D&D 3E/3.5 Thoughts of a 3E/4E powergamer on starting to play 5E


Guest 6801328

Nowadays I pay half attention, describe myself moving room to room and who I'm backing up and that I'm ready to charge towards the screaming, while playing a turn based game on the tablet that sits on my lap.

There's a player who does that in my AL group. Drives me completely crazy. She always needs a few seconds to get re-oriented to make a decision when she looks up from her phone on her turn. How much of our precious table-time has she wasted over the course of an evening? Sooooo disrespectful.

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No flips for you!
There's a player who does that in my AL group. Drives me completely crazy. She always needs a few seconds to get re-oriented to make a decision when she looks up from her phone on her turn. How much of our precious table-time has she wasted over the course of an evening? Sooooo disrespectful.

Yikes, I missed where oblivion said that. That is NOT ALLOWED at my table. Period. You can check your phone/tablet on occasion for emails, I don't even mind an occasional text during your downtime, but if you can't be bothered to pay attention and would rather play another game, then I will oblige you by giving you a bunch of time to play other games.


Glitches with long threads have been reported this week. I too seem to be not seeing all posts.

Same, many times now (in the last few days) I have even received notification that I was quoted, so I know it shouldn't be a result of the ignore function, I also see the thread has been updated, and the new poster, but when I try to see the posts they aren't there. Not sure if it is just the newest posts or if there are posts all over that I am not seeing.

So this may be constructive, being as you don't seem content with any form of response....

Everything you complain about with regard to 5E was complained about by a lot of people with regard to 4E.

How would you constructively and persuasively answer your own questions to someone how felt that 4E did not offer a big tent? Was too difficult to house rule? Had breakdowns between RP and mechanics?
I get that for your own personal taste 4E didn't have these problems. But you are asking people who don't have your problems with 5E to solve your problems. So how would you solve a 4E problem you don't have for someone who does have it?

You can show us a template for helping you.

This thread was never about solutions, the things in 5E I don't like aren't particularly fixable, especially in organized play. My aim here was to discuss the dissonance between how I play D&D and the 5E game I've started to participate in.

People who can't seem to stand anybody criticizing 5E have taken it upon themselves to try to fix things for me, but that's never been what this has been about. I have noticed that this thread hasn't made me any more inclined to play 5E to anyone else's standards.
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There's a player who does that in my AL group. Drives me completely crazy. She always needs a few seconds to get re-oriented to make a decision when she looks up from her phone on her turn. How much of our precious table-time has she wasted over the course of an evening? Sooooo disrespectful.

Well it's a trade off. I am bored to the point of violence when it comes to spending 15 minutes to search an empty room. Either I spend those 15 minutes on my phone and disrupt the game in a minor way coming back, or my boredom and unhappiness spills over. I can almost guarantee the latter will be more disruptive to the game. Think of it this way, I am being nice enough to allow everyone else to waste large portions of my precious table time doing things I have no interest in whatsoever.


Dusty Dragon
Well it's a trade off. I am bored to the point of violence when it comes to spending 15 minutes to search an empty room. Either I spend those 15 minutes on my phone and disrupt the game in a minor way coming back, or my boredom and unhappiness spills over. I can almost guarantee the latter will be more disruptive to the game. Think of it this way, I am being nice enough to allow everyone else to waste large portions of my precious table time doing things I have no interest in whatsoever.

Find another group/gm to play with. Honestly, this particular table is not for you - I mean give it a chance obviously, but it you are bored to tears consistently, why play?


First Post
Well it's a trade off. I am bored to the point of violence when it comes to spending 15 minutes to search an empty room. Either I spend those 15 minutes on my phone and disrupt the game in a minor way coming back, or my boredom and unhappiness spills over. I can almost guarantee the latter will be more disruptive to the game. Think of it this way, I am being nice enough to allow everyone else to waste large portions of my precious table time doing things I have no interest in whatsoever.

Do you think the general attitude you are presenting (especially the bolded above) is a good example to be setting for your stepson*?

I am speaking from a genuine place when I say, perhaps not playing is the better choice...

(*and yes, I have an, at one time, impressionable stepson of my own that I brought into gaming, in case it matters.)

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