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This mentality needs to die


I love this kind of stuff! As somebody who has, and continues to, run games for his daughter, I would love to read more about the adventures you've run. I'm especially interested in rules and techniques for younger players.

If you ever decide to post a thread about this topic in particular, please let me know.

Working on a guide to getting kids into imaginative play and RPGs at present. Bigger task than I thought when I started sketching it out. Was going to be a blog post for Thistle Games but it's well past that now.

It'll be science not opinion, easy to digest and include more from Coco Wildwolf. Will share for free with ENWorld when it's done.

Coco's 'in training' to do a walkthrough for the system free scenarios/ setting project 'Questions of a 1000 Dreams' developing out of working with graphic RPG Treasure. Coco saw some of the rough layouts and artwork emailed by the concept artist and wouldn't shut up about it until a game was promised.

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Truth Seeker

Hmm, Kevin says that in the earlier 2000's that Chris had a more dramatic nature.

Last year, someone told me...that he (Chris) is more mechanical in nature (less dramatic?)

Which one of you cast a alignment shift on that man?


You're missing the point. You will find something wrong with whatever WotC does. It's a talent.

Not to be argumentative, but from reading your posts, you seem to be very sensitive to anyone criticizing WotC or have any issues with 4e--even if they play it, too.

Someone who dislikes 4e might actually have some insight as to how it could be improved, if you'd just listen without seeing them as lashing out, (and then lashing out yourself).


Now, I don't think this is JUST a 4e problem. I've been using that sig line since the 3e era, after all. I do think the syndrome is worsened by edition shift given the shift to a less "simulationist" philosophy, telling me that things occur some way because the game text says so, not because of the reason behind the game text.

I actually feel far less rules-ridden by 4e than I was by 3e, back when I used to run 3e more or less by RAW. 3e's attempt at simulation-by-rules; eg building monsters and NPCs by the rules for PCs, caused a lot more problems than 4e's approach of rules-are-for-players, which used to be my sig line. :)


First Post
DMs making mistakes happens regardless of edition.

DMs saying "No" instead of "Yes" happens regardless of edition.

DMs interpreting the rules strictly and literally happens regardless of edition.

And I don't believe that 4E particularly encourages any of the above, either.
Agreed on all accounts.

I think this a case of lack of familiarity with the rules. It certainly isn't one of the important rules but it certainly is mentioned somewhere that powers can be used to target objects. I think I recall this point came up in one of the very early Aquisitiions Inc. Podcasts when they first descended into the Keep of the Shadowfell (I may be wrong). Certainly, the DM in the video had to read the card, so clearly he didn't even know what darkfire was off the top of his head and it is clearly an unsuitable power to use to melt ice.

This isn't entirely surprising considering later podcasts in which Mr Wheaton's Avenger was fighting with a +3 or 4 to attack, and the DM didn't even pick up on the fact that he wasn't adding in his weapon proficiency bonus to his attacks.

New players, DMs unfamiliar with the rules... play is bound to be slower and lacking fluidity and improvisation.

I think it is unfair to suggest that the system has anything to do with this kind of ruling. The first time I read 'say yes', was reading the 4e DMG.


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
I gotta say that these unedited videos will probably be a problem. My session last night ran 5 hours, and was just a tiny part of an adventure.

If they do that whole dungeon there in 10 minute segments... 1 per week, they'll have them all posted sometime around 2018.


I think this a case of lack of familiarity with the rules.... ....Certainly, the DM in the video had to read the card, so clearly he didn't even know what darkfire was off the top of his head... New players, DMs unfamiliar with the rules... play is bound to be slower and lacking fluidity and improvisation...

Chris Perkins... *cough*...


Kzach has just gotten himself suspended for a few weeks. I'll be addressing the thread's other problems in a second. Guys, you know better - stop with the edition war crap and the veiled (or otherwise!) insults. No one wants to read it, honestly. I'd much rather we talk about the games we love, instead of complaining about the ones we don't.


My main experience of Mr. Perkins is as editor of Dungeon Magazine, which I thought was one of the low points of that publication because it empathized dungeons over stories.

Sounds like he was dong his job to me.

(My bold in the quote)

I was merely stating an opinion. He was doing his job, only not in the way I wanted him to. Its a matter of taste.

I am reading through old Dungeon issues (At #26 now) and in this period, each issue has about one dungeon and 3-4 adventures with plot. The dungeons tended to be longer, so I guess the magazine ended up with about equal parts dungeons, sandbox resources, and scenarios with plot. And that's how I liked it. I guess you liked the later issues with more dungeons better. No quarrel with that.


I think we are lookng far to deep into somebody else's game session.

To quote "mountain out of a molehill, tempest in a teapot, people in glass houses should't throw stones"...etc

Does/did he do somethings different than I would? Sure.

Has this session and the Penny Arcade one's been enjoyable and sparked some creative thoughts on my part? Yup.

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