue on this...)

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Griswald crosses his arms defensively as the large figure enters the room. He looks the fellow over then puffs out his chest, letting his holy symbol rest in clear sight on his armour.

"Aye. Believe me, thar be noo need fa muscle here. You'll have no trouble from a paladin an' 'is comrades," he states clearly.

He goes and leans against the wall next to the door, looking a little miffed for the apparent bouncer's presence. In actual fact, while leaning there, he uses his detect evil ability, doing his best to include both Keygan and his lacky in the area of effect.


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"Right, well there Master Keygan. We were thinkin', ponderin' like, what sort of people would be interested in them wee ones. Well we says, they got past the best locks money can buy in this city. So, who better to ask than the man who made those locks. See, we figure you might know the sort who could get the better of your locks. By way of professional expertise of course."

I thought this Keygan was supposed to be a Gnome?? I better watch him close like.

Sense Motive +4


I like to draw!

Looking at the confused faces of his customers, Keygan explaines "Oh I see, you were expecting someone shorter? I AM a gnome, i just happen to be wearing my stilts. I find it makes the customer more comfortable when faced eye to eye.

Now, You are here about the kidnappings? My locks are involved? Rest assured, I provide the best possable protection available. But even the best locks are not fool-proof. You'd be suprised how rescourseful some organaizations are. As for who did the kidnappings...I have NO idea. Really."

Sence Motive result 22. You think he's hiding something. Perhaps *gasp* lying to you.

Detect evil while the fellows chat. 1st round you detect the presence of evil. 2nd round you discover there is only once aura of faint evil in the area. 3rd round you discover the evil is not Keygan, but is beyond and above...perhaps on the second floor? You are not sure of the exact location.


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Ah well... - Marcus

As the gnome explained his height modification devices, Marcus had to admit, it was quite the clever marketing move to use. His uncle stressed all the time to him about making eye contact with any potential customer, as it proved to them that you were willing to face life head on, not bowed to the whims of others.

~Plus I am sure it gives him an edge on those who see height as a sign of ability as well...quite clever indeed...~

As Keygan stressed that his locks were of the best possible quality and his innocence in the matter, Marcus knew that a merchant who had been in business as long as he had could not do so by placing his customers at risk.

~I just hope he does not take our questioning him as an attack on his person...~

"Master Gelhve, while we do not think you personally had anything to do with the kidnappings, one simple fect remains unchanged, it was your locks that have been targeting in their crimes. Could anyone have gained a copy of your keys? Do you have any assistants or rivals who could have looked the other way and misplaced the tools necessary to render your locks useless?"

Not wanting to sound pleading, but wanting the gnome to understand the severity of the situation, Marcus made one last plea to the gnome.

"Surely you understand that any help you give us, no matter how trivial it may be to you sir, could potentially lead us to the four missing children, and you sir, could be their hero."
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Griswald raises an eyebrow at his findings, deciding to let Marcus know quietly. He approaches the pair in conversation and tugs on Marcus' sleeve.

"Aye, excuse us for a moment," he takes Marcus to one side then whispers carefully, "There's a wee little sumthin', maybe upstairs. I can feel its presence. Its weak, but definitely evil."
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The plot thickens...Marcus

Confused as why Griswald needed to speak with him in the middle of his appeal to the locksmith, Marcus trusted that the dwarven knight would not do so unless he felt it was imperative to do so.

As Griswald whispered his findings to Marcus, the shocked tanner tried to keep his face a mask.

~Could he be misleading us on purpose, or perhaps is there more to this than he is letting on...how do we find out if his life is in danger by us being here...does he even know it is here...~

So many questions flooded Marcus' mind, but he knew to dwell on them for too long would tip their hand to whoever it was lurking above them.

"Yes...thank you Griswald...I will be more polite in the future..."

Walking back towards the stilted gnome, Marcus looked to Ian and wished he possessed the relaxed charm of the highlander.

"I must apologize Master Gehlve, as Master Griswald reminded me that an honorable man such as yourself would never soil his reputation or business to be associated with the seedier side of Cauldron."

Removing his backpack, Marcus removed a blank sheet of paper and pulled his pen from his jacket pocket.

"Here is the name of our inn sir, as well as who to leave a message with if we are not in. If you remember anything that might help us, please feel free to let us know."

Writing quickly as he spoke, Marcus passed the paper to the gnome and prayed he was not wrong about the gnome's true character.

You are not alone here...we wish to help...please trust we can help you if you are being threatened...nod if you understand me
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I like to draw!
All during Marcus' little plea for assistance, everyone noticed the gnome get more agitated and restless, especially when the children are mentioned. In the end, after reading Marcus' note, the gnome nods and motions, with his eyes, back beyond the curtain.


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