[Thread Game] D&D Monsters A-Z

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
For worlds like Living EnWorld, that travel around on a giant turtle,
here is what carries the universe where aberrations come from:

I present you the Tojanida, elder!

tojanda, elder 001.jpg

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There was something very like one of these beasts on a recent episode of "The Flash." And I remember being creeped out by a similar monster on "Scooby Doo" (why does that show keep coming up?) when I was a little kid, even with the end-of-episode reveal that it was just some guy in a costume. But the thought of a humanoid shark really bothered me - sharks were okay in the ocean, I could just avoid the ocean and I'd be fine. But when they start growing arms and legs and coming up on land? No fair!



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One of the Great Old Ones, created by Ramsey Campbell and appearing first in his short story 'Cold Print'. It was adapted for D&D 3e in the 'Call of Cthulhu Gamemaster's Pack' as a Gargantuan Outsider (Demigod) with CR 19.
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First Post
About time for another denizen of the Dark Sun setting: The Cilops:

These giant centipedes are basically a kind of bloodhound in Athas, mainly used to track and hunt down escaped slaves.
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